This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
law & order svu '-' well i do watch the others but this one the most
mythbusters that show is awsome! cause i like to see things blow up XD physic power!
>.> either that i channel surf till i get something...might be on
discovery,history,food channel or cartoon network
Shows I
sorted by when they come on:
Everybody Hates Chris (CW, 8 pm): Now that I actually know when this comes on, I need to start watching it again. Chris Rock's narration is so witty and each of the characters is just so much fun to watch. I like how Julius can immediately calculate the cost of stuff. (That's $2 of underwear you're messin' up!)
Heroes (NBC, 9 pm): I love HIRO NAKAMURA!! YATTA! This whole concept--normal people plus powers--is pretty awesome. It makes for good TV. (Self-pimpage: I'm writing an original character story based on Heroes. If you wanna know more about it, just tell me!)
NOTHING! I used to watch Commander in Chief on this day a long time ago, but they canceled it.
The Knights of Prosperity (ABC, 9 pm): So goofy! I love the mission--rob Mick Jagger! (Though I've heard they'll try to rob other celebrities, too.) I like Rockefeller and Gary the best, but the bright-eyed college boy is funny too because he actually dresses up for missions and takes it too seriously.
In Case of Emergency (ABC, 9:30 pm): They put this up against The Knights of Prosperity to reel more viewers in and that's fine. The story of high school superlatives gone wrong (the valedictorian is working at a shady massage parlor, for example) is funny.
Lost (ABC, 10 pm): Whenever this finally comes back on, I'll be watching it. I have a problem with their constant fixation on the Others, though. Who gives a crap? I want to see Hurley again! And Michael and Walt! I don't want to see Sawyer getting tortured anymore! (I want to see him in my bed...)
My Name is Earl (NBC, 8 pm): Love it! Love Earl's narration, Randy's happy-little-boy persona, Crabman's obsessions with turtles and cheese, and Joy's over-the-top hair and clothes. The missions always seem absurd, but they end up heart-warming, like the one where Earl helped the gay guy come out. I always recommend this show.
The Office (NBC, 8:30 pm): Anything with Steve Carell automatically attracts me. His turn as Michael Scott is brilliant because of how ignorant, stupid, and sometimes just plain mean he is to his coworkers. Plus, there's the eternal tension between Pam and Jim (Jam), Dwight's absurdity, Stanley's funny voice
Scrubs (NBC, 9 pm): Scrubs just did a brilliant musical episode (search for 'Guy Love Scrubs' on YouTube; it's the source of my fabbo signature) with musical direction by the team behind Avenue Q. Before the musical, though, it's all been good. JD (the super adorable Zach Braff ) provides the funniest narration and daydreams for this funny take on the doctor show genre. Elliot is cute, Turk is funny, Carla keeps it real, you can always count on Dr. Cox to give JD a girl's name and a witty comment, and the janitor has been out to get JD since Episode 1. The only qualm I have with the show is its constant musical montage endings.
30 Rock (NBC, 9:30 pm): The end of the Comedy Night Done Right block. It's a show that centers on a show kinda like SNL (which is ironic because SNL also airs on NBC). I really identify with Liz, Tracy is funny because of how crazy he is, Jack is freakin' ALEC BALDWIN, and Kenneth is from Macon (which is like 2 hours away from Atlanta, where I am, but it's still in Georgia).
Nothing, though The Sarah Silverman Program (Comedy, 11 pm) is looking somewhat promising, if a little scatologically-obsessed.
Every day
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (Comedy, 11 pm, not on Fridays): Jon Stewart and I are happily married in another universe. He has brilliant comedic timing, a great impression of President Bush, the right kind of salt-and-pepper hair, giant puppy-dog eyes, and is only like 5'6" (I'm 5'2" yay short people). I also like the correspondents on this show, especially Samantha, John, and Aasif, but Jon is the main attraction here.
The Colbert Report (Comedy, 11:30 pm, not on Fridays): If I manage to stay up for this show, I try to watch until at least The Word. I like his openers, the On Notice and Dead to Me lists, and the sarcastic commentary on the screen during The Word. It was surprising to see Bill O'Reilly on his show a little while back.
Scrubs (My, 10:30 pm, not on weekends): The only good use for the channel My (referred to as MyATLTV in Atlanta) is Scrubs and The Simpsons. Otherwise, My just shows crap telenovelas like Wicked Wicked Games.
The Simpsons (My, 7 and 7:30 pm, not on weekends): I mean, it's the freakin' Simpsons.
Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN, 10 pm, not on weekends): Anderson and I are also happily married in another universe. (Apparently one in which polygamy is okay.) He is so intelligent and doesn't hold back, once calling out some senators for using his show as a venue to pat each other on the back while Hurricane Katrina's aftereffects rocked New Orleans. When a story deeply affects him, his eyes show it. I couldn't stop crying when I read his book Dispatches from the Edge. There used to be a humongous sign with his face on it near the CNN Center downtown, but they took it down and replaced it with Sanjay Gupta. However, the CNN Center still sells a ton of AC360 stuff (though he doesn't even tape in Atlanta; he's in NYC).
Holy hell, this was a long post. Thanks for reading through it all. With that, I'm going to bed.
I think that's precisely why teevee doesn't agree with me. I don't have any of that tivo crap and I'm totally into that American instant gratification thing. I sits down and I turns on the idiot box and goddamit something good better be on or I will get up and do something else and yes that is a written threat.
It doesn't matter if I know if it was on or anything. I just really suck at keeping a schedule unless it involves me going out of the house and doing something my life depends on. I regularly look at the clock on a Tuesday night and think "Dammit I missed House again."
My two favorite shows (that are not anime) are as follows:
Dead Like Me- It's a show about a bunch of reapers that go around and reap soul. It has a very dry sense of humor, and the main character is so odd that you can't help but love her. ^.^ It's a great show, with a good plot and a nice cast of characters.
My Lovely Sam-Soon: OK, so it's a Korean show, but it's wonderful. It's simply hilarious, and all the characters are colorful and unique. It also has some drama and romance that tie in beautifully. It's a great show, even if it is like, an hour and 20 minutes each episode.
Last edited by MadHatter (01-22-2007 01:27:55 PM)
My TV isn't working, and I don't feel like fixing it. x.x; I really like sitcoms, though; Friends, Monk, Just Shoot Me, ect.
Hinotori wrote:
Yeah, I don't have a Tivo, so that's why. If I had one, I might not be so strict about keeping to the schedule...
Can't believe I forgot the two dramas I always watch when I'm not home: Bones and Dexter. I don't have an obsession with forensics or serial killers as such (though serial killers are fascinating) but they're just such awesome shows.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Can't believe I forgot the two dramas I always watch when I'm not home: Bones and Dexter. I don't have an obsession with forensics or serial killers as such (though serial killers are fascinating) but they're just such awesome shows.
I know a Puerto Rican from Brooklyn that would talk for hours with you about those two shows.
I watch Rome and No Reservations every single week. Boston Legal I usually miss and end up downloading but I always get around to it. I seem to be in good company on this here forum with the TDS->TCR->Countdown routine. You know they say too many young people are using a pair of comedy shows to get their news. I do keep track of the news from other sources. Believe me, just watch the comedy shows. And No Reservations...I could go on and on about, but there are already Bourdain fans here. It sounds stupid and gimmicky, but I usually hate travel shows. TEEEHEEE TOKYO TOWER GUYZ
Whatever. Bourdain's approach to world travel and his way of dealing with people really makes me want to go travel myself. I already want to, but Bourdain is...inspiring that way. That's how you go from 'I wanna go to India
Also despite what my family says I watch none of the above shows only for the sex appeal of the people involved.
I've fallen in love with the Dresden Files.
What else I watch is mostly stuff on Animal Planet, No Reservations, VH1 thingies that aren't reality shows, The Soup (), & Avatar: The Last Airbender.
AVATAR IS A GOOD SHOW!! don't hate me.
hyacinth_black wrote:
I've fallen in love with the Dresden Files.
What else I watch is mostly stuff on Animal Planet, No Reservations, VH1 thingies that aren't reality shows, The Soup (), & Avatar: The Last Airbender.
AVATAR IS A GOOD SHOW!! don't hate me.
Back before I got kicked off my high school newspaper, we used to get advance copies of cds and books for reviews (How, I don't know, as we barely managed to put out five papers a year), and since no one in my class could read (English, anyway) I ended up being the book reviewer -and one of the books I got was the paperback of the first dresden book (actually, I don't think it was released in hardcover, but whatever, I digress). I've followed it ever since, and when I heard that Sci-Fi picked up the scripts I had an orgasm. Like, on the spot. And then I found out they cast Paul Blackthorne, who is exactly what I picture Harry to look like, and oooooooooooooh, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees...
I totally just ranted, but I really wanted to see that. But they put it on Sunday nights, and I work Sunday nights.
Avatar is pretty cute. It's impressive for what it is. I'm totally a KataraxZouka shipper.
morosemocha wrote:
hyacinth_black wrote:
I've fallen in love with the Dresden Files.
What else I watch is mostly stuff on Animal Planet, No Reservations, VH1 thingies that aren't reality shows, The Soup (), & Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Back before I got kicked off my high school newspaper, we used to get advance copies of cds and books for reviews (How, I don't know, as we barely managed to put out five papers a year), and since no one in my class could read (English, anyway) I ended up being the book reviewer -and one of the books I got was the paperback of the first dresden book (actually, I don't think it was released in hardcover, but whatever, I digress). I've followed it ever since, and when I heard that Sci-Fi picked up the scripts I had an orgasm. Like, on the spot. And then I found out they cast Paul Blackthorne, who is exactly what I picture Harry to look like, and oooooooooooooh, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees...
I totally just ranted, but I really wanted to see that. But they put it on Sunday nights, and I work Sunday nights.![]()
Avatar is pretty cute. It's impressive for what it is. I'm totally a KataraxZouka shipper.
I didn't even know that Dresden came from a book.
As far as my basic reviews of it... it's a little bit too much like stereotypical sci-fi & gets to be corny sometimes. But, nonetheless, I'm hooked now and forever.
hyacinth_black wrote:
I didn't even know that Dresden came from a book.
As far as my basic reviews of it... it's a little bit too much like stereotypical sci-fi & gets to be corny sometimes. But, nonetheless, I'm hooked now and forever.
It did! Pick 'em up if you can, as they are absolutly fantastic. It tends to get a little long-winded at times, and the casting for the show annoys me, as Karrin is supposed to be a short irish girl cop with blond hair that looks a little like a cheerleader, and Susan is supposed to be a knockout hispanic woman that I think he compares to Slama Hayek at some point. And then I see the cast photo, and they're totally switched. WTF? But they're hysterical. Harry is the most sarcastic son of a bitch ever. He cracks me up every time.
Actually, I have a schedule too. I create it at the beginning of the TV season and then adjust it when stuff gets canceled or turns out to be boring as hell. Apologies for the excessive boldface, but it makes it less taxing to read.
7pm-- How I Met Your Mother. I came for Alyson Hannigan, I stayed for Neil Patrick Harris.
7:30pm--The Class. If you haven't watched it, it's about 8 people in their late-20's who each have their own issues.
8pm-- Heroes (Two-and-a-Half Men, if it's a rerun.) I'm so obsessed with Niki/Jessica, even though the choice of names is a bit disconcerting.
8:30pm--If Heroes is a rerun, I attempt to watch The New Adventures of Old Christine until it irritates me and I start flipping around on the first commercial.
9pm--Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. A lot of people don't like it because they think it's too cerebral and full of itself. That's kind of the point of it. The show is telling us that our standards are too low...and that D.L. Hughley is a decent actor if given a good script.
7pm-- At first I was torn between Dancing with the Stars and NCIS. Then I decided that at least NCIS has reruns, so now that's what I'm watching. I'm a total Abby fan, BTW. And I'm not whoring myself out to American Idol this soon...if at all this season.
8pm--Not a damned thing.
9pm-- Boston Legal! I had actually made the same parallel the rest of you did, but I still can't reconcile Akio=Shatner. I just think the entire cast went to Ohtori Law School. Oh, and last week was good.
7pm-- America's Next Top Model, but since that's off, I just fish around for what's on cable.
8pm-- Hmmm....let's see what's on cable. Usually ends up being Mythbusters.
9pm-- Whatever reality show Bravo puts on, but I'm not a fan of this season of Top Chef. It's just filler until Project Runway comes back, so I just sleep. Not looking forward to "Top Design" in a couple of weeks.
7pm-- My Name is Earl
7:30pm-- The OFfice
8pm-- I should watch Scrubs, but I don't. I go fishing for cable.
8:30pm-- 30 Rock
9pm--mmmmm! Sleep.
Actually, Friday's a huge TV wasteland. It's slowly getting to be as bad as Saturday.
7pm--What Not to Wear. (the American version on TLC)
8pm--more What Not to Wear
9pm-- The Soup. It almost makes up for the fact that I couldn't watch old-school Talk Soup with Hal Sparks/Greg Kinnear/John Henson/Aisha Tyler.
9:30pm--whatever is on after The Soup, currently Starveillance. It's pretty good.
10pm-- I actually stay up on Fridays, so I watch the real news.
After the news, it gets increasingly random until around 2am where I watch videos on VH1. (Yes, they still make videos.)
Saturday in general is worse than Friday. I don't get up before 11am since they took W.I.T.C.H. off of ABC Family. (Side Rant: the writers are doing their damnedest to pair off everyone by force, and that's how it looks...forced.) When I get up, I watch America's Test Kitchen, followed by randomness through the day until Naruto comes on at 7:30. Then Cartoon Network pretty much owns my mortal soul until 9pm, takes a dinner break, and it's back on again until midnight.
Sunday ends up being, "Let's watch the anime DVD's I bought this week."
It's been years since I regularly sat down in front of the couch and watched TV, most of the time when I am home, I am on my lap-top but I can see the TV from where I am and if a show shows up that interests me , I watch it otherwise, I ignore it.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Talk Soup with John Henson
Oh wow, sucks for you, it was awesome when John Henson did it. I can't believe anyone mentioned it ever, I figured that was a show time forgot.
Nice to know I'm not the only one who came for Alyson Hannigan.
Giovanna wrote:
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Talk Soup with John Henson
Oh wow, sucks for you, it was awesome when John Henson did it. I can't believe anyone mentioned it ever, I figured that was a show time forgot.
Yeah, I grew up in the town that cable forgot. We only had 22 channels until 1996, and Disney was still premium cable. I didn't even catch clips of Talk Soup until they did a clip show a few months ago.
EDIT: I guess now would be a good time to mention that I met Anthony Bourdain once and took a group picture with him. He was doing a book signing in 2004 when I worked at Waldenbooks. The picture is hanging up somewhere in the store, don't remember where.
Last edited by Raven Nightshade (01-23-2007 08:49:09 PM)
Jon Stewart please can I have your babies
YES! Psych is back on the air!
Man, I've also been meaning to watch Dexter, 'cause the books are so good themselves, but of course right now its on break.
I enjoy a few shows on the Sci-Fi channel, particularly Ghost Hunters, which is odd because I'm usually not big on reality tv shows. I also LOVE Who Wants to Be a Superhero? - that thing is amazing. I also really like the commercials they run on the Sci-Fi channel for the cheesey sci-fi movies
And I simply love the show Most Haunted, on the Travel Channel. Back home I used to watch it late at night with the lights off It was great.
I watched half a South Park episode the other day. It was awesome. South Park!
Also, I haven't watched tv in months, hence it's notable and newsworthy.
Show I Actively Watch Now
Shows I Watch Whenever (and own on DVD)
any Star Trek
Erin only gets one channel. *emo tear*
However, it's NBC so that means she gets HEROES OMG.
I also loooove Crossing Jordan. I named my cat Nigel after the character on there!
I watch all the Law and Order series. They freak me out/make me happy. >D
I'm obsessed with Smallville, but since I don't get that channel, I have to wait for another half a year for season six to come out on DVD. *woe*
I've started watching Gay, Straight, Or Taken?, and it's an emotional rollercoaster. Seriously. I'm really not one for dating shows, but that one I just had to watch at least once. I ended up keeping a super tight schedule of it, even the reruns. I jumped up and started yelling at the screen "OH I KNOW! I KNOW! HE'S THE GAY ONE! NO YOU DUMB BITCH, NOT HIM! NO! NO! Oh...wait. Nevermind. I guess he was straight."