This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
who else loves visual kei!? i can't be the only one. allong with my long time love of anime i have taken the plunge into the deep dark depths of japanese music...j-rock/visual kei or whatever you want to call it... among my top are Malice Mizer (gackt era and Klaha era...RIP Kami
-Moi dix Mois (feat. MANA)
-Kozi (solo stuff)
Eve of Destiny (what happned to them! there great!!)
Dir en Grey
la arc~en~ciel
ya know...some hard to come by and some you can go to a newberry comics to buy...
talk about some music! make new listening sugestions im always searching.
and now the best part... How to popularize EGL in the states
MANA makes some cool clothing (look up Moi Meme Moitie if youve never seen it)
The Revolution of Visual kei is uppon us! show your support!
I really can't stand most of Moi Dix Mois, but I can't help but adore Mana. I went through this BIG Malice Mizer thing in the seventh grade, so...uh...maybe it's nostalgia. I dunno. I used to have pictures of him (& the others, but mostly Mana) all over my walls. (That's just one corner, there were a bunch of collages like that everywhere. My room doesn't look like that anymore, though. I don't look like that anymore either.)
Regardless, my favorite Malice Mizer era is definitely when Tetsu was the vocalist. & Klaha comes in second favorite. (I like a lot of the Gackt-era music, but I can't stand Gackt.
Soooo ridiculous...)
& I also enjoy Eve of Destiny, Velvet Eden, and Due'le Quartz a lot. Besides that, I never really got that heavily into Visual Kei...I guess Kana MIGHT count, but she's more general EGL.
i have a friend who obsesses over gackt
i dont see why hes so great, i think he can be overrated. some of is solo songs are pretty cool though (Lust for blood, illness illusion, Mizerable) and why is he so crazy? saying he was born in like....1450!! he is a weird guy...and now he has cornrows
i mostly liked gackt era MM because of Kami, an amazing drummer... its so sad what happned
and Klaha because his voice is sexy! no one can resist the coolness of Beast of Blood!
I agree, Kami was amazing...have you seen the Voyage tour performance of Regret? It starts out with Gackt soloing on the piano, but then Kami comes in and it is really beautiful--it makes me cry every time. (It's on youtube if you haven't seen it-- )
& I also agree that Klaha's voice is ridiculously sexy. Especially when he hits those weird high notes that should totally be out of his range, like in Garnet.
ive actually had thoughts of starting a maid cafe in my hometown... i think it would be great!
and i could design the outfits
Visual Kei=the other part of life. next to utena and food.
Dir en grey is my favorite JRock//Visual Kei group of all time.
how cliche, but still so true.
Mana is basically GOD.
I love Malice Mizer. Moi Dix Mois as well.
If you open a cafe, you should call it Antique Cafe ^-^
[[me=lame fan]]
I'd want to work there.
Sorry for butting in on the conversation ;-;
butting in!?!?!?!
NO WAY!! bring more into this, im curious on who else is into this, its hard to find people who believe MANA is GOD
i have the DVD of their Dix Infernal tour and before his guitar solo he (to Mad Ingrain) raises a sword high over his head many a time and the crowd is all in a hush....
MANA=GOD period.
I used to be really into visual j-rock. I loved Gacket and Malice Mitzer (early stuff) and Mana (I have this thing for cross dressing). I still like it quite a bit, but I'm almost an exclusive Gacket girl now, and I like punk-ish stuff. J-rock visual culture is really the best, most attractive thing for me in Japanese pop culture. It blends all the wierd stuff I love together.
no one likes this thread huh? i tried...all of them fail
i liked duel jewel...cause they were at anime expo a couple years ago...same with puffy ami yumi....i've listen to em before teen titan craze and so i got both CDs at AX at the time sooo yeah i dont listen too much of anything unless they are anime soundtracks or game music
i actually just now got the new M10M (moi dix mois) single Lamentful Miss! but i cant have it till x-mas
also i am getting a Malice mizer released in oct of just this year. its a special edition "best of" album! most songs are from Gackt era tho (most popular era) thats coming with a book a poster and a fan! awesome shit!
I'm not a huge J-music fan but Malice Mizer is simply yey...
I like Gackt era and Klaha era both ô_o i mean, yes, Gackt is such a playboy, fanservice with Mana on stage (and leader clothes, behold the power of extra-long nails, and Syunikiss!!! ) but.... Klaha era is just more estetic and clean, Gardenia is beautiful and Beast of Blood is one of my favourites. Also, Mayonakani kawashita yakusoku movie is just.. lol xD vampires! gays! church + travestis = WOAH!
xDD burning people! And opera music, is just... great (Y) And Klaha is really nice u_u
Obviously i miss Kami in Klaha era, but what are we going to do, in Gackt era what they were wearing reminds me a bazilian carnival.
Apart of Malice Mizer... i kinda like a couple of songs of Miyavi, and the video clip of the Magikaru Bokusu (Magical Box) of Phsyco~le~cemu, just that xD
i have a friend who thinks klaha is creepy....
but we all know hes totally -worthy
Klaha is not creepy, i mean... have you seen Gackt nails?? is like.. don't mess with the nails! D:
I WISH they could re-make Illuminati's video with Klaha that would be awesome.. but i have to say that Kami in that video was just THE BEST....
totally hot
beautiful eyes
you can say that again!
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (12-12-2006 09:53:12 PM)
Groawr XD I will never forget when he was a purple pirate 8D!
See? Klaha is not creppy û_u he's really nice, i like him ;_; but he is suffering cancer right now >_>
AND D: without make up....
Last edited by Epi_lepsia (12-13-2006 10:24:57 AM)
KLAHA HAS CANCER!!???!!??? NO WAY!!??!!??
Yeey, throat cancer ._.
i cant believe it...his voice is sooo....
how could this happen!
my world is slowly crashing in on itself...