This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
This is a game dlaire introduced to the Random Thoughts thread! The questioner provides two definitions of the same word, preferably linked by "isn't that the same as." The guesser figures out the word! Some examples from Random Thoughts:
dlaire: It helps you build the building, isn't it the same thing as being a magnificent bird? [Crane]
satyreyes: A fragment of mathematics, a unit of quantitation... isn't that just the same thing as making you feel more inert, less sensitive? [Number]
dlaire: Escaping from troubles and pain into the land where nothing exists, an act of cowardness... isn't that just the same thing as the biggest sacrifice of human, the bravest thing a person can do when life is unbearable without destroying that person's humanity? [Suicide] or [dreaming]
satyreyes: A winged messenger of peace... plunged from the sky. [Dove]
Paradox: The thing which once pierced the hearts of salmon and buffalo alike... isn't that the same as the someone who takes the reins when there's a job to be done? [Spearhead]
And now, try this on for size!
A hotel surrounded by snow or sand, enormous and luxurious... isn't that the same thing as an option, sometimes the very last one, exercised in time of great need? (For that matter, aren't they both the same thing as putting the same objects in a different order?)
Last edited by satyreyes (09-19-2009 06:15:22 PM)
A thing that the powerful have... Isn't that the same as what one could say if one was unsure about whether they would do something or not?
The stalwart of the group? Isn't that the same as the guitarists' trade?
satyreyes wrote:
Tamago, you're doing it wrong
You posted the solution to your own riddle. You're meant to post the solution to the previous person's, then post your own riddle.
DOH! Sorry I don't know how I missed such an obvious thing.
I will try to do it right next time.
Back to Paradox's riddle:
Paradox wrote:
The stalwart of the group? Isn't that the same as the guitarists' trade?
I'm not sure about this one. Could it be an axe? That word is slang for guitar, and I imagine someone wielding that word might be the stalwart of an adventuring party, but this isn't a very elegant solution and probably isn't the intended one. Paradox?
Not what I was looking for, no.
Actually, I was looking for rock.
satyreyes wrote:
Still don't get it. Rock is stalwart, I guess, but what group were you talking about?
I can only assume that stalwart can also mean as stead as a Rock but it is a bit of a stretch.
Tamago, are you looking for sacraments?
Sorry satyre but not the word I was after, it's more...fundamental than that.
Last edited by Tamago (09-19-2009 09:04:33 PM)
Mylene wrote:
Not the answer I was looking for but while the bread and wine used in the Eucharist is considered the Body of Christ, there is another name it goes by that fits the second part better.
The bread and wine used in the Eucharist Isn't that the same as the basic assumptions or principles of a subject?
Tamago wrote:
Sorry satyre but not the word I was after, it's more...fundamental than that.
I thought of "fundamental" for the second half, but I can't find any source that says the wafer and wine are called "fundamental" or the "fundaments." But I've never been to a Eucharist, so I guess I wouldn't know... is this the answer you were going for?
This one I know! It's gotta be hamper. Good one!
I'm gonna start numbering these so we can talk about them more easily. We've had twelve, so this is:
The earth, as contrasted with air or with sea;
Chopped up to a powder, like spices for tea.
Last edited by satyreyes (09-19-2009 09:51:29 PM)
#13 is ground, to be sure!
#14: Fuji, Katahdin, Everest and Washington... Do you not do them too when you get on top of your lover?
Naji, is it mount?
#15 Taking criticism, isn't that the same as enemy gunfire (and really, isn't it?)?
edited for code and numbers, ooops!
Last edited by MissMocha (09-19-2009 10:04:37 PM)
Not positive, but I think #15 is flak! Very nice!
Deific Egyptian of malice and menace;
What six games might make in a quick round of tennis;
To firm up or harden; to put on the table;
The place where you'd find a mid-shooting Clark Gable.
#17 The guide of seamen and mystics of old? Isn't that the same as the ones the fans shell out the money to see?
#18 Why, I think I know you is really just the same as a witch's friend, isn't it?
Oh god this is addictive, I may have to go beat up dlaire! D:
Edit: oh, and satyr, you are correct.
Last edited by MissMocha (09-19-2009 10:32:59 PM)