This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Utena: Holy shit, I pwn as an old person.
Old Anthy: That you do, my love.
Utena: While I am flattered by your attention, the fact you may be +900 years older than me is still somewhat disturbing.
Old Anthy: In the end, my insides are pretty much dried out from the years of existing beyond the lifespan of normal individuals. But it's okay for me.
Utena: I feel icky.
Old Utena: You get used to it.
Utena: Again, too much information.
Haruka: Suddenly, the idea that me and the other Sailor Senshi might live forever is less appealing.
Ikuhara: Tsk, fine.
/Ikuhara casts Life2
Anthy: Well, that was....strange.
Old Anthy: Hello.
Old Anthy: Just relax your brain a little and it starts making more sense.
Rules of Space/Time: /suicide
Old Anthy: Why are the roses around here unnatural colors? Why does Makio wear pantaloons? Why does Miki never have a girlfriend? Shall I go on?
Anthy: The answer to all those questions is fuck if I care.
Old Anthy: Hmm. I haven't changed much.
Anthy: Why don't you use magic to make yourself hot again?
Old Anthy: Because Old Utena doesn't have much of a choice in how she looks. She's mortal.
Old Utena: I hope I don't die soon. That would suck ass.
Utena: Wait... You mean... Anthy... *stares at Anthy goggle-eyed"'re not...mortal?
Old Anthy: How many times do you think that Akio tried to open the Rose Gate? Once? HA.....
Both: I kinda figured it was obvious.
Old Anthy: "I could but I need the blood of some teenage virgins but where the help can we find virgins anymore?"
*As Suzuki, Tanaka and Yamada were eating lunch, suddenlt a collective shiver ran up their spines*
Old Utena: Hey, Suzuki, Tanaka, and Yamada are still virgins. That's obvious since they are all losers who keep on chasing after Nanami even after she humiliated them millions of times.
Suzuki: "I have this feeling that we should get laid and FAST."
Tanaka: "But what can we do? Nanami won't put out."
*Yamada thinks for a few seconds and then...*
Yamada: "I got an idea, why don't we convince Kozue that Miki would be pissed off if she was to sleep with us."
Suzuki & Tanaka: "AWESOME!" *plays air guitar like Bill and Ted*
Suzuki: Tanaka! I've just realized! It was never was you!
Tanaka: ...
Yamada: ...
Suzuki: Your fine ass!
Tanaka: ...
Yamada: ...ohhhhh. I get it. Ha ha, that's a pretty good idea.
Suzuki: Shut um Yamada, and get on your knees. You too Tanaka.
Old Anthy: None of that gay shit! I need blood and I need it NAO! *fangs pop out*
Utena: Scary. *shiver*
Nanami *pops up*: Now do you believe she's evil?!
Utena: No!
*Old Anthy leaps upon the Nanami virgin and bites her neck*
Anthy: Mmm mmm.
Utena: ZOMG. That's...that's some pretty fucked up shit.
*Suzuki, Tanaka & Yamada are all drooling, watching with their tongues hanging out*
Old Anthy: *turns into Young Old Anthy*
Old Utena: OMG! Hot!
Young Old Anthy: Wow, I look like a teenager again.
Old Utena: Yup, you sure do. *leaps on top of Young Old Anthy and rips all her clothes off*
Utena: Hey, I want to do her!