This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Even though I love SKU it just doesn't have enough of a following to enjoy things about it on Tumblr and stuff.
Like with the new anime now people make lots of gifs, cool comics, have discussions and fangirling/fanboying. Like the Attack on Titan anime and Swimming anime...
I wish Utena was released as a new anime now so people could do the same "OMG WTF" things they do for current shows on all new social media
I search Utena tags and don't get much besides cosplays and that's boring
It's always fun to see what newcomers think of the show.
As for what's on Tumblr, I'm more concerned by the people who feel the need to twist SKU to fit their own worldview and opinions. I mean, yeah, death of the author, but even that has to be based on textual evidence.
It's interesting that you say that, because I thought SKU got a fair amount of graphics sets and analysis posts on Tumblr (at least going by the #revolutionary girl utena tag). Naturally, it's not going to have the extreme amount of activity that the Attack on Titan or Free! fandoms get, but it's not like it's totally silent, either.
Yeah, I follow the Utena tag on tumblr, and I would say it fills up pretty fast for an old show. I do wish there was more fanfic for the show, though, but maybe I'm just not good enough at searching.
It depends on who you follow, I think. I followed a lot of the Mawaru Penguindrum crowd back when it was still airing, and as a pleasant side effect, I always get a ton of Utena on my dashboard from them too. Most are Ikuhara fans. You should check the Utena tag and follow some of those people.
Last edited by HonorableShadow (07-27-2013 05:33:20 PM)
Lurv wrote:
I do wish there was more fanfic for the show, though, but maybe I'm just not good enough at searching.
Me too. Lurv.
Even today, there are some rather good ongoing SKU fanfics on AO3 and FFML. However, it's easy to note how their review numbers are discouragingly low compared to even stories from other old fandoms.
Atropos wrote:
It's always fun to see what newcomers think of the show.
As for what's on Tumblr, I'm more concerned by the people who feel the need to twist SKU to fit their own worldview and opinions. I mean, yeah, death of the author, but even that has to be based on textual evidence.
You just illustrated why I'm the opposite. Truthfully, I avoid reading/listening to "I just learned about/watched this thing called Utena" stuff like the plague, because it's like reliving some of the worst parts of anime fandom history. They make the same mistakes, they come to the same wrong conclusions, they pass the same shallow judgements, they buy into the same old misinformation - and then recirculate it, which is how it stays in circulation to begin with. It's still considered as fashionable and glib as ever to say "this show is so crazy, I don't understand it at all lolz!"
I know I'm being unfair to some of them who will actually be drawn into thinking seriously about the franchise and interested in learning the production lore behind it, but my patience for the smug, self-satisfied, willful ignorance of the vast majority ran out long ago.
Last edited by Aelanie (07-28-2013 01:15:02 PM)
I'm just glad and grateful that people are still talking about it at all. It is coming up on twenty years old already.
Atropos wrote:
As for what's on Tumblr, I'm more concerned by the people who feel the need to twist SKU to fit their own worldview and opinions. I mean, yeah, death of the author, but even that has to be based on textual evidence.
Tumblr is really terrible for that, and for the all-too-common mentality that there is Only One Correct Interpretation Of Everything(tm). It feels to me like a certain number of users on that site want the entire fandom to be one great big hivemind that has identical opinions on every part of SKU, and likes and dislikes all the same characters for all the same reasons, and I just... among so many other things, I can't imagine a more boring fandom if that really came to pass. =/
Yasha wrote:
I'm just glad and grateful that people are still talking about it at all. It is coming up on twenty years old already.
On the plus side, there's always this.
Coming from someone who checks the tag regularly on tumblr I'd say it is pretty active! Everyday there is something new in there, not always good things but hey thats fandoms for ya. I kinda do wish it was big as AOT and Free but its not bad for such an old show!
Usually whats in the tag is: fanart, graphics/gifs, people liveblogging watching the show, cosplay, sometimes amvs, and then there is opinions and interpretations that are great and then there are the ones that make me wanna punch things. Also there are photoshops.....I'm usually responsible for those.
Wait the show is almost 20?! What. Has it really been that long?! Dudddde!
The tag is pretty active on tumblr, because it's the perfect community for it. After EM I think most of the Utena fandom is on tumblr. You'll get a lot more thoughtful commentary on SKU there than on most general anime forums The only thing that can bother me at times is the holier than thou type attitude that shows up from time to time when disagreements happen. For a Grey and Grey Morality show, there are some who seem to have very black and white views on it. That's all I'll say
Liveblogs are great, except when the only thing somebody has to say is "Gosh, Anthy sure gets slapped around a lot" but I like to hear new interpretations, and mostly I love to watch the confusion and horror
Man, pass the popcorn once they hit the Apocalypse Saga
BlackBeforeRed wrote:
The tag is pretty active on tumblr, because it's the perfect community for it. After EM I think most of the Utena fandom is on tumblr. You'll get a lot more thoughtful commentary on SKU there than on most general anime forums
The only thing that can bother me at times is the holier than thou type attitude that shows up from time to time when disagreements happen. For a Grey and Grey Morality show, there are some who seem to have very black and white views on it. That's all I'll say
Yeah, definitely seems to be a tumblr thing. I like the site a lot, but a lot of people there are very This Is What Is Correct, You Are Not Allowed To Disagree-- which is odd, since it's got such a liberal free-thinking vibe.
Atropos wrote:
It's always fun to see what newcomers think of the show.
As for what's on Tumblr, I'm more concerned by the people who feel the need to twist SKU to fit their own worldview and opinions. I mean, yeah, death of the author, but even that has to be based on textual evidence.
I think Utena is MEANT to be interpreted - it's intentionally ambiguous so that you can draw meaning from a lot of different perspectives. And that's what I love about it.
And about 'fitting their own worldview and opinions', I think that the things we notice and draw out of Utena reflect ourselves. So in a way, subjective interpretations of Utena are far more interesting and important than any single 'objective' and 'correct' view
some relevant tumblr things:
whyknot wrote:
And about 'fitting their own worldview and opinions', I think that the things we notice and draw out of Utena reflect ourselves. So in a way, subjective interpretations of Utena are far more interesting and important than any single 'objective' and 'correct' view
Oh, of course - but if you're drawing your interpretation from what you want to see rather than what's depicted, then you've severed all ties with the original work. It's like if I said that 1977's 'Star Wars'* was about the Iraq War, or that 'Don Quixote' was a commentary on Nietzsche.
*Anyone heard of it? Great film. Too bad they never made any sequels.
I think in most cases people's personalities have a lot to do with which elements in the show are highlighted for them rather than an attempt to see the show in their own way. Dammit, it's confusing to write about-- I think whyknot means it's more like you can't help viewing the show through the lens of your personality, and that involuntarily changes what every person sees and how they interpret it.
Then when they post their interpretation, you know more about that person because you, being a different person, saw it differently.
Does this even make sense? I'm still groggy from stupid sleeping pills
I remember getting in an argument with someone on 4chan (yes, I know, 4chan) about all the meta analysis that fans of Utena often get into. As far as this guy was concerned, there was absolutely nothing about Utena that needed analysing because it was just a pretty anime with a simplistic plot. Obviously, chances are good that he was just trolling me, but at the time all I wanted to go was reach though the monitor and shake the fuck out of him while telling him to learn to read, for fuck's sake.
Look just because 711chan was better when it still existed doesn't mean 4chan is complete shit, okay? You kids today have no appreciation for the classics.
Also, your post earned an audible laugh from me. That guy had to be a troll, but I think if someone tried to troll me that way I'd fall for it and lose my shit at him