This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I can't help it - I wanna show off my Utena wallpapers 'cause I've been on an absolute tear lately, and I have no friends who are Utena fans.
Yes, this one is extremely similar to the one above it, but I must admit to not being able to make up my mind as to which of the two I prefer. The same goes for the next two wallpapers.
All the images used come from Empty Movement Thank god for that expansive picture gallery.
Last edited by A Day Without Me (01-12-2007 08:47:14 PM)
I really, really like the text in the Juri/Shiori one. Kinda hard to read though.
I prefer the first Nanami one (coloring wise) over the second.
I prefer the second Utena one, but that's just because I like dark colors I think.
Seconded about the quote on the J/S one. It's perfect.
Nicely done. I suck at coloring.
Oo, nice coloring Tamago.
Mm, I'm glad you guys like the Juri and Shiori one - I wasn't too sure about it myself, honestly. As for the text, I think the problem here is how compressed it is I wish Photobucket allowed for larger pictures - the one I have stored in my hard drive is much larger (I'm actually using it as my current background too - I like to give my wallpapers test runs before I submit them anywhere
) Oh, and for the record, the text on it came from the song 'If I Told You This Was Killing Me, Would You Stop?', which is by The Juliana Theory.
The Kanae wallpaper text came from the title of the song 'My Heart is a Soldier', also by The Juliana Theory. The text on Nanami's wallpaper is the name of a song, although I believe the song is about suicide (if I'm remembering correctly), and so I wasn't really thinking of the song's content so much as the picture was reminiscent of sunshine to me.
Anyway I'm working on another wallpaper right now of Keiko, Yuuko, and Aiko.
Last edited by A Day Without Me (01-13-2007 03:59:57 PM)
Thanks 'A Day Without Me' and 'angelicreation'
I had to redraw some of the lines as I like to use Paint Bucket/Magic Wand when I make the colour base and then use things like Airbrush and sometimes Burn and Dodge to add texture. In this case, I just stuck with the two tone shadow effect.
I really like those crazy gold lens flare-ish things. it almost looks like some weird crystalization.
*has been looking at it on and off the last 30 minutes @__@ <-- hyponotised face*
You got my lazy self up to make a wallpaper for my (freshly reformatted X__x) computer too.
^ Touga
strangely enough, I don't even like him. X__x
(kinda big....)
(Now I'm wondering what exactly Utena has to look behind to.... hmm....)
Last edited by allegoriest (01-13-2007 10:38:30 PM)
allegoriest wrote:
(Now I'm wondering what exactly Utena has to look behind to.... hmm....)
Well, she's looking back at Ohtori - which, technically, is the world she left behind
Anyway, how did you get Photobucket to not completely squash down your wallpaper?
A Day Without Me wrote:
allegoriest wrote:
(Now I'm wondering what exactly Utena has to look behind to.... hmm....)
Well, she's looking back at Ohtori - which, technically, is the world she left behind
Anyway, how did you get Photobucket to not completely squash down your wallpaper?
Well, i mean when she's at Ohtori '
when you upload, there's a tiny link under the blue box that says uploading options and I changed to 1MB file size.
As with fanart, I'd love to put some of these up on EM. If you guys give me exlicit permission to do so, I will take my pick. Sound good?
allegoriest wrote:
when you upload, there's a tiny link under the blue box that says uploading options and I changed to 1MB file size.
Oo, why thank you - I shall do so now!
Yasha wrote:
As with fanart, I'd love to put some of these up on EM. If you guys give me exlicit permission to do so, I will take my pick. Sound good?
Sounds fabulous - I sent you the Kanae one and the Nanami one already, but if you are interested in either of the other three, just let me know so I can email you a non-compressed version.
I'm working on an update for my Utena site, so I made a few new wallpapers. "Starry Sky" is currently my favorite. If you are interested in seeing it, here is a link to a 1024x768 version.
alexielnet wrote:
I'm working on an update for my Utena site, so I made a few new wallpapers. "Starry Sky" is currently my favorite. If you are interested in seeing it, here is a link to a 1024x768 version.
Just lovely!
Tamago wrote:
Just lovely!
A Day Without Me wrote:
Actually, I don't suppose anyone could give me their opinion of which version of the above they like better? I'm having such a hard time making up my mind about the two.
i like the darker one and it is not hard on the eyes so you can effortlessly read the words. very nice
Why thank you - I did worry a bit that the white one was a bit hard on the eyes.
alexielnet wrote:
I'm working on an update for my Utena site, so I made a few new wallpapers. "Starry Sky" is currently my favorite. If you are interested in seeing it, here is a link to a 1024x768 version.
I. Love. This. Paper. It's absolutely gorgeous. You don't mind if I yoink it, do you? It'll only go on my desktop.
alexielnet wrote:
I'm working on an update for my Utena site, so I made a few new wallpapers. "Starry Sky" is currently my favorite. If you are interested in seeing it, here is a link to a 1024x768 version.
HOLY FU--- desktop'd.
EDIT: An old one of mine:
Last edited by Hina the Prince (01-22-2007 02:02:44 PM)
Sure. Use and enjoy. Thank you.
Those are awesome! The last one is now my wallpaper.