This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So i finally found my old utena 5 tape box set i brought a while back on Amazon. It only has a couple of the beginning episodes on it but i just wanted a taste of Utena before i went to bed last night. While watching i came across one of my favorite quotes in the series!
then i forgot the words exactly! lol.
When i remember i'll come back and post.
But what is your favorite quote(s) from the series?
Well, I just read the question, and, It might sound cliché xp but, I think I'd say my favorite quote is when Anthy tells Utena the story about the poison, and makes her understand she put some in the cookies, but, Utena continues eating them and then tells Anthy she put some poison in the tea as well. (jeje....I know it's not quite a quote, but I guess I just like the entire dialog =p )
And the forever loves, "Itsuka Issho ni Kagayaite"
Greetings from Mexico
useme_imbeautiful wrote:
When i remember i'll come back and post.
But what is your favorite quote(s) from the series?
Work isn't usually slow enough for me to browse, but now I'm wondering what your favorite quote actually was and felt compelled to post.
I wish I had a favorite quote, but I read too much into words and language, and little nuances. I know very little about Japanese conjugation, so I'm afraid that anything I find heart-worthy will either have the translator's own spin on it, that I'm reading too much into, or maybe I'm just saying I'd like to be able to translated the words, myself, to take my own meaning.
I don't have my books with me, but the old, wandering Monk/scholar Bede did say something about it being impossible to adequately translate the "beauty" of one language to another, when he was travelling. Eh, I'm just an English major that should have studied more French and reads too much into words and can't even remember any exact quotes ATM. But I do remember finding Touga calling/asking Saionji if they were best friends hilarious the first time I saw it.
But I may just be full of it, because I adore the Nanami-cow episode, when Utena protests that Nanami is better than a cow and should be changed back, and Anthy asks wide-eyed and innocent, oh-so conversational, "You think so?"
Silly me! i did forget to post my favorite quote! heheh
Well The sunlit garden prelude while Miki is grading Anthy's paper him and Jury have small talk and then he asks:
"Hey miss jury, Happiness can sometimes be surprisingly close by, Can it?"
I just thought it was so adorable.
^Much as I'd love to agree with you on that, for me my memory of that scene will always be focused on Juri's subtle reaction to that line... I know he didn't mean anything by it, but she seemed quite put off, enough that she deliberately changed the subject rather than answer his innocent query. That's a rather disheartening thought, especially for me since Juri is my favorite character.
Hmm... well, aside from that my brain is coming up blank at the moment. Perhaps I too, shall return later with a quote of my own to post.
ezbth wrote:
Greetings from Mexico
[waves] Welcome! I was just in Mexico, actually, though I started in Mexico City and went down as far as Oaxaca before turning back up and going around the top of the Yucatan Peninsula, so I wasn't anywhere near Monterrey. I really loved what I saw of Mexico, though, so I'm sure I would have liked it too!
My personal favourite stop was Palenque, though despite my general ambivalence towards beach holidays my first stop on a return trip to Mexico will be Cancun, specifically Isla Mujeres.
My favourite quote is Mikage's speech to Utena when she's breaking his arm. Just the bit that begins "Only those will beautiful memories are allowed to wish..." I think no matter how its translated, it's gloriously fucked up and explains so much about not only Mikage, not only Utena, but the whole damn show.
During the Black Rose Saga, in Nemuro Memorial Hall, at hollowed ground, Mikage asks Mamiya why he does not go out more often, and the quote goes:
"The rain depresses me."
The way he said it in the dub made me crack up for an eccentric reason, like such an emo teenager XD
useme_imbeautiful wrote:
Silly me! i did forget to post my favorite quote! heheh
Well The sunlit garden prelude while Miki is grading Anthy's paper him and Jury have small talk and then he asks:
"Hey miss jury, Happiness can sometimes be surprisingly close by, Can it?"
I just thought it was so adorable.
I love that one!
I'm probably remembering this wrong (and I'm not positive on the episode, but I think it's the first Juri-centric episode) when Juri loses her duel and is so adamant about it not being because of a miracle, "No miracle was involved/took place here!", or something along those lines.
Another one is in the Prince Who Runs through the Night, when Utena can't make up her mind about what to have for lunch the next day. It's just a beautiful scene
And this isn't quite in the same field, but I also find the lyrics of the dueling music to be really interesting and inspiring.
I haven't seen the last three episodes in years (hopefully I will soon), but I'd also like to add when Akio (or Dios?) telling Utena she couldn't revolutionize the world because she was a girl. To me it's something that says a lot, as it runs throughout the whole series (Utena's trying to become a prince and others telling her who she can or cannot/should not be).
I just remembered another one of my favorites, courtesy of the shadow girls in the Castle Where Eternity Dwells.
It's okay though, I understand... Wizards, fairies, princes on white horses, and kind-hearted true friends are only found in fairy tales."