This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
What I like 'bout your sketches Emiemipoemi, is that you know where and how to draw each line. You just stroke and it looks right. (At least, that's what I've gathered out of the stuff you've posted.) I can do that, but only when it comes to animals and dragons. I sorta don't get along well with the anime style, so I end up working on a single sketch for hours (before I go coloring zomg). >:
Very gorgeous stuff, really. Color, please.
Emiemipoemi wrote:
Lol this one's kind of an inside joke. My friends and I were playing Shadow of the Colossus and we were like "what if he had the Akio car?" Then things turned from bad to worse and this was drawn.
I know it's just a sketch but the way you drew Akio's face is god damn excellent.
What I like 'bout your sketches Emiemipoemi, is that you know where and how to draw each line. You just stroke and it looks right. (At least, that's what I've gathered out of the stuff you've posted.) I can do that, but only when it comes to animals and dragons. I sorta don't get along well with the anime style, so I end up working on a single sketch for hours (before I go coloring zomg). >:
Why thank you! I've actually been trying to get away from the anime style lately (if I draw anything else I tend to lean towards american comics style or cartoony stuff lately) but whenever I draw Utena I just seem to go right back to it. I always have to draw Utena in the Utena style or it just doesn't look right to me.
I'm gonna have to check out your gallery! Do you have one?
I know it's just a sketch but the way you drew Akio's face is god damn excellent.
Thanks! I'll have to draw a full blown Akio pic now that finals are over. I have so much free time now!
Last edited by Emiemipoemi (12-14-2006 09:13:48 AM)
Nessy wrote:
My first Utena-related fanart ever is actually up in the fandom section-- … Nanami.jpg
(warning: weird hands & impossible poses abound)
However, the piece that I am the most proud of is this:
this is sweet and ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh drink ideas abound
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-14-2006 10:50:02 AM)
Frau Eva wrote:
I'm still too young by a year to participate, technically. Although when not in college, I live in the magical land of Louisiana where no one gives a crap. Thank God for good-natured Cajuns and drive-thru daquiri shops.
I am in love with this idea and want to build one where i am... hummmmm... but how
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-14-2006 10:49:40 AM)
I've got two, actually. I'm trying to revive the one which people visited, but ironically, it's the other one that has all the art. I'm kind of hyped someone's interested in seeing my stuff. (:
OMG I love that little orange monster. It's adorable! And I really like your Juri drawing!
I finished coloring the OH NOES SWORDS pic. Hope you like it!
How can you draw so well and color so quickly? Tell me your secret!
Oh, and thanks for the compliments. I've been plannin' to color that Juri picture... I've even vector-traced it (guess where I learned to do that ), but... My attention span is very short. I lose interest too easily. And I think I've just gained it back. I'm going to open my Photoshop now and hope for the best.
This thread makes me wish I could draw.
I may be pretty handy at designing, but when it comes to drawing, despite a couple of classes, I'm all thumbs. I should bust out the old sketchbook and try something... anything!
Emiemipoemi: Fantastic! The colored Utena with the swords one is just perfect.
FencingCaptain: Colored pencil never looked so good.
SKU fans are a talented bunch!
How can you draw so well and color so quickly? emot-gonk Tell me your secret!
lol I'm actually a very lazy colorer. My friend goes to art school and I'm always begging him to color my stuff for me cuz he's A MAZ ING. And it's cuz he'll color for like 9 hours where as I get fed up after like 2 1/2. So that's pertty much my advice, I guess. Sit there and color a LONG TIME. D:
Emiemipoemi, you never fail to impress me. Even your sketches are amazing. You have a real feel for figures and faces.
Fencingcaptain, I love your color work. I like working in colored pencils a lot but I can't measure up to your coloring ability. The hair especially is really good.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
This thread makes me wish I could draw.
I may be pretty handy at designing, but when it comes to drawing, despite a couple of classes, I'm all thumbs. I should bust out the old sketchbook and try something... anything!
It's all about practicing and the will. Good luck! If you really want to be able to draw, then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to learn doing it.
I've been meaning to ask you guys-- would you all mind if I put some of this stuff up in fandom the next time I update? I won't do it without explicit permission, so please let me know.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2008: Editted because dollface has paranoia and removes things from years ago, lala~
Last edited by dollface (09-26-2008 04:02:43 PM)
That is so cute!
Your Anthy looks nice. I like the coloured version more, though :3
@ Yasha - you can put any of my SKU fanart on EM if you want, I would have probably sent them to you eventually anyway, but I'm a very lazy person...
Great! I love your art, Maarika, I'll give you a list of the ones I'm putting up when I update.
These aren't really fanart, just considerably bigger and a bit cleaner sketches of the sketches in Art of Utena. (my favourite book and the only one I have.) For those of you who dont know, which... Is probably all of you... I want to do allll these stupid little sketches in colour. Too bad I can't colour like they do in the show. x___X
I just got my tablet tonight so I did bigger cleaner sketches of them until I learn how to do decent lineart. … gether.jpg
My favourite-est one of all. Did it in colour a long time ago, was crappy, but yeah. <-- old one
Anthy from an odd angle... … -anthy.jpg
nekkid Utena and Anthy cuddling (?) … yagain.jpg
Indian (?) Anthy
Two part of several Utenas and Anthys (Anthies?) and Chuchus … y-huge.jpg
School Utena and Anthy … hycute.jpg
Cutesy school Utena and Anthy … -sword.jpg
Crappy Utena with sword of Dios and giant Anthy in the background
...Drawing is considerably more fun without the mouse and touchpad.
Colouring however is not methinks....
I much prefer drawing the old-fashioned way, with a pencil and paper. I like these, they're great fun.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I much prefer drawing the old-fashioned way, with a pencil and paper. I like these, they're great fun.
I think I do as well, but I must learn for school/work. Its really grown on me already though. >_< I also go through around thirty sheets of paper a night, and its very nice to use none. X___x *also hideously lazy, which probably makes up most of it*
I've also always wanted to draw buildings on the computer, and hopefully soon I can.
The joys of being incredibly lazy. Good luck with the buildings.
Those are all very nice and far less sketchy than the originals. I wanted to redraw one of these sketches too but I couldn't really make it out 'cause the original is too sketchy.
Ah, thanks! Those are great, and I've been wanting a cleaner version of that Indian Anthy picture for decades. D: And that cute Utena/Anthy one makes my teeth rot.
Maarika wrote:
Those are all very nice and far less sketchy than the originals. I wanted to redraw one of these [dead link] sketches too but I couldn't really make it out 'cause the original is too sketchy.
I actually did the one on the left in pencil already but my luck its hiding at school. (and my scanner is horrible, but I might just not know how to use it.) If its here I'll hoprfully find it soon, but I'm probably gonna re do it anyway for completion's sake.
I bet its hiding with my vector of one of the BG shots from the movie.
Yeah, all the stuff I draw on my own is usually SUPER sketchy and I have to pretty much trace over it to get anything half decent so I'm used to looking at scketchy lines... (lives off drawing perspective )
I think I like Indian Anthy best myself... And deep down inside I'm kinda ashamed yet secretly proud of the cutesyness X__x
left one in pencil... was already scanned ' … -small.jpg
Last edited by allegoriest (12-25-2006 10:21:14 AM)