This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
OK, since this is the TV thread, I have a question. I'm completely behind the rest of geekdom because I've never watched a single episode of Doctor Who.
Where the hell do I start?
I suggest starting with the first episode of the new Doctor Who, which began airing in 2005. It certainly got me up to speed very quickly on the fundamentals of the "Whoniverse" (somebody shoot me). The caveat is that I've never seen a single episode of the original series, and only a dozen or so of the new one, so I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
Edited to add: From what I have seen, the show is fairly episodic. Once you know the general principles -- e.g. the Doctor doesn't always look the same, his traveling companions change from time to time -- you're probably not going to be lost if you watch a random episode. You will miss some characterization, though.
Last edited by satyreyes (05-01-2008 08:28:05 PM)
When I was a kid I loved the Tom Baker Doctor Who. Or maybe it was his scarf that I liked so much. Used to watch it on PBS every week.
I haven't seen any of the newest incarnation of it though...
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (05-01-2008 09:14:53 PM)
It's true that it's very episodic, but I really recommend the first season of the reincarnation.
(But that's because I love Rose Tyler so very much.)
Watching it in order can help take away from finding it cheesy, since alot of the elements are explained that otherwise don't make sense, or seem poorly written. t's one of my favorite shows, besides Torchwood.
Last edited by Iris (05-01-2008 10:56:54 PM)
Iris wrote:
Watching it in order can help take away from finding it cheesy, since alot of the elements are explained that otherwise don't make sense, or seem poorly written. t's one of my favorite shows, besides Torchwood.
HA HA! I saw the Doctor Who episode where they established Torchwood! [spoiler]"I dub thee knight; now get the hell out of England."[/spoiler]
satyreyes wrote:
Iris wrote:
Watching it in order can help take away from finding it cheesy, since alot of the elements are explained that otherwise don't make sense, or seem poorly written. t's one of my favorite shows, besides Torchwood.
HA HA! I saw the Doctor Who episode where they established Torchwood! [spoiler]"I dub thee knight; now get the hell out of England."[/spoiler]
I can't remember what episode that's from
Iris wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
Iris wrote:
Watching it in order can help take away from finding it cheesy, since alot of the elements are explained that otherwise don't make sense, or seem poorly written. t's one of my favorite shows, besides Torchwood.
HA HA! I saw the Doctor Who episode where they established Torchwood! [spoiler]"I dub thee knight; now get the hell out of England."[/spoiler]
I can't remember what episode that's from
The one with Queen Victoria. Second series. I forget the name...I didn't enjoy the second series all that much, aside from School Reunion and The Girl In The Fireplace. The latter tends to make me cry.
But er, yeah, as someone who used to watch the show as a kid (mainly the Jon Pertwee years) and then got into it again while arsing about in Edinburgh, I say start with Eccleston, which is the first series of the new incarnation from BBC Wales, AKA the Ninth Doctor. There are some real clunkers there, but that's actually the case with the entire series from the sixties onwards. Sometimes it's brilliant, sometimes it's not. Fact of nature. But my favourite two-parter is in that series, and no it's not just because of Captain Jack! It's the gas mask kid who does it for me. In the hiding-behind-the-couch way, at least. ;)
And then, just watch through. They're up to the fourth series now, although I haven't seen any of it yet as I no longer live in the UK and it hasn't started playing here. And I don't have a decent enough connection to download. I can wait. As for anything before depends on your taste. There are ten official regenerations, and I've seen probably eight of them enough to say something about them. If you want to see the Eighth, whom I am fond of, I reccommend you watch his only TV appearance early on (the movie) because if you become a rabid Who fan you tend to bash the movie. I personally thought it did what it said on the tin and like it well enough, but each to his own. Most new fans also tend to go for Peter Davison (Five) or Tom Baker (Four) because Five is like a slightly less sexualised Ten (and most new fans are in it for Ten) and Four is just...Four. You can't watch Four and not warm to him, although I took my time. Personally my favourite old school Who Doc is Two, who is a balck and white era but is described as a Space Hobo and is fantastic. You have to get used to the tin foil monsters, but still.
s for Two!
As for the others...One, I'm passingly familiar with. He's the original and although I have a couple serials downstairs I still haven't watched I find him hard to watch for prolonged periods. I need to watch the first Dalek story sometime soon, I think. Three is my childhood Doctor, and I wouldn't start with him; he's lovely, but due to budget constraints the stories are UNIT based and not a good place to start for a non-fan. Six is a fucking psycho. Seven is creepily marvellous. So...yeah. Start with Nine, go to Ten, go to Eight, then go back through either Four or Five, then try Two, then try the others...probably in the order of Seven, Three, One and Six. Good times.
...oh, did I ever mention how much I love The Venture Bros.? Anyone else watch that? GO TEAM VENTURE!
...oh, ETA -- this isn't as funny if you don't know the references, but this Dead Ringers sketch gives a fairly decent impression of how the Doctor changes personality when he regenerates: The Doctors they're making fun of are Ten (the preppy one), Nine ("I was intense, me!), Four ("This party is drier than the dark side of the planet Auralia!"), Two ("Oh my giddy aunt!") and Seven ("Chris Tarrant: ALIEN."). It's just a parody, but surprisingly accurate. Not to mention the guy doing Four is quite infamous for the accuracy of his impression...observe!
Last edited by Clarice (05-02-2008 03:08:29 AM)
Clarice wrote:
The one with Queen Victoria. Second series. I forget the name...I didn't enjoy the second series all that much, aside from School Reunion and The Girl In The Fireplace. The latter tends to make me cry.
Tooth and Claw. A good episode, though not as good as The Girl in the Fireplace. That one is a class of its own. The Doctor seems to have a way of annoying the Queens of England. The only one who seems to like him is Elisabeth II.
I found the TV movie to be annoying mostly because of an incredibly bad incarnation of the Master. None of the charisma of the other versions. And the Eighth, well, he's a bit low on personality, compared to most of the other Doctors. I haven't seen any of the earlier series in full, but as far as the episodes I have seen go, the movie can mostly be congratulated for great special effects, and now the new series has topped it there, as well.
Doctor Who is a great series, apart from occasional dull episode. I also watch Battlestar Galactica, although my country is almost two seasons behind the US; we only get the third season this summer. A great series, as well. And I watch Lost, although I'm not half as excited about it as I was in the first season. Still, occasional good episode and hopes of seeing the series end with a high note keep me watching. Doctor Who is one of the incredibly few series, or stories in general, that I can like while knowing that it utterly lacks a proper beginning and an end; the main reason why I dislike pretty much every superhero comic in history, apart from a few stand-alone stories.
my two cents?
Myth Busters XDDD
Law and Order New York
Dr. House
CSI Miami
Bones - Die Knochenjägerin
uh... and Roseanne (i love that black humor)... and Ellen (a pity that they won'T send it again in germany since she plays a lesbian... duuuh)
Last edited by beautifulpanther (05-02-2008 06:59:07 AM)
Lightice wrote:
Clarice wrote:
The one with Queen Victoria. Second series. I forget the name...I didn't enjoy the second series all that much, aside from School Reunion and The Girl In The Fireplace. The latter tends to make me cry.
Tooth and Claw. A good episode, though not as good as The Girl in the Fireplace. That one is a class of its own. The Doctor seems to have a way of annoying the Queens of England. The only one who seems to like him is Elisabeth II.
I found the TV movie to be annoying mostly because of an incredibly bad incarnation of the Master. None of the charisma of the other versions. And the Eighth, well, he's a bit low on personality, compared to most of the other Doctors. I haven't seen any of the earlier series in full, but as far as the episodes I have seen go, the movie can mostly be congratulated for great special effects, and now the new series has topped it there, as well.
I really don't know why, I just didn't like Tooth and Claw. I'm trying to remember, is that the one where the Doctor said he was taking her to Sheffield? That was probably half the problem. Bloody Sheffield. Although Ten gets kudos for putting on the Scots accent AND calling himself James McCrimmon. Heh. (When it comes to crap episodes in that season, though, I had to wash my mind with acid every time I remember the Scribble Monster. I just about killed myself with pizza that night. My flatmates made fun of me for weeks.)
I didn't really know the Master when I saw the movie -- I saw it the year it came out, which was what...1996? 1994? -- so I didn't really know any better. I must have seen Delgado as a kid, but I really just remember Three and Bessie and not a lot else. Oh, and the Brigadier. Probably explains my fetish for men in uniform, actually. The Eighth Doctor is probably more interesting in the books and audios, but I've only read one of the books (they're a bastard to get a hold of) and I tend to fall asleep listening to audios (I have one of Ten, which is hilarious because David Tennant is reading it...and while he does the Doctor's spoken lines in his Estuary accent, he reverts back to his native Scots for the narrative. It just sounds so bloody crazy!). And ugh, now I have to go watch the movie...i remember something about it really irritating me, but I haven't seen it in a year or so. I just loved it when he walked through the window. Heh. I'm so easily amused...
Last edited by Clarice (05-02-2008 07:22:07 AM)
Have I mentioned lately I you people?
Thanks for your help, I'm watching one of the current episodes now. It's the one where they go to Pompeii.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Have I mentioned lately I
you people?
Thanks for your help, I'm watching one of the current episodes now. It's the one where they go to Pompeii.
Fourth series. I haven't seen that one yet! As I said, I'm waiting for a channel here to screen it thanks to crappy internet connections and whatnot. Although I have seen both series of Torchwood, mostly because a friend in York sent me the second so I could see what the hoo-rah was all about. I wouldn't recommend watching it, though, until you've met Captain Jack in series one of Who; TW is crack, and it's likely only good crack if you know Jack. Hee.
Clarice, that second video you linked was incredible.
*Zooms off to find some Fourth Doctor serials*
Almaser wrote:
Clarice, that second video you linked was incredible.
*Zooms off to find some Fourth Doctor serials*
Hilariously, although I really enjoyed Dead Ringers I never watched it in the UK. I always missed it and had to resort to youtube. But this next video, I'm sure you'll enjoy it too: the guy who did Tom Baker doing his best Tony Blair with HILARIOUS RESULTS:
(My favourite Four serial is The City of Death, but Romana II is just teh WIN anyway. I also like Robot, although the special effects WILL make you piss your pants laughing. Don't we all miss the seventies, eh? )
Last edited by Clarice (05-02-2008 11:03:31 PM)
Oh I loved Dead Ringers, I haven't watched it in quite awhile, possibly because I don't watch TV anymore so I don't know if it's still on, he's likely only known over here but I loved the one they did of Jeremy Kyle (my mums addicted to that show):
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Oh I loved Dead Ringers, I haven't watched it in quite awhile, possibly because I don't watch TV anymore so I don't know if it's still on, he's likely only known over here but I loved the one they did of Jeremy Kyle (my mums addicted to that show):
I know it was on last year because I used to see it advertised but I just forgot to watch it. I'm terrible with tv, particularly now as I don't watch it very often. But Jeremy Kyle! Fantastic! I never used to watch it, but when my sister was looking for a job last year I used to come home after work and she'd act out random scenes from that day's episode for my amusement. And we used to start random conversations with: "Now, I'm not going to yell. BUT WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Proper class, that show is.
I somehow managed to completely skip my favorite Britcoms:
Are You Being Served? (didn't like the sequel, though.)-- I love Mr. Humphries and Mrs. Slocombe. When I first started watching it, it was just to see what color her hair was that week.
Keeping Up Appearances-- Hyacinth gets on my last nerve, but I love her. Elizabeth tickles the hell out of me when she keeps breaking Hyacinth's good tea cups. (The best part was when she finally bought a set specifically for Elizabeth to use when she visits.)
Vicar of Dibley-- Haven't watched a whole lot of it, but it stems from my love of Dawn French. I first saw her on the Ruby Wax Show, then on reruns of Saunders & French, where the AbFab pilot came from.
Absolutely Fabulous--
It's not a show, it's a religion. One of my favorite episodes is when Patsy, Edina, and Saffron go to Morocco. (It's the ONLY time Saffy ever asks to go anywhere with them.) I think I've seen every episode. One of my favorite scenes is when Edina's laying in bed and Saffron's trying to get her up. Edina asks Saffy if the incredibly normal-looking pants she has on are the ones she bought for her from Benetton. Saffy tells her yes, and Edina says, "Darling, what did you do to them?"
I am also a fond believer that Sheridan (Hyacinth's son) and Serge (Edina's son) are getting it on at university.
Waiting for God-- It's a show about a bunch of people in a nursing home, focusing on Diana Trent, a former journalist who reminds me of a cross between Murphy Brown and Daria. She spent so much time working and traveling that she never bothered getting married and having kids, so her niece was the one who put her in the home. She's very bitter about that.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Keeping Up Appearances-- Hyacinth gets on my last nerve, but I love her. Elizabeth tickles the hell out of me when she keeps breaking Hyacinth's good tea cups. (The best part was when she finally bought a set specifically for Elizabeth to use when she visits.)
That woman who plays Hyacinth does such a good job of playing an insufferable character that Hyacinth meant to be that I can barely watch more than 1 episode at any one time because she really gets my goat!
The Brittas Empire! Now that I can handle watching even thou Gordon is also an insufferable git but enteraining none the less.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Are You Being Served?
Keeping Up Appearances
Absolutely Fabulous
We need to like, have a TV watching party or something.
I haven't seen AbFab in years, but it's such a great show! I should invest in the DVD sets.
Actually, I haven't seen AYBS? in years either...
But, our local PBS still shows KUA regularly... I think I've seen almost all of them by now.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (05-12-2008 08:57:21 PM)
Tamago wrote:
The Brittas Empire! Now that I can handle watching even thou Gordon is also an insufferable git but enteraining none the less.[/color]
I can't understand how I can't stand that show, because I adore Chris Barrie when he's playing Rimmer in Red Dwarf, and Arnie J. has got to be worse than Gordie. But I did enjoy the episode with the serial killer and Gordon on trial for the whole mess. I just about broke something, I laughed so hard.
I wasn't sure this should go in this thread, or the secrets one. I'm watching...and enjoying...Sex and the City. Before you jump down my throat about how I'm now a disgusting fashionista wannabe brainless WOMYN SEX drone, let me at least say that I have fond memories of the show because mom liked to watch it with me and we'd yell at the characters for being retards, wank over all the Greenwich Village, and argue over whether we wanted to fuck Mr. Big.
She always said yes, I always said no, even though I really meant yes. It was more fun to argue. I'd forgot why I liked him though. Now I remember. He's a douchebag in great suits, none of which are ever pastels, and he even uses ties the same color as his shirt and pulls it right the fuck off. I love you, Mr. Big. Carrie doesn't understand your value. Nor does she have any taste in shoes. Or clothes for that matter. Jesus.
Yep. This is why I liked this show. Yelling at the women.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Are You Being Served?
Keeping Up Appearances
Absolutely FabulousWe need to like, have a TV watching party or something.
I can join in too, I love KUA, AbFab, and to a lesser extent, Are you being served?. But I also absolutely love As Time Goes By with Judy Dench. She's kinda hot for a stocky middle-aged woman...
They used to show all of those on BBC America in the afternoon, but they don't anymore. I miss them.
satyreyes wrote:
I'm an unapologetic Whedonite; I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly were all masterpieces.
Contrast Battlestar Galactica -- the new one. It's also a fascinating show, and it has its share of deep characters, but by and large the interest derives from the show's plot. Unlike Firefly or Star Trek, it's not fundamentally episodic; you can't watch Galactica episodes in a random order and expect to understand what's going on, because the plot actually moves, sometimes very quickly. Lost is similar in that regard; like Galactica, it's a show where the characters are mostly there to serve the plot, though certainly they are drawn carefully and often sensitively. And what plots Galactica and Lost have! Both shows have fooled me repeatedly and left me gaping at the screen!
I'm in agreement with you on every bold point in your post. Although I'm not half the Buffy fan most of my friends are(if this show was a drug, they'd be snorting it, I'm sure), but I definitely think Joss Whedon has a special wit in his work which few other directors/creators touch upon. The banter in Buffy, as common as it was, never felt forced and was always funny. It had quality cynicism in its characters which I love and adore. Buffy herself was never one of my favorite characters, but she, along with the rest of the cast, had plenty enough development to make them sympathetic and, if not likable, then interesting characters(ironically, this one of the things SKU shares which I admire the most). I've still only seen a little of Firefly, but it seems awesome. Most people say it's even better than Buffy, so I'm looking forward to watching this one.
I've also been aching to watch Battlestar Galactica! I've heard so many good things, and if it has any of the character development of Lost, then I know I'll like it. I'm not much of a tele-phile, really, but I'm a non-stop internet pirate. I tend to stock up on shows I hear are good, and then watch them marathon style. My parents and I did that with Rome(which also seems really popular around here), and we adored it - such a quality series! I think, as far as making an enjoyable tv show historically accurate goes, Rome did exceptionally well. I've only ever heard complaints from hardcore classicists, and they usually have to dig pretty deep to find serious flaws in this series.