This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Here it is! Try it.. It's PHD Certified.. … nshipiqogt
Quickly, do the test before November 4 while it's free..
My Result: (IQ is 124)
Acceptance = 5/10
Communication = 7/10
Conflict Resolution = 9/10
You, it turns out, are a Charmer in relationships.
You have a certain charisma and charm that is hard to resist, and a way of making people feel like they're the only one in the room. In your relationships, you have an amazing amount of confidence that shows in your every move. From the way you talk to the way you carry yourself or the way you grab that certain someone's hand — you give off an air of certainty. You sail smoothly through a multitude of situations, and your self-assurance is one of the qualities that people find especially attractive about you.
Your passion for life runs through every aspect of your relationships. You have strong opinions, and you want others to see things as you do. As such, it's probably important that you partner round out your worldview, complementing the way you see things. You enjoy this "us against the world" feeling. That's why it's particularly important that you can count on your partner to be able to meet you where you stand, while also giving you enough space to do things on your own. You're very consistent about your beliefs and practices, which is a trait your significant other appreciates about you.
During an argument when your partner isn't appreciating you, you may find yourself agreeing with an opposing view, just so the discussion will end on a positive note. Your views may not necessarily have changed, but you act as if they have so you can keep the peace. You don't like to argue, and it takes a lot for you to have a fight. But it doesn't take you long to make up. In fact, kissing and making up is the easiest part of an argument for you.
When it comes to kissing, your playful nature comes across both in and outside the bedroom. Sex is an integral part of your relationship, and it's one of the ways that makes you feel accepted by your lover. Sometimes, there are no words to describe how you feel, and only physical intimacy can communicate your emotions.
In your relationships, you're looking for a certain level of stability. You want a peaceful relationship, not one that's filled with emotional highs and lows. To you, relationships are meaningful, and because of that, you and your partner don't play emotional games with one another. It's important to you that you both feel you're on the same page, so that you can form a steady and solid relationship foundation.
That foundation will carry through your feelings about sex as well. Sex is a way for you to connect with your partner, and it holds a lot of meaning for you. It's vital that you feel a bond between you and your partner, and lovemaking is a great way for you to express the strong emotions you have for your partner.
You try hard to express yourself clearly, and it's frustrating for you when your partner doesn't seem to understand you. When your partner is grasping at straws trying to "figure you out," it can disrupt your sense of that solid foundation that's so important to you.
How you deal with sex is different from your general knowledge about sex. Here's how you scored on specially designated "facts of life" questions on our test: 4 out of 10.
With a score like that, we can tell you know the basics and then some about sex. Sex is fun and interesting to you, but it doesn't consume your life. You don't necessarily go out looking for new sex information, but somehow you've picked up some new facts along the way. Want to see how we figured your general knowledge about sex? Here's the answer key.
Deep Down:
You are true-blue in your relationships, and you like your significant other to be the same way. You like things to be consistent, both in relationships and out in the world, because it gives you a feeling of stability and continuity. This creates a pattern in your relationship and in life that's easy for you to follow. Sometimes, though, you may feel like you're in a relationship rut, where you're simply going through the motions without getting anywhere. This can take its toll. Because you, more than others, have a hard time trying new things, braving a new world can leave you feeling helpless, or at least out of control and overwhelmed.
Take Action:
Don't let your thirst for stability drive you into a relationship rut. Head it off before it actually happens. Break out of the mold and see where it leads you, but start with small steps. Why not take a yoga class together? Or surprise your partner with a weekend getaway? By trying some things that are out of your norm, you may find new worlds opening up to you, and your relationship will ultimately grow and become more intimate as you expand your horizons together.
Tamago wrote:
Ronen, your Relationship IQ is 124
I didn't get the rest of the results thou.
Same here, also the IQ number.
Btw, is a 124 IQ average, low or what?
mine was a results for me past that.
im noticing a pattern.
Mew, your Relationship IQ is 130
Your test results tell us that your greatest relationship strength is resolving conflicts in your relationship while your weakest is . Not finishing sentences? Yeah, I am a bit faulty about that.
Arki wrote:
Mew, your Relationship IQ is 130
Your test results tell us that your greatest relationship strength is resolving conflicts in your relationship while your weakest is
Not finishing sentences? Yeah, I am a bit faulty about that.
This thingie is awesome, it even cryptically tells you more than you asked for.
Must be a bonus for answering better than you. Nyah-nyah. (Oh yeah, I'm totally mature. Aha.)
Only because you cheated, you moron! (So am I )
... tease me all you want. You know what it means
*teases* Oh, look... Time to go to bed. (Sleep? Yea, rite...)
Oh. Why not. If it wasn't for mailinator I wouldn't be taking this test. A lot of these questions bother me because I do not think people are honest with themselves, others.
Dykette, your Relationship IQ is 128. Whoo-boy.
Did you guys click the blue button thingy after you finished everything?
There's a button there that says something like "Show full results" or something near that..
Maybe you guys didn't notice it?
I didn't notice it at first either..
I got 133. Some of these questions are pretty sketchy, though. 'If you're having sex right, the woman will orgasm.' First of all, what is right? Second of all, are we taking into account psychological factors or only physical ones? What about exhaustion, inebriation, psychological obstacles? What about women that physically can't orgasm? Are they all doing it wrong?
So yeah, I picked false. That's silly.
128, and yeah - sketchy - I'm interested to know what everyone picked for the question that went something like:
Julie & Romeo are having sex. Julie hasn't had an orgasm and suddenly Romeo is too tired to continue. Julie should:
A. Be angry with him!!!
B. Be angry with herself!!!
C. A little dissapointed, but okay...
D. Be emotionally satisfied.
Well! With the italics being in just the right place, I think we know what they want us to say.
I wanna know where is the option where Julie finishes herself?
Last edited by Frosty (11-03-2007 04:56:44 AM)
Seriously. I wanted to pick E: Masturbate.
eye kin git mai own self off.
128 here, too. Not happy with the test. Vague questions, poorly written, to the point where I don't even trust the author to have their statistics right, quite apart from my usual gripes about opinion questions being presented as having right answers. Also, there was nothing for me to fap to.
It seems kind of strange that I was trying to get every answer wrong, (saying that not talking in a relationship is a good thing, etc,) and yet my score was 114. That's only ten points less than what seems to be the average score.
I would say, at a guess, that the test is scored by adding 100 (or possibly 110) to the number of right answers. That way everyone thinks they did better than average and is inclined to pay to see their full results.
I would like to hope that whatever my full results are is something along the lines of, "You're a horrible lover and you deserve to die alone." People who chose the answers I did shouldn't be encouraged to continue acting the way they do.
Judy, your Relationship IQ is 127
Your Relationship IQ score is a number that measures your general knowledge of how people should behave in relationships. But we also took a look at how you behave in your relationships.
Your test results tell us that your greatest relationship strength is expressing your intimate feelings while your weakest is accepting your partner's differences.
Next time please post that stupid webpage needs pre-registration, before I'll spend 15 minutes of my precious life answering stupid questions
The site is closed