This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :) … amp;sid=78
To make some "apples to oranges" comparisons, Noka chocolates cost more than:
Foie gras -- $50 per pound
Domestic sturgeon caviar -- $275 per pound
American Wagyu and Japanese Kobe beef -- $100 to $300 per pound
Sterling silver -- $170 per pound
Marijuana in El Paso -- $350 per pound
A fat stack of dollar bills -- $454 per pound
So to make this thread a bit more worthwhile than, "i wunned to post it" how about you say what kind of chocoates you like.
Oh, and De Beers is sitting on gigantic Diamond Mines in southern Africa and floods the market every single time a competator comes up with a different price. Inherited rings from my great grandparents are basically the only thing keeping me from getting my future fiancee tossing her cubic zirconia ring back in my face.
I'm actually not very fond of chocolate. But when I'm in the mood, I want Lindt's dark chocolate. And maybe these awesome white chocolate truffles with lemon filling I got once.
I wish I knew where they came from.
Now I want a bite! Thanks Hinotori, I'll have to strip till Valentine's Day to pay for that taste!
Dark chocolate is my favorite. In the alarming trend of relating everything, no matter how innocent, to sex... all my lotions have dark chocolate hints of flavor. I don't like my chocolate mixed with anything either. But filled = different story. I present to you:
Last edited by Frosty (12-28-2006 08:05:01 AM)
I try.
I love dark chocolate as well. Lindt is delicious when I can get it, and as far as "chocolates" go we have this lovely local outfit called Esther Price that always has yummy chocolates. I don't like going there all the time, but I always get some on holidays.
Last Easter I went to a chocolate shop to get some of their cream eggs and I swear to god they had a gigantic chocolate crucifix in full detail with blood dripping from the crown of thorns and everything. I would've bought it and taken pictures if the freaking thing wasn't 150bux.
Dark chocolate is my favorite as well. Though I don't eat so much chocolate as I used to. Actually I shouldn't eat them at all 'cause they often put peanuts (or other nuts) in chocolate which I'm allergic to.
And also, when I was younger I used to love all the sweet stuff. I still love the sweet stuff but even more than that I like meat, arr!
I'm moving this thread, along with another one or two, from IFD to GD. IFD is for threads that are either deliberately stupid, sexually graphic, or otherwise not particularly work-safe, and this one I suspect won't be straying into that territory, even if I request information on chocolate with an extra low melting point for sexual use.
Frosty wrote:
Mini chocolate bottles
Dude I love these. I used to get boxes of them every time my mother shopped at the fancy snobby grocery store and I'd get looped. (I was only five.)
I used to be an unholy chocolate hound, although in the last couple years my capacity to eat massive amounts has dwindled to something a bit more normal. However, as it took less chocolate to satisfy, my standards crept through the roof. You can't bring me any old chocolate bar, dammit!
Lindts, however, will do very nicely.
As will these, which I know now I should have bought a damn case of.
Tastes like Akio. Srsly.
As for these noka chocolates...if I had money I'd totally buy a 12-piece box just to see what the fuss is about. A minimum of 75% cacao in each piece? Hot. I don't like my chocolate to be especially sweet.
There's this local chocolatier in Connecticut called Munsons...
Oh god...
Is it wrong for me to not really like Godiva? I think it tastes too fatty...
Now Munsons, that has a very low fat content & you can taste it! It's just beautiful...
No, it's not wrong.
I used to love Godiva but yeah, after a while I moved on to richer chocolates. Even Godiva's bittersweet chocolates are too sweet for me, and they're way overpriced for the quality of the product. I think you're more or less paying for the name on the box with them, especially since they don't make the mandarin truffles anymore.
And three cheers for local chocolate! I think overall the best chocolates I've had, especially when it comes to truffles, are from local stores that are making it themselves in the back.
Actually I really, really want to learn to make truffles and chocolates and such on my own, it's only been shelved because I'm dieting and there'd be no point. It's definitely on my list though.
I have an aunt (or maybe a cousin? I'm not sure how we're related, just that we are) who's like a master chocolatier (sp?). It's crazy. She makes roses and trees and all kinds of stuff when we get together. She made crucifixes for my cousin's confirmation. Totally amazing. A little wrong, perhaps, but amazing.
my simple chocolate fix is just a packet of Hershey's Kissables warmed up so the chocolate inside is all melty and delicious...
you can do it with M&M's too
Giovanna wrote:
No, it's not wrong.
I used to love Godiva but yeah, after a while I moved on to richer chocolates. Even Godiva's bittersweet chocolates are too sweet for me, and they're way overpriced for the quality of the product. I think you're more or less paying for the name on the box with them, especially since they don't make the mandarin truffles anymore.
And three cheers for local chocolate! I think overall the best chocolates I've had, especially when it comes to truffles, are from local stores that are making it themselves in the back.
Actually I really, really want to learn to make truffles and chocolates and such on my own, it's only been shelved because I'm dieting and there'd be no point. It's definitely on my list though.
Actually, Gio, I have a cookbook that is dedicated entirely to recipies having to do with chocolate...
There's cakes, cookies, tortes, chocolate itself, sauces, salsas, dipping things, ice cream, and beautiful illustrations...
I think that once my scanner stops shitting itself I shall have to post it...
God, the pictures in there are like porn to me... (I'm a confessed dessert fetishist)
The chocolate sauces pour smoothly & slowly out of a silver pouring thingy (hell if I know what they're called ), while they shine sensuously against the light in a way that is very similar to PVC & leather... (I'm a mild bondage enthusiast too...)
Mmm, chocolate...I'm a cheap Cadbury's whore, myself. And funnily enough, I don't actually prefer the original British version; I like the stuff made in New Zealand and Australia better (yes, it's a slightly different recipe). And there's nothing better than exploding a Creme Egg in the microwave at Easter.
As for quality chocolate...I'm not really into it, but that may be because (a) I just about OD'ed on Toblerone in Geneva and (b) after eating too much Belgian chocolate in Brugge I just about threw it all up again into a convenient canal. I am all class. I'll think I'll just stick to my real classy Dairy Milk.
hyacinth_black wrote:
There's this local chocolatier in Connecticut called Munsons...
Mmmm, Munson's. I live about 10 minutes away from their flagship store in Bolton! Always my first choice when I want "the good stuff"
I had chocolate in Belgium.
That entire country kicks ass.
And dark chocolate FTW.
I like Cadbury's a lot when I want something cheaper. I've never actually had the stuff made in Australia or New Zealand and I prefer the stuff from the UK (which I only get once a year really) to the stuff they make in the States. Nothing like the Turkish Delight-filled Dairy Milk. Of course, US-made Cadbury's is better than Hershey's, even though they're owned by the same company... of course, to me ANYTHING is better than Hershey's.
If I want class, I go for Scharffen Berger. Even the milk chocolate is more intense than most dark chocolates manufactured here in the States. And the bittersweets and darks are just so powerful, it's like a chocolate punch in the mouth.