This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
belladonna wrote:
I have never met anyone famous. But I will tell you, I am DYING to meet Billy Corgan. I have such a huge rockstar crush on him it's not funny, and to me he's the definition of sex appeal. I know the band is kind of older news (even though they are making a new album currently), but he's...Billy Corgan. He's hot all by himself. I have made this solumn vow not to go to a big deal school dance unless it's with him; and I've never been to a big school dance. I probably will never meet him, but I can dream, you know?
Oh, I was there once. I went to a Stones concert because the Pumpkins were opening and I burst into tears because he brought Marilyn Manson out on stage to sing with him and I fucking hated that guy. Also, he harmonized with Billy worse than Bob Dylan harmonized with Paul Simon.
Billy Corgan, as I know from spending the majority of my tween years thoroughly obsessed with him, is a pompous, arrogant douchebag, and no one can work with him because of it. He's haughty, egotistical, and basically a gigantic asshole.
I knew I adored him for a reason.
That said, his post-SP stuff hasn't impressed me much, to be frank. He's like Trent Reznor. You just can't get the same level of quality if he's not angsty, depressed, suicidal, and on drugs. But you say...he's working with the old band again? You mean James? Darcy?
I don't think James or D'arcy have the insentive to work with him again. Well I know James doesn't. He's doing fine on his own.
Last I heard it was him and Jimmy and two stooges off the street. How is that any different than Zwan?
But uh, yeah, I went through that phase too. I got a chance to meet him briefly but I'm pretty sure he regarded me for what I was, some 15 year old fangirl telling him how much I can relate to his internal pain. That kind of crap had to wound his ego.
On that note, I saw Tom Waits live three times in a row recently and still didn't get to meet him. Not like he wouldn't just chuckle at me and move onto the next guy if I did. I'm still hoping. My mom was also a pretty big Ska nut when I was a tyke, so as a result I have a picture of myself with the lead singer of Rancid when he was back in Operation Ivy. I think I was fourish.
My Billy Corgan obsession bubble got burst. Hello reality.
Last weekend I met Crispin Freeman at AnimeUSA. *fangirls* That really cut down the items on my "Things to do before I die" list. That was totally fun, esp. since I was dressed as the Rose Bride. He did a Touga impression just for me == SQUEEEE! In return, I this Anthy gave him a rose and a hug. X3 I've also met Richard Cox and on the Japanese side of things, Hyde of L'Arc~en~Ciel (though it wasn't really a meeting. We happened to pass each other in the dealer's room of Otakon 2004 before we were both bum rushed by fangirls, lol)
On day, I want to me Yoko Kanno, Atsuko Nakajima, Chiho Saito and randomly.... Christopher Walken! X3
This Tuesday, I attended a night with Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Prize Laureate. He's getting knighted on the 28th in Great Britain. For the first good fifteen minutes while he was speaking, I wept. While I was listening, I felt something be touched, something sore and weary inside me. For that, for his words and for that brief instance of sharing his wisdom, I am moved. It will be one of the nights I remember for the rest of my life.
Unfortunately though, I've never met a celebrity. If I did, it would probably be George Clooney or Matt Damon. My two favourites in the unnnniverse.
Calliston wrote:
This Tuesday, I attended a night with Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Prize Laureate. He's getting knighted on the 28th in Great Britain. For the first good fifteen minutes while he was speaking, I wept. While I was listening, I felt something be touched, something sore and weary inside me. For that, for his words and for that brief instance of sharing his wisdom, I am moved. It will be one of the nights I remember for the rest of my life.
I either suck for knowing who that is (did take a second), or you win for having the opportunity to hear him speak. It sounds like it was an incredible experience for you. Ohhh, I'm jealous.
Giovanna wrote:
I either suck for knowing who that is (did take a second), or you win for having the opportunity to hear him speak. It sounds like it was an incredible experience for you. Ohhh, I'm jealous.
I do too. I'd be more surprised if people didn't know who Elie Wiesel was.
morosemocha wrote:
I do too. I'd be more surprised if people didn't know who Elie Wiesel was.
Prepared to be surprised then as I have NEVER even heard the name Elie Wiesel let alone who he is.
Yeah dude, I think the vast majority of the population doesn't know who he is. Like I said, took me a second. I remembered the picture he's in first.
Cloudy Star wrote:
Last weekend I met Crispin Freeman at AnimeUSA. *fangirls* That really cut down the items on my "Things to do before I die" list. That was totally fun, esp. since I was dressed as the Rose Bride. He did a Touga impression just for me =
I was there! I sat in the row right behind you. Thanks for asking for the Touga line. That was so awesome that he did the entire chick speech. I wouldn't have thought to ask! I spoke with him the next day and he signed two Utena art books for me. One of the pictures was the scene right after Utena beats Saionji the first time so Crispin Freeman did the Touga line for me, "Ooh, baby, you lit the fire in my heart" and he wrote it above his signature also. <sigh>
Calliston wrote:
This Tuesday, I attended a night with Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Prize Laureate. He's getting knighted on the 28th in Great Britain. For the first good fifteen minutes while he was speaking, I wept. While I was listening, I felt something be touched, something sore and weary inside me. For that, for his words and for that brief instance of sharing his wisdom, I am moved. It will be one of the nights I remember for the rest of my life.
That's amazing, wish I could have been there. We just read "Night" for book club. Incredible and moving, seriously.
Giovanna wrote:
I've never met any celebrity I liked
Well I did run into Pat Riley at a car show once...I hate sports but he had white hair and a gorgeous suit.![]()
I suck at this.I guess gorgeous actors and the like just don't come to Homestead often. (Last year Tony Bourdain was at the South Beach Food and Wine Festival and I swear I considered going but decided I didn't need charges of attempted rape on my record.)
((woot! I'm back! I doubt any o' y'all noticed!))
You passed up meeting the great Bourdain????
He is a genius. I love Kitchen Confidential.