This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Rosemary Bats wrote:
And to those wondering who in SKU I fancy, that would be anime!Anthy with her hair down and spread everywhere around her on the couch like purple vines (gorgoeus).
That's my favorite Anthy, too
Oh, and hello!
Nessie wrote:
Hiya. I'm Ki, living in the coldest fucking country in Europe (that would be Sweden
Hey hey, that makes us neighbours! *waves* I live across the Baltic Sea, but it's still quite cold here during winter.
Good Day to you All!
I'm Sanguine_Rose and obviously I love SKU!!! Woooo!!! I'm 19 and in uni doing computer games design. Because i have no-one to discuss SKU with i made my mum watch the whole series with me which left her traumatized and in the end became a fruitless endevour because she continued asking me things like 'how is the car moving if he's not pressing the accelerator?' and 'what's his name again?'...
so here i am at the forum! I love anthy mainly because i like to think i look a *bit* like her with the long curly hair and glasses. I can't listen to Mikage say 'deeper...go deeper' without sniggering childishly.
I wish i could drive so i could play the akio car music as i go along, though i'm sure if i tried leaping over the bonnet it surely would result in a bloody car accident. I first got into Utena because i wanted another anime to watch and bought the 1st series box set on DVD. i wasn't sure what to think at first but when i watched 'the castle where eternity dwells' ep. i was hooked. I think everyone has a TV, film or anime series
that they develop a deep connection with and mine is definitly SKU.
I love excel saga and Tricia Sullivan books. I sooooooooo suggest that people read MAUL, my bible, because ITS SOOOOOOOO GOOOD. and its about girls who masturbate with guns. yeah i know thats weird but it's a damn good book.
ok thank you!
Last edited by Sanguine_Rose (10-25-2006 02:01:23 AM)
Ciao come va?
My name is Nikki, and I am 20 years old, trying to figure myself out.
I like to dj and I do so for my college often...and hopefully when I get my Apple MacBook Pro, I'll be able to do remixes of some of the Utena duel songs. Also me and two of my friends work on producing our own show for Youtube. We are getting things ready for our debut.
Oh, even though I do love learning about Japanese culture outside of anime, my first and forever passion is for Italian culture. Erm, what I hope said at the beginning was good Italian because I am practicing.
I really like Italian culture, cause my dream in life is to see the San Carlo Opera House in Naples, Italy. Hopefully I can get into a good study abroad program that will let me go to Italy. But in short I everything Italian capisce:cool:?
But, I want to say that I still gots love for Utena, just because I've been rambling on about Italy, ok? I've always been a Utena fan. Love the fact that someone loaded the episodes, movie, and musical:dance: on Youtube.
So anyways, if you want I do have a profile on myspace if you want to check me out and yes I have thought about cosplaying as Anthy, but I don't know, I'm kinda nervous about it.
I'm another Canadian,
I've been lurking around here since the board started, and figured I might as well join. I enjoy analysis of characters, (one of the many reasons Utena and Empty Movement makes me a happy, happy geek.) but I'm not a particularly bright person, so I'm more prone to lurking and reading. I'll try my best though.
I adore musicals, specifically, Phantom of the Opera (Both Ken Hill's version and.. uh.. well.. ALW's. Don't hate me!) and West Side Story. I haven't seen the Utena musical yet, however.
I'm horrid at introductions. Sorry.
See you 'round.
Lotte wrote:
I'm another Canadian,
Have you broken out the dogsleds for winter yet? I'm still trying to avoid it, the snow's only three feet deep here, it's practically summer still! (
the Americans, but sometimes we hear some weird things from you...)
Lotte wrote:
I adore musicals, specifically, Phantom of the Opera (Both Ken Hill's version and.. uh.. well.. ALW's.
Don't hate me!) and West Side Story. I haven't seen the Utena musical yet, however.
Come on, guys. It may not be quite like real opera, but still, he's got some good tunes, some great casts, and the production values are awesome! I've been to see Phantom twice and it was boatloads of cool both times. And yes, I have read the book, and yes, I do like it. So why all this hating? It's fun!
Unlike the Utena musical, from what I've seen.
Lotte wrote:
I adore musicals, specifically, Phantom of the Opera (Both Ken Hill's version and.. uh.. well.. ALW's.
Don't hate me!)
What is this? I spent 22 years of my life totally unexposed to Phantom, I finally start listening uh...too much...and suddenly it's everywhere around me.
Also what's wrong with ALW's? Forgive my n00bness (I know musicals like Touga knows chastity), but I've repeatedly heard people dump on it.
Hi, I'm Anthiena. I write fanfiction, am from Minnesota, have hitchhiked 1,500+ miles to get there from Tennessee (it took two weeks), have been homeless, am going to be a mum, (It's a boy!) am engaged to a man who is eleven years older than me who likes to call himself Igor on the net, am a fan of Evanescence, some Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God, Lordaeron (an underground British metal band-I know the drummer off the net!), Dig Jelly (Think J-Rock in English), Gorillaz (Exhibit A:, Alanis Morisette, Aerosmith and a lot of other music. I am a Wiccan of sorts, have many friends who are either Nihilists or Satanists (Oh, the irony) and apparently identify with the philosophy of David Hume.... not that I really know what that means...
....and I draw merely average fanart from time to time, though recently, I have only drawn like Jamie Hewlett ala Gorillaz. Excuse me while I draw Utena in that style... interesting image in my head now....
I am also Autistic. (Asperger's Syndrome Sufferer- or ASS for short. )
....and I adore Opera and classical music. Vivaldi is my favorite composer. I have never seen Phantom of the Opera nor have I read it, but I want to very badly.
Last edited by Anthiena (10-26-2006 01:00:32 PM)
Yasha wrote:
Have you broken out the dogsleds for winter yet? I'm still trying to avoid it, the snow's only three feet deep here, it's practically summer still!
the Americans, but sometimes we hear some weird things from you...)
.. As long as you don't start asking about pet beavers, I'm perfectly fine.
And yes, Canadian's -adore- acting like we're somehow better/smarter/more liberal/chillier/whatever than Americans, but, eh. Whatever. I have yet to see proof of this.
Besides. We elected Stephen Harper. Abandon all hope.
Yasha wrote:
Come on, guys. It may not be quite like real opera, but still, he's got some good tunes, some great casts, and the production values are awesome! I've been to see Phantom twice and it was boatloads of cool both times. And yes, I have read the book, and yes, I do like it. So why all this hating? It's fun!
Unlike the Utena musical, from what I've seen.
I like Andrew Lloyd Webber! But I've been flamed one too many times. D: Twice shy, yeah?
And I'm a rabid Michael Crawford-as-the-Phantom fangirl. This apparently means I lack in taste. (I'm perfectly willing to admit I have issues, but not over that!)
I'm happy someone agrees with me on the 'oh, at least it's entertaining' for once. It'll never be brilliant, after all, it was made to please The Supper Club. But I -do- like it, although I can critique it ten times over, it's still the only musical that made me cry.
Giovanna wrote:
Lotte wrote:
I adore musicals, specifically, Phantom of the Opera (Both Ken Hill's version and.. uh.. well.. ALW's.
Don't hate me!)
What is this? I spent 22 years of my life totally unexposed to Phantom, I finally start listening uh...too much...and suddenly it's everywhere around me.
Also what's wrong with ALW's? Forgive my n00bness (I know musicals like Touga knows chastity), but I've repeatedly heard people dump on it.
I only heard of it last year. You're not alone. I bought the Original London Cast CD on a whim. My iPod has been Music-of-The-Night-raped.
Um, well, it's considered very... commercial? I guess? And lacking in good stage direction, and people just like to call Andrew Lloyd Webber classless. Me? I like a -lot- of his stuff.
I honestly don't know why it's not liked. Most people feel that it wasn't 'true' to the book enough. But, then again, Ken Hill -was- true to the book in many ways, and his version got it's ass kicked by critics, so, what can I say?
Lotte wrote:
And yes, Canadian's -adore- acting like we're somehow better/smarter/more liberal/chillier/whatever than Americans, but, eh. Whatever. I have yet to see proof of this.
Besides. We elected Stephen Harper. Abandon all hope.
1. I'm from America. Overall, you guys are better, smarter, more liberal, and chillier. But do keep in mind, I'm from a very crappy part of America.
2. We elected George Bush for a second term.
Lotte wrote:
I like Andrew Lloyd Webber! But I've been flamed one too many times. D: Twice shy, yeah?
Well given that Yasha is a fan and I've done nothing but listen to the soundtrack for two months now, you're safe here. (I've never seen it except for the movie and well...yeah. Phantom don't come 'round these here parts.*)
And even if we weren't fans, we wouldn't tolerate stupid flaming.
*Dammit, next time we go home, Yasha....
Giovanna wrote:
1. I'm from America. Overall, you guys are better, smarter, more liberal, and chillier. But do keep in mind, I'm from a very crappy part of America.
2. We elected George Bush for a second term.
Well, I'll give you chillier. And we probably are a bit more Liberal. (Unless you're in Alberta.)
And you may have elected Satan, (the non-sexy one) but we elected his Lapdog. As in, you elected Nanami, we elected the Musical Henchmen.
I was going to use an Akio/Touga comparison, but that's almost sacreligious.
Lotte wrote:
Well, I'll give you chillier. And we probably are a bit more Liberal. (Unless you're in Alberta.)
Hey! Not all Albertans think it's little Texas, all right? Edmonton's a very decent place to live, especially if you get fed up with the large amounts of hippie bullshit in BC and the all-too-common wannabe stereotypical jerk americans in Ontario. I haven't had much experience living in other places, but of all of them, I've liked Edmonton the best.
It's only when you get to small-town Alberta that you want to start holding gay pride rallies out of sheer spite. At that point, I start to think the entire province needs torching except for Edmonton and possibly Calgary.
Okay, took me a couple days of worrying over not not getting an email with my password before the thought of checking my spamfilters hit me. Thanks AOL, don't you dumbfucks know that anything Ohtori is not Spam? Meaty, certainly, but somehow, not canned.
Ah, okay, enough then. I'm Andrea, I've loved SKU for...god, six or seven years now? Am I really that old? Ew. I actually have the entire first volume of the manga in the installments published by Animerica Extra, a fabby mag that is, sadly, defunct. I love the anime, though, and I'm a rabid fangirl of the Black Rose saga/duels. I'm really not big into anime -actually, I gave away nearly all my anime a few years back, Utena being the only one I kept. I guess that says something?
Ahh, what else? You know, I think I've noticed that most SKU fans are big fans of booze and sex too. I wonder if there's a correlation? I currently work in hospitality, and find that the two of those make my days so much easier. So they're probably my favorite things. I'm enrolled at the local comm college with an undeclared major -ahhh, the joys of spending money I don't have.
Uhm...I can't really...I don't know what else to say. So...yeah.
Yasha wrote:
Lotte wrote:
Well, I'll give you chillier. And we probably are a bit more Liberal. (Unless you're in Alberta.)
Hey! Not all Albertans think it's little Texas, all right? Edmonton's a very decent place to live, especially if you get fed up with the large amounts of hippie bullshit in BC and the all-too-common wannabe stereotypical jerk americans in Ontario. I haven't had much experience living in other places, but of all of them, I've liked Edmonton the best.
It's only when you get to small-town Alberta that you want to start holding gay pride rallies out of sheer spite. At that point, I start to think the entire province needs torching except for Edmonton and possibly Calgary.
I've had one too many poor experiences with so-right-they're-practically-Ann-Coulter Albertans, so excuse the bias. I don't know much about Edmonton, beyond the fact that it has an insane amount of snow over the winter. Is that true?
I can back up the Hippies in B.C. thing as my brother currently lives in Vancouver. They also have huge Police-violence issues, apparently.
Gay pride for kicks? Count me in! o:
Lotte wrote:
Yasha wrote:
Lotte wrote:
Well, I'll give you chillier. And we probably are a bit more Liberal. (Unless you're in Alberta.)
Hey! Not all Albertans think it's little Texas, all right? Edmonton's a very decent place to live, especially if you get fed up with the large amounts of hippie bullshit in BC and the all-too-common wannabe stereotypical jerk americans in Ontario. I haven't had much experience living in other places, but of all of them, I've liked Edmonton the best.
It's only when you get to small-town Alberta that you want to start holding gay pride rallies out of sheer spite. At that point, I start to think the entire province needs torching except for Edmonton and possibly Calgary.I've had one too many poor experiences with so-right-they're-practically-Ann-Coulter Albertans, so excuse the bias. I don't know much about Edmonton, beyond the fact that it has an insane amount of snow over the winter. Is that true?
I can back up the Hippies in B.C. thing as my brother currently lives in Vancouver. They also have huge Police-violence issues, apparently.
Gay pride for kicks? Count me in! o:
Maybe we should start a thread for this, I know there are a lot of international fans and a lot of curious people here. Gimme until I get home from class.
I kinda feel a little odd here
I'm a 19 year old mexican student
I'm currently studying the second semester at medicine school here in my country, I love my career but it's quite hard sometimes, and I'd like to be a psyquiatrist
I'm mostly described as 'weird' and 'crazy'
I'm a shojo manga lover, I'm a CLAMP, Kaori Yuki, and a Shinjo fan too, but lately I'm in love with Fuyumi Soyro's MARS.
I've been a SKU fan since last year, and helpfuly took me out of a depresing stage on my life (I didn´t enter the college I wanted so...) I fell in with Ruka the first time I saw him (he's so sweet, and a hung
) bizarrely, he's my ideal man, to bad he's dead:gonk:, and a cartoon
We'll see you later in other post!!!
Last edited by assoil (10-26-2006 07:57:57 PM)
Lotte wrote:
I was going to use an Akio/Touga comparison, but that's almost sacreligious.
...comparing George Bush to Akio is a bannable offense on my forum. Just no. And I'm not up on your moose politics but I'm sure that other guy is about as Touga-like as a bag of vomit.
morosemocha wrote:
I've noticed that most SKU fans are big fans of booze and sex too.
That's just us Akio fans. It's actually a curse to like the booze. My tongue wants the $120 Australian shiraz but my bank account wants the $3 Franzia boxed wine. As for Akio's precious cognac...well my father was a bartender and didn't lock up his private collection. Seven years old and spoiled on XO.
Hey, hey. Man, I am totally excited at having a really active Utena board to haunt now. I figured I'd poke around a bit and try to resist my newbie urges, but then I stumbled across Yasha's 'gross' post and came running back to the nice, sweet, tame, all-my-internal-organs-inside-where-they-belong newbie introductions.
So. I am a twenty-year-old college student, crazy about Utena for going on five years now, and in two more years, if I still haven't changed my mind, I just might get a small, tasteful rose crest tattoo. 'Tasteful' for however tasteful anime tattoos ever are. Although I can certainly wrap my head around the sex appeal of Akio or Ruka, it's really Utena, Juri, or Chigusa I'd pay good money to have in my bed. (And I wouldn't say no to deprogrammed-Anthy.) Chiho Saito and Be-papas are currently fighting it out battle-royal style with CLAMP, Kouta Hirano and Hiroaki Samura for the contents of my soul and, more importantly, wallet. I guess I favor bloody shoujo? Or something.
I might have been one of the Utena cosplayers you saw at Otakon 2002; if so, I was that absolutely wretched one you saw and immediately pretended you didn't-- the one with the rose seal made of nail polish and the pockets that were falling off because they'd only been duct-taped on. It was the first and last time I tried to sew my costume myself. I listen to rock and J-rock (mostly X-Japan, because they were ridiculously awesome in a way that gave David Bowie a run for his money), have a guilty love of Andrew Lloyd Webber and a totally proud one of Stephen Sondheim, and I dip my toes in the indie rock pool every now and then.
I am a very big fan of booze and sex.
Last edited by vitupera (10-27-2006 02:38:58 AM)
Hello, everynyan! I might as well write a little something here, too. I'm 18 years old, male, Finnish, current occupation: conscientous objector. The law here in Finland says that all men must spend from six to twelve months jumping around the forest in military gear, playing war (women can do it too if they want to), but all the commies, druggies, hippies, veggies, faggots, and other traitors of the fatherland can choose to spend thirteen months doing something else. Me, I do some miscellaneous odd jobs at the local employment office, mostly using the copier and filing stuff that no-one will ever need again but it has to be filed 'cos that's just how it is. There's not that much stuff to copy or file, though, so I'm left with plenty of spare time, best used in activities such as browsing this here wonderful forum. Once my non-military service ends (that'll be July, 2007), I'll begin my studies in English Philology at the University of Tampere.
When not wasting government time to surf around the web, I like to listen to music, watch anime, read books, think about Profoundly Philosophical Matters, consume alcoholic beverages in moderation, and write poetry that hopelessly attempts to emulate J.A. Seazer's finely-crafted nonsense. My taste in music is as wide as my taste in literature is narrow, and my taste in anime lies somewhere in between. My favourite philosophers would be Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
I'm not quite sure how I ended up watching SKU. Back then, I was yet to discover my affection towards all things weird and pretentiously artsy, and after watching the first episode, I remember thinking, "Oh damn, if I end up hooked on this, I'm a goner." And verily, it was so! By the second episode I was already moshing to Absolute Destiny Apocalypse. And as they say, "The rest, as they say, is history."
Unlike the anime where nothing happens without a reason, my path to the Utena world was accompanied by coincidence. n_n Saw the movie first, as a one-time projection in a theatre that usually hosts unusual things. I had no idea what to expect from "anime", who in the world was Utena and what was the film about. I can safely say that it didn't become any more clearer after watching it. That had to be the most abstract thing I ever saw! At least I had something to think about while walking home, heh. I couldn't explain the plot to myself even when I tired, so I let it slip.
A year passed without anything exciting happening. Except, of course, for my cousin's sudden and intense interest in anime. We usually just pass obsessions on to eachother and while I resisted with all my might and my so-called will, I gave in and watched a few of her reccomendations. If I was going to acquire anime for her, I might as well watch it myself, ne? Even though I usually don't like popular titles, wow...
...there's no going back after watching Shoujo Kakumei Utena. *_* So you're reading a post of a 16 year-old girl from Croatia that has this show on her favorites list. The symbolism, the wierdness, the complexity, all the scene's with Juri... They just give my brain so much to think about, all the while acting as a bottomless pit; You can never read too much into it or figure everything out. Makes the fandom everlasting. Aswell as my post. Hehe, long introduction...
Joku_Krypfto wrote:
Hello, everynyan! I might as well write a little something here, too. I'm 18 years old, male, Finnish, current occupation: conscientous objector. The law here in Finland says that all men must spend from six to twelve months jumping around the forest in military gear, playing war (women can do it too if they want to), but all the commies, druggies, hippies, veggies, faggots, and other traitors of the fatherland can choose to spend thirteen months doing something else. Me, I do some miscellaneous odd jobs at the local employment office, mostly using the copier and filing stuff that no-one will ever need again but it has to be filed 'cos that's just how it is. There's not that much stuff to copy or file, though, so I'm left with plenty of spare time, best used in activities such as browsing this here wonderful forum.
Once my non-military service ends (that'll be July, 2007), I'll begin my studies in English Philology at the University of Tampere.
I'll be damned, another Finn. First time in years in the forums I visit I encounter a countryman. And a countryman who's trying to get to study the same subject I am, no less.
Yes, I'm another Finn, a would-be intellectual with social life of an average snail. Neither by choice or by accident, really - I just seem to get bored with people too quickly and my sarcasm isn't witty enough to pass off as an amusing quirk. I love an interesting conversation where I can find one, but even the almost nonexistant levels of small talk that most Finns practice feel like a chore to me. As plus I read a lot and routinely pick strange literal expressions to my speech, unintentionally (well, almost) making myself difficult to understand by others.
No clue yet, whether to go with armed or civilian service, since neither appeals greatly to my barely existent ideological background, though I'm a couple of years older than Krypfto. Since here in Finland you can't get into a university with money, but only by competing with other candidates in vigorous exams, so far I've been unable to enter - you don't only have to be good, but also better than the others. As such, I study in a less prestigeous place and bide my time until the next year's entrance exams.
I hope one day in the undefined future to get a novel or two published, but at the moment I'm only at the stage of practicing. It'll be years, propably, before I have anything worth showing to a real publisher.
And about my relationship with Utena: I believe I first time saw it when my sister demanded me to watch a few episodes, though I was reluctant at first, due magical girl-ish name and candy-coloured style. However, I quickly became curious about the bizzare symbolism, clearly inspired at least to some extent by Carl Jung, and all the mysteries introduced early on - and I liked the music. Not to mention that I had just gotten interested with Herman Hesse and someone had scribbled Japanese words in the marginal of Demian I borrowed from the library. Words that I quickly noted were straight from the Student Council speech, which in turn obviously comes from the book. By the end of the first arc, I was hooked - characters I had first taught as simplistic revealed unexpected depths and the plot itself became an addictive drug. After the series I found the universe's best piece of fanfiction, Alan Harnum's Jaquemart that only increased my admiration for the series itself, for inspiring such a great, though sadly unfinished work.
Lightice wrote:
Not to mention that I had just gotten interested with Herman Hesse and someone had scribbled Japanese words in the marginal of Demian I borrowed from the library. Words that I quickly noted were straight from the Student Council speech, which in turn obviously comes from the book.
That's seriously the most awesome act of library book vandalism ever.
The versatility of the crowd here is still completely amazing to me. Finland? Estonia? You people know how few Americans can point those countries out on a map? (I can! I can! That puts me in the upper 1% in America, where it just makes me another D student in other countries. )
Hiya everybodies. I have been um, subliminally dragged here (o_O) by the lovely SleepDebtFairy , due to all her Utena posts in her LJ. Not to say that I wasn't aware of the series before... I've been a fan for uh... five or six years, but only through the manga and the movie. I am working on that as we speak. So for now I will probably mostly lurk about until I see the rest of the anime.
Hmm... I'm a nineteen year old (for another week) university student majoring in new media. I enjoy reading, web design, strange music, gaming, and other geekish things. Nice to meet you all!
Last edited by solarfacade (10-28-2006 11:51:45 PM)
Hello, everyone. I signed up for an account here just a few days ago.
I started watching SKU in the summer of 2005. I was aware of the series well before that and had been meaning to check it out, but I could only find SKU episodes on grotesquely overpriced French DVD's where I live. I'm glad I finally gave the series a try, though. I was hooked right after the first episode. I promptly bought the whole TV series, imported a US DVD of the movie, read the whole manga and bought a couple of soundtrack CD's just for good measure. I'm really happy to've found an Utena-related forum, as there's just so much to discuss about the series!
A little about myself; male, aged 25, born from a French mother and a German father, currently living in the Netherlands. I enjoy reading books of all shapes, sizes and subject matter in my spare time.
Hello! I'm "Alarm" and I adore the series Utena~~~~
I'm used to Sailor Moon forums... so, this is my first Utena forum guys, so be nice!!!!! <~~ that smiley does not look embarassed... it looks like it's about to give head!!!
ANYWAY!!! I look forward to many fun experiences here, yadda yadda, and more insight into the fantastic series that is Utena!