This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
What would be your hypothetical last words?(Saw this topic on vampirefreaks and couldn't resist a thread)
And I also have to agree with one of the posts relating back to Rozz Williams,
"I will FUCK myself to death!"
'But it tasted delicious.'
Ahahaha. Oh it makes me wonder what you would put in your mouth. (I know that's the point, I just think it's a swell one.)
So is this a game? Are only last words allowed or is this open up to discussion? Because I would have very different last words depending on my style of death. Murder would be greeted by a very hearty, "Go fuck yourself." Death due to old age would have something along the lines of telling everyone to do their best in life, and to be brave and kind. If I died in a horrific accident I'd want my family to know I loved them.
Never thought about this before, but I'm glad I've laid it out while I could.
"I've got 50 bucks riding on this. Don't fuck it up, man."
Or maybe "LOL I'm history in the making, gaiz!"
Yeah. Something along those lines.
To the crying friends and relatives gathered around my death bed:
"Please lie and say that I came up with something incredibly profound and inspirational in this, my last earthly moment. Just say whatever works best for you to prove your point, in any given situation. And I fully approve my last-minute conversions to your religion of choice."
Oh sharnii, hats off to you. I have to say your pre-death wit trumps mine absolutely.
Here's a few.
"Hey guys, watch this!"
"Nah, helmets are for babies."
"Oh, come on, how hard could it be? It's just a chains--"
Last edited by Miss Bluesky (07-02-2009 07:55:55 AM)
Syora wrote:
Ahahaha. Oh it makes me wonder what you would put in your mouth.
(I know that's the point, I just think it's a swell one.)
So is this a game? Are only last words allowed or is this open up to discussion? Because I would have very different last words depending on my style of death. Murder would be greeted by a very hearty, "Go fuck yourself." Death due to old age would have something along the lines of telling everyone to do their best in life, and to be brave and kind. If I died in a horrific accident I'd want my family to know I loved them.
Never thought about this before, but I'm glad I've laid it out while I could.
You know what? lets just make it also a "Preferred way to Die" thread as well.
I already listed my cause of death
I would want it to be an epic battle in the Sailor Moon vs Galactia style. I would die and still win in a triumphant blaze of kick ass and recklessness.
PS: But given the lack of magic and Sailor Senshi in this world, I would happily go your way instead.
Last edited by Syora (07-02-2009 12:49:13 PM)
Assuming I get to witness Apocalypse, then when people are screaming in agony with fires and brimstones cast from the sky, I'm gonna sing, "I see blue skies *plane crashes into each other* and clouds of white *thunder* I see them bloom *explosions at random house near by* for me and you *people running out of the house on fire, screaming and rolling* And I said to myself *Someone screams, "SWEET MOTHER OF MERCY, HELP ME!!!!* What a wonderful world~~ *Random kid, "I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!*"
This scenario creeps even me, and I'm probably gonna go to hell for considering it
Last edited by Hiraku (07-02-2009 12:46:31 PM)
"Syntax Error! Body Permanent Destruction Process Initialized"
"Holy shit, NOW?"
"I always wanted to die laughing, but not because that joke was so bad!"
"Yeah it is contagious, asshole."
*video taping last will and testament*
"..and the entirety of my 8 billion dollar industry goes to...urh...urk" *dies*
What does this button do?
Syora: Oh sharnii, hats off to you. I have to say your pre-death wit trumps mine absolutely.
/bow & /hug
Mel: "..and the entirety of my 8 billion dollar industry goes to...urh...urk" *dies*
As for how I die? I'm emo enough over having to inevitably die one day as it is. I think I'll take something non-painful if possible. Like the tried and true dying in one's sleep.
"It's the end of the wooorld as we know it! And I feel fine! No, really!!"
"Tell my kids that I loved them and tell my bitch of stepmother that I hope her soul gets eaten by Chtulu or gets reincarnated as a lab test animal."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, goodnight and good riddance!"
"Wow, I see God and he's kissing a guy!"
Last edited by Anthiena (07-06-2009 01:30:59 PM)
Anthiena: "Wow, I see God and he's kissing a guy!"
Risque! I like eet.
Upgrade is: "Wow, I see God and she's kissing a girl!"
'Bye everybody!
"Not cool, dude. Not. Cool."
"The cream of wheat is not done."
"Mm. I thought I'd be in Hawaii."
Just a few
"Are you videotaping this?"
It's a shame I wouldn't be around to edit my last artistic expression.
'You couldn't wait until I'd finished my cheesesteak?'