This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hiraku wrote:
I'll be waiting for the next batch, then.
The quality between the two batches shouldn't be that drastically different.
Okie dokie =3
AnjitheArtist wrote:
Hey TenjouUsagi?
How soon is the next batch gonna be ready? I wanted to get a Normal ring and a Black Duelist ring but I need them both in like size 10....
Well, it actually all depends on how quickly the last few I have sell. I'm using the proceeds from these rings to purchase the rings that I'll be using in the next batch. They're a little bit more expensive also, so unfortunatelty the price for a ring from the new batch will be a bit higher than the previous. I think only by maybe $5 or so. I'm hoping to have the new ones ready to sell by mid-June, but July would be the latest, and really pushing into the convention season. We'll see how it goes... If I get a response soon from hyacinth_black, who has asked me to hold a size 7, and if the person asking about the size 8 (on eBay, not Hikaru on here) buys it, then I will only have 3 left, and getting new rings will definitely be a do-able thing. I just won't be able to get as many. I'm still working on finding black rings to use for the Black Rose Duelists. Unfortunately, the only thing I've found are wood rings.
Not the kind of quality ring I want to provide my fellow SKU fans with. When would you need these rings? =3
Last edited by TenjouUsagi (05-07-2007 08:54:00 PM)
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Oh, god. I want one so bad.
But grandma doesn't allow me to buy stuff off of eBay. T_T
Honto? {That's too bad.}
Forgive me, I've been playing too much FFXI lately...
Anyways, if she would allow it, you could "order" one from me via email. We could discuss the details there. Just a suggestion.
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Oh, god. I want one so bad.
But grandma doesn't allow me to buy stuff off of eBay. T_T
You could try to explain her how the feedback rating system on eBay works. If the person is a hoax, they'll get lots of negative feedback and no-one will buy them anything. If they have positive feedback, it means that the person is honest and sends the right stuff in time. Keeping that in mind, it's no more risky than ordinary webstores.
I must have that white duelist uniform...I plan on doing some form of Akio in drag at the Anime Expo..
Well not so much drag, but dammit I need that top if I am going to convincingly cosplay as Akio and hope to gawd that no one will say "Hey that's Storm from the X-Men!"
Last edited by Pallas Athena (05-08-2007 08:30:37 AM)
Pallas Athena wrote:
I must have that white duelist uniform...I plan on doing some form of Akio in drag at the Anime Expo..
Well not so much drag, but dammit I need that top if I am going to convincingly cosplay as Akio and hope to gawd that no one will say "Hey that's Storm from the X-Men!"
I'm pretty sure that won't happen. Storm doesn't have a rose pinned onto her chest, nor is she a bitch. Plus, in the newer versions, she wears black uniform now , so you don't need to worry about getting mixed up with Marvel while showing off your cross-dressing Akio-goodness.
Only 6 rings left: Sizes 6, 7, and 8. … eal005.jpg … 1&rd=1
Last edited by TenjouUsagi (05-09-2007 06:11:15 PM)
Re-list has ended, but I have 3 rings still available, all size 7s...
Email or PM me if you want one, and I'll sell it to you outside of an auction. $30.00USD … eal005.jpg
Last edited by TenjouUsagi (05-11-2007 10:53:13 AM)
My ring came today! I'm soooooo happy with it, thank you soooooo much
Lightice wrote:
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Oh, god. I want one so bad.
But grandma doesn't allow me to buy stuff off of eBay. T_TYou could try to explain her how the feedback rating system on eBay works. If the person is a hoax, they'll get lots of negative feedback and no-one will buy them anything. If they have positive feedback, it means that the person is honest and sends the right stuff in time. Keeping that in mind, it's no more risky than ordinary webstores.
Oh, she buys stuff off of eBay all the time, and she's very familiar with that kind of stuff.
But she only buys things like clothes for her grandkids. And the occasional Brent Spiner CD for $70.
Pandora wrote:
My ring came today! I'm soooooo happy with it, thank you soooooo much
That's great! Thank you so much for buying one. I'm glad you like it.
Don't forget to share pictures if you ever do cosplay!
Since you're new to eBay, you might know how all of it works, but generally buyers and sellers leave feedback for each other after every transaction. I haven't checked my account yet to see if you have, so I'm sorry if you've already done so, but if you haven't, please do. I would appreciate it. ^___^ Thanks again!
I left feedback yesterday, I think just before I emailed you. It was positive of course
No worries, I've usd Ebay before, just that my personal account is new. I doubt I'll cosplay but maybe I'll take some photos anyways
Just curious... but when will the BR rings be ready? i am very the much making of a consideration to make purchase for a daily wear ring
also, do you have plans for making a replica of the shnazzy movie ring?
guardian_rose wrote:
Just curious... but when will the BR rings be ready? i am very the much making of a consideration to make purchase for a daily wear ring
also, do you have plans for making a replica of the shnazzy movie ring?
Hmm, I'm hoping to get some soon. I've been so inclined to upgrade the quality of the rings to sterling silver, which is costing me more to acquire them. Unfortunately, in turn they will cost more to future costumers/clients, but the positive side is that, well, they're sterling silver. The rings I plan to have made are going to be $40 each, silver or black.
I've never thought about replicating the movie ring. It just occured to me that it IS, in fact, different from the one in the series. I will ponder it a bit. Thank you for your interest.
If you're indeed contemplating puchasing a Black Rose ring, I can certainly make sure I have an extra one in your size when I order them.
I would totally love you forever if you got a size 10 of each type of ring for me...
AnjitheArtist wrote:
I would totally love you forever if you got a size 10 of each type of ring for me...
Consider it done. ^-^ They'll be ready for purchase at the end of June, just so you know. v
BTW, what exactly does you loving me forever include?
For starters I'll draw you something....?
AnjitheArtist wrote:
For starters I'll draw you something....?
If you want to... I was just being devious is all.
Sure, why not. You're making me rings, after all
AnjitheArtist wrote:
Sure, why not. You're making me rings, after all
YAY!! Utena and Anthy are my faves. =3 (Go figure, ne? XD)
Hey, sorry for reviving my own thread, but uh, I still have 3 rings left, all size 7. Plus I'll have two movie-style rings up in a week or so, size 7/7.5 also. The end of June is fast approaching, which is when I will have my second batch available. =3 … dZViewItem