This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
*She didn't know what to say, she felt utterly weak and speechless. Her lips parted but nothing came out. She started to catch her breath, seeing things seemed to be dying down. Again she went to speak and her lip quivered a bit* "N-No..." *She thought maybe it's best to keep her mouth shut. Her legs felt so heavy and weak. She began to feel bad, wondering if this is what Odette went through every day.*
*Odette looks up from her position as she hears her name. Before, she had hidden her face behind the long blue hair, cheeks burning from embarrassment and inability to move. All of her body is marked by her struggles against the invisible hold, soft gray eyes meeting her master's. Even though in pain and upset to be talked of as such, she slides off of her bench and moves silently to them. The dress she wears, hardly more then a sheet flutters with each movement.* "I'm so sorry, pretty thing. I can't help you... I won't help you."
*With that, Odette's gentle hand cupped underneath the soft of Akrah's arm, drawing the blood into her mouth. Being human, it tasted foul to her, but the girl kept it in her mouth. Arching upwards to Narin, hesitantly she pressed the delicate pink of her lips to the cold of Narin's lips*
*she winced and watched as Odette fed blood to her master. she wondered how long she would bleed for. Perhaps this marked the end of this nightmare. After all, she was only a toy in their in Narin's game.* "hope it tastes good." *She said in massive sarcasm*
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (09-25-2008 09:35:13 PM)
*Her delicate body presses against her owner's, one hand lightly grasping her shoulder with the kiss. Her bit tongue causes her to tense slightly, thoughts becoming light and far away with the loss of blood. Hazily looks up at Narin, her trusting expression suddenly pained by the question. She didn't like the idea of the Akirah being so upset. Most likely she'd be upset alot, so perhaps it'd be better if she died instead of being made to feel that. But, Narin seemed to enjoy her, so that's what was the important.* "Keep her? She's fun."
*Eyes slowly focusing away from Narin, her body still touching, her pale hand plays with Akirah's hair.*
(OOC: Odette is so creepy -lol-)
*Her life flashed before her eyes when she heard she might die, however she was brought back to reality when Odette said they should keep her. In her head she begged to stay alive, she didn't want to die. She could only hope Narin would agree and let her live. She would always remember the events of this night though, and thinking about it gave her goosebumps. She stood covering up her delicate feminine features as best she could and awaited judgment.*
*Odette is easily tossed around, her wrist biting in pain from the force. The girl seems almost unsurprised by the slap, not even raising a hand to touch the abused flesh. Apathetically she watches as Akirah is almost killed, not having the slightest care of the girl's life.*
*The sharp pain of the fangs pierce her neck, causing her to cry out in pain, jerking backwards from the sensation. It stings, becoming lightheaded and everything around her becoming brighter for a moment. Finally the girl collapses, the smallest of a smile on her lips.*
So, when you talk erotica..what does that exactly imply?
How very true about the wording thing. Ive always through some analogys to genitalia sounded almost silly. (Not that i like it any better being blunt and trashy.) Just, sometimes it's so funny to me that it takes away from the sexiness of the story. Im one tough customer when it comes to erotica i suppose.
I have a friend on DA that likes to write erotic stories for me. I let her borrow my characters and she writes wonderful things. although a little amateurish, i enjoy reading it a lot. And SHE dips into some KINKY things. (and not so kinky, brutal things.)
You better believe if i was able to write that i would write up a storm of stories ranging from completely original to....i don't know... Myself and Daniella from haunting ground... (ooh...i think i turned myself on a bit. )
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (10-08-2008 06:08:53 PM)
Seitokaichou wrote:
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
How very true about the wording thing. Ive always through some analogys to genitalia sounded almost silly. (Not that i like it any better being blunt and trashy.) Just, sometimes it's so funny to me that it takes away from the sexiness of the story. Im one tough customer when it comes to erotica i suppose.
Uh... I didn't get that to be honest. Which do you dislike exactly? The use of analogies or the clinical terms? And erotica isn't limited to subtlety; in fact, bestiality and BDSM can also be part of that world. It's all in the manner of expression: Erotica = Playboy; XXX = Pornography
I just mean the analogies can be funny, and by them being funny, it kinda makes the story less sexy.
((( This is in response to KaiChou's post above and our joint posting in the Flirt Till It Hurts thread. )))
Warning: Some scenes may not be suitable for very young audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. I see nobody is listening, but is instead eagerly racing forward to read the scene...
*Sighs at the coldness of his lips on my forehead, temple, and at the hollow of my neck*
"Must you torment me?"
*The vampire's strong fingers rip my dress away; his eyes capture mine in an emerald world where there is nothing but the urgency of desire. His body is cold everywhere that he holds me body is so hot and aching in response.*
*Suddenly, unexpectedly, the candlebra winks out. His eyes...on my mostly bared body are all I can see in the darkness.*
"Take me..."
*He kisses my breasts, and glides his fang-tips over my nipples. I arch up helplessly, heedless of the danger. My heart races. I am gasping for air as his lips glide over the vulnerable arch of my inner thighs. His face moves to the juncture between my legs and I am filled with heady excitement.*
"Please...yes, I've been waiting...for!"
When will he take me, all of me, the way I both fantasize and have nightmares about, I wondered silently. When will he...drink me?
*I blush at my own thoughts. Suddenly he leans close to whisper in my ear what must surely be an answer.*
"Yes, m'lady. You are like wine, and I'll drink you to the last drop."
"Master," I gasp.
*He moves my hands to slide his frock coat down, and unlace his ruffled shirt. Next our joint fingers undo his pants. I want to do more but he is guiding my fingers into his mouth...and then...*
*Pain and pleasure fill me in one hot rush as he pierces the flesh between my thumb and forefinger. It a way that makes my core pulse for more of him. Now he is kissing me as he cups my backside and draws me closer. And then...he fills me.*
*I want more of him - I wrap my legs around his waist and press my aching breasts against the cold hard lines of his chest. Every thrust of his is matched by a moan from me...I want more, more. It's so much and yet the sensation doesn't seem like quite enough...*
*Suddenly his fangs penetrate my neck and pleasure overwhelms me in a flood of fire.*
*I barely feel anything anymore except for the tidal wave of ecstacy beginning to break his hands are clawing my back, now he is pressing deeper into my neck, now his thrusts into my wetness are violent and masterful. Sensation explodes into nothingness.*
*Distantly I feel him lay me down as he whispers to me.*
"To kill you is to lose you forever... so I’d rather leave you begging for more in the nights to come."
KaiChou is quite the seducer-of-the-night
[Continued from the Flirt thread]
*Tugs Touga in by his cord to the room, blue feline eyes tracing the lines of his lips with hunger. Her body hardly makes an impact against his strength as she presses him against the wall, only the heat of her body making an impression. Heated lips explore his lower lip with tiny bites and probing tongue, her free hand leading his down to her bare leg. In a torrid moment, Kozue slides the soft skin of her thigh up his rough seitokai uniform pant, not caring of the small mark it makes on the delicate surface. Pink lips capture his, tongues intertwining together without hesitation. Quick fingers work on the small buttons of his uniform, until the soft of her shirt meets the silk of his skin.*
"Dancing... sweet words, playing prince... it's so boring." *Whispers the slender girl into his ear, biting his neck hard without any hesitation.* "Show me your true nature, like a wild animal should."
Warning: This is called the Love Hotel for a reason. Not meant for the easily offended or young. Okay? Okay!
*His lack of reaction maddens her as he predicted, blue eyes narrowing in the slightest bit of annoyance and added aggression. The apathy only increases her desire to dominate, to control, the frustration of her helplessness only magnified by his passive amusement at her desire. Bright eyes darken as his mock gentleness, about to play at submission, but is suddenly stopped. The delicious sound of his groan hardly registers on her ears before both of her wrists are caught to her side, expression transforming to a rebellious little smile.*
*The smile soon disappears from the strength and speed she's pressed against the wall, head falling back and pulse already racing with adrenaline and desire. Wrists suspended above her, she has little choice other then to watch his actions. She struggles pointlessly against him, all of her curves brushing against his bare chest. The thin material of her clothing does little to mask her curves or form. As the belt is placed around her thin neck, her lips part slightly in surprise.*
*Wrists now free, Kozue slides her fingertips down his back, creating little electric lines of sensation. Before she has chance to reply to his comment, their lips touch as the belt begins to cut off the flow of air to her lungs. Forced to breathe through his rough kiss, her cheeks begin to redden at the desperate heat forming between her legs. Slowly her world becomes both brighter and far away, her quickened breathes doing nothing to slow her racing heart. Helplessly one of her arms fall back to her side, little pleading gasps sounding in the back of her throat. Unwilling, unable to submit yet, her kiss remains as dominating as ever, digging her nails into his back with her free hand for support.*
Warning: This is called the Love Hotel for a reason. Not meant for the easily offended or young. Okay? Okay!
*Any moment with Touga was to be tasted and explored like a valued toy, to experience the world under his desires. With a small protest she moaned at the kiss left her, her body shaking from lack of oxygen and the powerful sensations running through her body. Dark blue eyes focus onto his, finding a rough hand placed on her shoulder as soon as the belt is removed from her neck. Before she can fill her lungs full of air, again she's again pushed against the wall with a violent hiss. Both hands plant themselves on the wall out of instinct, the only thing keeping her from hitting her head.*
*Soft ears brushed against her ear, a little gasp of sensation as words are spoken softly into her ear. Taunting her, as she would taunt anyone else in the place she currently was. Heat returned pressed against her, the proof of his desire brushing against her skirt and into her ass. Not being one to resist an opportunity, Kozue rocked back against him teasingly. This little action is stopped short, a teasing hand traveled up underneath her shirt, nails traced over the lace bra and to her stomach, almost un-willingly, her back arched in response to the mixture of pleasure and pain.*
"Tell me... did you ever win against me?"
"I'll win eventually. I won't stop trying." *It was no surprise that he mocked her as he defiled her body so deliciously, her hands clenched into fists in a mixture of arousal and desire for revenge. But, the belt slipped around her neck once again, forcing her to be like a dutiful slave. The audible rip and tug at her underwear left her more exposed, the area between her legs already wet from before. All too easily her body accepted him, gasping for air with his first thrust. Unable and unwilling to move from her position, soon her little gasps turn into loader strangled moans, breathy and effected by the cruel belt around her neck. Heart, every vein in her body seems to cry louder, her moans echoing across the room.*
Warning: This is called the Love Hotel for a reason. Not meant for the easily offended or young. Okay? Okay!
*Kozue rocked back against Touga, gasping against the cold of the wall. Now completely helpless, she had no choice other then to feel and submit to the whims that Touga held. Lips whispered against her ear, the teasing words spoke as if he where addressing a child of an unfortunate fact, which only added to her obvious defeat.*
"Oh? Trying doesn't always mean you'll win--even if you give it your best."
*The teasing words made her bite her own lip hard enough to almost bleed, a strange mix between him and wanting to make squirm beneath her all the more. So slowly he moved in and out of her, Kozue couldn't stand being taken like that. It made her writhe, each little muscle wanted him to push into her without sympathy, but instead he worked her up so slowly. More intensely then before he pulled on the belt again, quickly followed hand snaking between her and the wall, until her body threatened to give out on her.*
"Don't you agree?"
*Finally the restraint was pushed away, and she was pulled forward to meet the seitokaichou's eyes, lips descending down upon hers. Her blouse was ripped, but she hardly cared about that at at time like this, instead her arms worked quickly around his waist, gasping air through his kisses. As delicious as it was to feel his chest pressed against hers, his words had provoked a different thought in mind.* "Don't doubt me."
*Finally having all parts of her body free, Kozue pushed Touga down to the floor, straddling him easily before he had much chance to react. There would be no way to restrain him, or keep him from getting control again, but at the very least she'd be able to keep him distracted with a bit of a view for a while. With annoyance she tore away the rest of her shirt until there was only a white bra showing. Slowly she slid herself over him until she was positioned over him, blue eyes looking down at him as his hardness slipped inside her.*