This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I usually try and be a little more professional than this but since a friend of mine asked the admins here if they would be willing to participate I thought I should add a more personal touch. Below is the letter for a documentary on anime fans that I am writing, directing and co-producing.
I am an anime fan myself and have been searching far and wide to cast a wide-range of fans for this documentary. I would really like to explore what an anime fan 'is' and how anime impacts society. My first anime, that I thought of as anime, was Utena and I have a soft-spot for it. I would really like to have an afficianado on Utena to answer some questions (I am also looking to find one for Naruto, Pokemon, Sailormoon, DBZ etc.). While this is my intent, I would also like to invite anyone who is available or interested to feel free to contact me with the information outlined below. It would also be incredibly kind if anyone would forward this casting letter to any other forums you frequent or anyone you feel may be interested. If you help and someone is cast because of that help I will include you in the credits and also send you a free copy of the completed dvd if you are interested.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to e-mail me or post here. E-mail would be a better way to reach me but I will check this thread just in case.
An aside note to the admins (Gio and Yasha I believe?) if you are interested in conducting a voice-only interview please contact me at or
Thank you!
This letter is to introduce our Company, Lux Digital Pictures, Inc
("Lux"), to you in connection with a documentary currently in production.
Lux is a professional motion picture Company that specializes in
commercial documentary feature films ( Our
most recent film "Nightmares in Red, White and Blue"
( premiered recently at the
Deauville International Film Festival ( and we
have several films, currently, in various stages of production and
We have just begun production on a new feature, tentatively titled
"Fanime", which is a documentary on the history and cultural impact of
anime films and series as viewed through the eyes of its most devoted fans
We are seeking devoted and diverse japanese culture and anime fans to be
interviewed and filmed for a feature documentary motion picture
(“Fanime”). Professionally shot on camera interviews will focus on how and
what anime films and series have impacted and influenced fan’s lives. The
interviews will be filmed during the Pacific Media Expo November 6, 7 & 8
at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton Hotel.
For anyone who is interested, here is a brief breakdown of what you can
expect the interview to be like. It will take about an hour to an hour and
a half. We will be at PMX as press but will have a room in that hotel
pre-lit and set up for interviews with snacks, myself and a few crew
Mostly, what we are looking for is to be able to get opinions from fans on
a broad range of issues. Some questions may be: Would you consider anime
inherently misogynist or feminist? What do you feel is missing in society
as a whole that anime/manga has filled? Would you say that anime has
changed your life - and how?
We would also like to discuss some slang terminology and what they mean to
you. Terms like 'moe', 'otakin', 'megane', 'otaku', 'hikikomori', etc.
We would also ask for your opinion on things non fans may be curious to
know about the fandom. For example, why girls like yaoi, shoujo vs
favorite genres, the repetition of certain character archetypes, cosplay
If you don't have any knowledge on some of the questions it's not a
problem. Mostly we will concentrate on the ones you feel most comfortable
It would be helpful if you have any media you would be comfortable with us
using. Pictures, home videos, etc. Of course, it's not required, but it
allows us to give a better picture of who you are and introduce your
perspective without being able to 'follow' you with a camera.
Cosplay and other colorful garb and props will be encouraged. There will
be no compensation for the interviews other than a snack and soft drink
and a free DVD of the completed movie. Filming of each interview will
take, approximately, 1 to 1.5 hours.
If you feel you have an interesting or unique perspective and have an
interest in participating, please send a brief description of yourself,
why you feel your perspective is unique, a list of some of your favorite
anime and characters, plus a recent photo or video to: .
We have only a limited number of slots. If you have any questions or
concerns feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Elle Neil
I can't fly to LA but I hope you find peoples! Seems like fun!
Dross, a few things to keep in mind. Nothing mean, mind you, just a couple reminders...
1.) While Giovanna, Yasha and satyreyes are MODERATORS of In the Rose Garden (URL, it is Giovanna and Yasha who are the WEBMASTERS of Empty Movement, the site which hosts IRG (URL Major distinction here. If you're looking for forum mods, satyr's a part of the group; if you're looking for site admins, then just Gio and Yasha.
2.) Gio might be hard to get a hold of, what with school and work. In her spare time she works on the site, but unfortunately life hasn't been nice to her lately and so it goes.
3.) You'll have a really hard time getting Yasha's attention for anything short of Gio heading up north to Canada, since even my Emails to her address have gone unanswered. If it weren't for the fact that she recently posted to the site's admin blog, I'd assume something terrible had befallen her.
Luckily, if your documentary process is going to extend beyond the winter season, you should have no problems contacting either of them, as Gio will be with Yasha for the holidays (as, I believe, is tradition for them).
I hope that helps!
Hey there, Bio! These are very good pointers. Dross asked me to message Gio personally before she posted on IRG, which is what I did. Gio said she would be willing to do an online interview but that she wouldn't be able to be there personally. I didn't message Yasha or Satyr, though. Maybe I should do that. I know Dross was very worried about wording her post right so I hope people will understand.
Again, thanks for the points of advice as they are very helpful and I'm sure Dross will be grateful, too.
This sounds really interesting! I'd be interested in it myself, but I live quite a distance away -- as in, the entire Pacific ocean away -- and wouldn't be able to do an interview. I also have the horrible feeling if I tried a vocal-only you'd have to subtitle it, as I have the craziest accent and my Japanese teacher was just telling me the other day how impossible New Zealanders can be to understand.
As they said of Jemaine in "Flight of the Conchords": "He speaks in a monotone. ...yeah, that's the New Zealand accent."
Same deal, I would fully be into this - hey it's an opportunity to rave about Utena. But I live in Australia. A little far away from LA...
Clarice: as I have the craziest accent and my Japanese teacher was just telling me the other day how impossible New Zealanders can be to understand. emot-rofl
Aw I think kiwis are easy to understand. Half the time I can't even pick the accent. But then again, I am surrounded by you guys...
Last edited by sharnii (09-29-2009 06:54:34 AM)