This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Just yesterday, I had no problem at all spewing a whole five paragraphs of Anthy/Freud/Nanami analysis in another thread. For five paragraphs, it was a ridiculously quick write. All it took was one French class ('Tis ok. We had a sub that day. ) and free period to finish the whole damn thing. Compared to school-related essays and the two fictional novels I'm writing, it was ridiculously easy to do. Now, writing admittingly comes easier to me than it does to others (ask anyone who knows me, they'll testify.
), but very rarely do my mind and fingers dash along the keyboard as easily as most people breathe. After finishing the RGU essay, I felt happier and went along the rest of the day decidedly less stressed out. It was then that I realized that I considered analyzing RGU stress relief.
I think I feel like this because the character I most identify with is Miki. He's decidedly more shy and more naive then me, but he's an artist. And he spends the series searching for a person who understands his art with the same level and feel he does. I consider myself a writer and storyteller, but I don't know anyone who analyzes symbolism, creates worlds, and builds characters with the passion and expertise I do. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are plenty of story powerhouses in the world of publishing, TV, and film, but they must all be allergic to the high school I go to. With RGU analysis, I get to indulge in at least the analysis part of my art to people who (hopefully) care and understand my digressive dissertations.
Why do the rest of you like to analyze RGU? Is it as relaxing to you as it is to me?
Last edited by Nights1stStar (05-22-2009 12:20:37 PM)
I don't really find it very relaxing....I guess I get too worked up either about my ideas, and then I argue with people over them, which isn't relaxing, or I try to hard to make things consistent and my head explodes. So analyzing SKU isn't really relaxing for me. But I still do it because it's fun, and even after 9 years of being in the fandom I find there's always something new to find and a new interpretation to come up with.
I find it relaxing since I generally find analysis of such subject matter I enjoy relaxing. However, I usually prefer to keep my ideas to myself because I kinda get annoyed when my ideas are questioned like any arrogant human being or I just don't like having alternative perspectives which clash with my own disturb my comfortable line of thought. But mostly I like looking at little things which help bring out more obscure aspects of the story and characters. I also like drawing religious or mythological or societal connections to the characters and themes in SKU since there seem to be quite a few.
But analysis as a private practice: yes.
Relaxing? Well... yes and no. Analyzing Utena is fun and fascinating, but also a lot of work. I guess you could say it's relaxing in the way that jogging, say, is relaxing; you're exerting yourself, but another part of you is taking a load off. On the other hand, defending my analysis once it's out there isn't relaxing in any way. That part I do out of obligation. The problem is that I have an unhealthy mindset that demands that I protect my point of view while attacking any who stand in its way, an attitude I don't recommend to anyone. I do better when I approach analysis with humility, asking questions and synthesizing new ideas instead of insisting that my own original answers are the Gospel. The only problem is the part of me that says that if I turn out to be wrong, I shouldn't have betrayed my ignorance by opening my mouth in the first place. I feel this way even though I know we learn partly by making mistakes.
For the most part, analysis is absolutely something I do as a calming mechanism. If I'm too much awake to fall asleep, I'll recite the translation of duel song lyrics in my head, and ask myself what it means. It's like clearing one's mind by asking, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" I thank Seasar for creating songs that truly help me find peace on a regular basis.
Yes, sharing my analysis does ruin that peace, which is why I don't share as much as I could. At least not in essay format. I've always wanted to have a real-life discussion about SKU (still haven't had one for more than 2 minutes) because I could share my opinions more freely knowing that what I said won't be there months later for people to read and disapprove of.
But over all, analysis is by far the best relaxation method I know of.
Yeah, when I have nothing better to do, I may delve into some more essay like analysis as if I was in one of my literature courses in the university. I've done personality analysis with some more fringe theories which I've done some hefty research on for a few years and that is a world of its own. I may or may not share it when I do. I don't really care either ways since it will merely be an exercise to maintain my expository writing abilities. SKU is meaty enough material to satisfy my intellectual standards, I suppose.
hmm... I've never considered it that way. Though in reflection I realize that I do analyze Utena at quieter times in the day, and am usually doing absolutely nothing else at those times. For me, though, I think it's more of a stimulus, and so much of one, that I couldn't do anything else at that moment if I tried. ...after typing that, I realize that RGU is my answer to drugs 0__0... wow... that really is surprising
satyr: Relaxing? Well... yes and no. Analyzing Utena is fun and fascinating, but also a lot of work.
Yep, that's how it feels for me too. Quite tiring - I rarely write lengthy analysis in threads, and personally I don't enjoy the responsibility of defending it (or how heated analysis threads can become ). I tend to prefer jokey analysis that looks at the lighter side of SKU (and lightens heavy threads), although I believe in the value of the deeper stuff that generous people put on offer in my own passionate way.
But I do enjoy the exchange of ideas, and picking up brand new SKU ideas from my lovely fellow fans. Thus I enjoy reading analysis threads, and I LOVE analysis (including SKU analysis of course!) in real life, when you have the opportunity to talk your ideas out properly without the space and waiting and possible miscommunication of forums. And all the fan-girly/boy-y screaming. Oh wait...don't the rest of you incorporate screaming into your analysis?
I'll tell you what's relaxing for me though...writing fanfic. You never have to defend fanfic past a certain point: your ideas and experimentation seems more free than in strict analysis. But it's still analysis, just a slightly more hidden form. Or at least I find myself analysing as I write it.