This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Haha, I've just gotten really addicted to photoshop is all ^^; It came with my laptop, and I've never had it before, so I've gone a little nuts.
A Day Without Me wrote:
Haha, I've just gotten really addicted to photoshop is all
; It came with my laptop, and I've never had it before, so I've gone a little nuts.
Welcome to the world of HOURS WASTED IN PHOTOSHOP. BWAHAHAHA. Hint: Don't open an anime gallery if you value your sanity.
I really need to finish up the Saionji winamp skin...
Here's some paintings I worked on. The Utena Trilogy ;)
Heyyyyyy waitaminute.... you're shounen kakumei akio from AoD aren't you? Welcome aboard! You may recognize me as Serial Experiments NieA over there.
Now I'm wondering if aquapermanence or monika or any of the others are here lurking around (or actively posting and I just didn't know it!) somewhere too...
Back on topic, those paintings are great! I especially like the second one.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (01-27-2007 06:27:41 AM)
I adore the way you have the light playing on utena's hair in the last one. perfect.
I'm seriously an idiot. 'Wow I've been working so hard on the gallery. I've been in Photoshop so much I see it in my sleep. I will take a break! :opens Photoshop and works on a layout:'
Haha, you retard. Get off photoshop and go read another book or something, you need a longer break than just the one.
If I stop for anything it'll be to read my idiot textbook for my idiot Psych of Personal Effectiveness class.
You can see then why I'm working on the layout.
Well actually I do have cooking to do, but not for a while yet...I'm thinking I might take pictures this time, since I'm making...well I don't know, but it'll be different.
I need to finish up that essay, but I'm sick today, and I can't think straight... I can't even think about Shiori, and that's never happened before. >_o
Giovanna wrote:
Welcome to the world of HOURS WASTED IN PHOTOSHOP.
I'd take that over the world of hours wasted in MS Paint.
Huzzah for MS paint!
Hey, hey, aside from the graininess and bad line quality and strange colors and need for excessive amount of work to make anything decent and lack of filters and layers...MS paint is actually okay.
I mean, really.
I think it's good.
I can get a lot done in MS Paint, but it takes much longer than it normally would. Yesterday my friend showed me how to make Utena's hair in five minutes in PhotoShop, whereas it took me five hours to do it in MS Paint.
It's blending colors that really kills me. There're so many layers I have to go through in Paint, when I can use the actual tool in Photoshop.
Razara wrote:
I need to finish up that essay, but I'm sick today, and I can't think straight... I can't even think about Shiori, and that's never happened before. >_o
Don't worry too hard about it. Get better first, then write essays. *hugs*
Adding those to the submission thread, as instructed!
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Heyyyyyy waitaminute.... you're shounen kakumei akio from AoD aren't you? Welcome aboard!
You may recognize me as Serial Experiments NieA over there.
Now I'm wondering if aquapermanence or monika or any of the others are here lurking around (or actively posting and I just didn't know it!) somewhere too...
Back on topic, those paintings are great! I especially like the second one.
Yes, it is me How are you? Haven't seen you around the AoD forum as much lately... Hope all is well... Maybe I'll post a link of this forum for AoDers on one of the Utena threads to see if we get more input ;)
Ivy-chan wrote:
Adding those to the submission thread, as instructed!
Those are hot! They look buff but I'll take them anyway ;)
Saionji doesn't look nearly as buff as he did in that exhibitionist balcony scene. How do they fit those muscles in those skinny sleeves?
was_ohtori_akio wrote:
Yes, it is me
How are you? Haven't seen you around the AoD forum as much lately... Hope all is well... Maybe I'll post a link of this forum for AoDers on one of the Utena threads to see if we get more input ;)
I'm still there posting almost daily, maybe just not the same threads you have been. Ironically (and this goes for here too, strangely enough), as much as I love picking apart Utena, I try not to devote too much time to interpretation threads since I am still enjoying picking apart the series myself, and I want to avoid any excess influence from the outside. I'm due for another re-watch of the series soon (it's been more than a year, maybe close to two now
), so maybe after that I'll take another look at the interpretations and offer some of my own insight.
So yeah, it's kind of a weird way to go about it, but that's just my own peculiarity in the SKUniverse.
I'm a bit similar in that sense too, because some theories I pick up on by visiting forums destroy my own but it's always a good chance to see theories about characters I never thought deeply of before. And the fan art is always awesome to look at around here ;)
I finished my essay and sent it to Yasha. :3
Tamago wrote:
I guess that means that Yasha should give you a goldstar now.
Are you sure that isn't Venus?
Communism ans Stalin were the first things that came to my mind.
Oh, but then it should be a red star.
Last edited by Maarika (01-30-2007 07:17:25 AM)
All right, guys, thanks for all the submissions! I'm closing this thread now, and I'll start another one around two weeks before next update. If you haven't received a reply about your submission yet, you'll be receiving one shortly.