This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Tamago wrote:
Seitokaichou wrote:
Tamago wrote:
Type Relationships for ISTPs:
Where do you get that result? Thanks in advance!I typed it out the hard long way.
Identity - ENFJ
Pal - INFJ
Complement - ENFP
Contrast - INFP
Supplement - ESTP
Anima - ISTP
Suitemate - ESFP
Cohort - ISFP
Companion - ENTJ
Tribesman - INTJ
Advisor - ENTP
Pedagogue - INTP
Enigma - ESTJ
Novelty - ISTJ
Neighbor - ESFJ
Counterpart - ISFJ
Edited to add the compatibility list.
Last edited by Seitokaichou (12-21-2008 04:21:05 AM)
Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
33 25 38 11
I'm an ENTP myself, though I'm RIGHT on the edge of the T/F split. They all make a lot of sense to me, but I have to say this is a rather crude instrument. I am on the whole more extroverted than introverted, sure. And I probably am more intuitive than sensing as well, but when it comes to thinking vs. feeling it gets complicated. It's a context thing mainly, I'm very empathic about a lot of things, but I'm also rational to the point of coldness, mostly with relation to myself. The test interprets this as balance, but it's more like two strong characteristics in conflict. Perceiving vs. judging...again I think I'm more the one than the other,'s not always that simple.
Number one career is education though.
And they lumped me in with Feynman and Da Vinci, which is awesome, but Edison? *gags violently*
OK, so Asfa falls in my anima category...(anime?) Which means we fit each others inferior function? Anybody know wtf that means? Because I kinda think it sounds like bullshit.
Iris or Stephanie would make good companions for me...makes sense. Never spoken to you Steph, but cheers!
Purplepolecat and I are opposites?
Naji and I are pals, apparently, or at least we are today. Other times we're....tribesmen? Anji and Claire and I are "tribesmen" as well. So I guess that's a cool tribe to belong to.
Sei and I are advisors to each other...ok, that one actually makes some sense.
I do find it amusing that the extroverts so far are Sei, Iris, Stephanie and...myself. One of these things is not like the others!
EDIT: checking that other thread polecat mentioned reveals that there was some OTHER asshole named stormcrow that posted over there...eerie...clearly not me though, since that guy was an INFJ, nearly opposite of me. Go figure.
Also a fun bit of banter with Yasha, who I miss terribly.
Last edited by Stormcrow (12-22-2008 08:25:21 AM)
Stormcrow wrote:
OK, so Asfa falls in my anima category...(anime?) Which means we fit each others inferior function? Anybody know wtf that means? Because I kinda think it sounds like bullshit.
I assumed it was anima, as in soul, though this 'inferior function' thing makes me think more of animal... am I your pet?
Hiraku wrote:
Anima is supposed to be the "female psyche" inside a man.
Maybe that makes you Storm's... inner self? Or maybe you are actually the female version of Storm, and Storm is the male version of you.
Huh... so according to this...
as an INSP:
Complement: ISFJ
Contrast: ESFJ
Supplement: INTJ
Anima: ENTJ
Suitemate: INFJ
Cohort: ENFJ
Companion: ISTP
Tribesman: ESTP
Advisor: ISTJ
Pedagogue: ESTJ
Enigma: INTP
Novelty: ENTP
Neighbor: INFP
Counterpart: ENFP
So... Storm's my collectible item? O_O
Stormcrow wrote:
Hiraku wrote:
Anima is supposed to be the "female psyche" inside a man.
Maybe that makes you Storm's... inner self? Or maybe you are actually the female version of Storm, and Storm is the male version of you.
I'm guessing "anima" here is being used as in "animosity," since the traits of your anima are the exact opposite of your own. Not necessarily that they're your enemy, but that they oppose you.
Stormcrow wrote:
Sei and I are advisors to each other...ok, that one actually makes some sense.
And Sei would be my cohort. I wonder what that means.
In other note, my sister and I turn out to be each other's supplements. This makes perfect sense because we do make up for each other's shortcomings with our strength. She's the scientific, strategic mastermind, and I'm the artistic, writing-expressive...somebody
Wow I'm shocked. I tested as an INFJ. When I took this test about five years ago I was ENFP. And about two years before that ENFJ (but that shift made sense - the J & P were on the line both times).
So I went and took my housemate's longer version of this same test, and guess what, INFJ again. Quite definitely. Hmm, what does it mean? That all personality tests are crap? (nooo I love the things) Or that we change? (but do we change fundamentally?) Or that I was lying to myself when I was younger, or I'm lying now? *faints in horror*
Onto proceeding (doubtfully) as an INFJ. *takes first tentative step*
Fun (creepy) Analysis:
ENFP (Steph & Iris) - Mirrors
Apparently I'll find you like-minded but seeing only the half of the problem I can't see, ergo fascinating. But since we think in fundamentally different ways we are sure to clash. Yet we can be good friends in a business sense (no not in that business sense), and we can stir each other onto creativity if we have the right type of third personality thrown into the mix. I wonder who that might be...
ENFJ (KaiChou) - Contrary
Hmm "unstable psychological distance" between us. Sounds like a line in a dueling song... Quote:
The only chance Contrary partners have to get on together well with each other is if they are left alone.
Apparently if someone else is present we compete with each other, trying to outshine the other and flaunt our strong side. So that makes us competing rogues? Heh.
ISFP (Hiraku & Maarika) - Beneficiaries of me as Benefactor
That sounds exhausting. Over-simplification and summary: you'll see something in me you want, you'll suck up to me, I'll look down on you, you'll glimpse my weaknesses, you'll leave (It sounds like a SKU relationship)
ENTP (Storm) - Supervisee of me as Superviser (what, more kink?!)
More fucked up SKU relating and I quote:
Supervision partners often look like good friends. The reason for this is that in these relations both partners can sense their social value: the Supervisor as a "guardian angel", without whom the Supervisee will get into trouble, and the Supervisee as the object of attention.
But apparently it all goes to hell a little bit down the track...
ISTP (Mock & Tamago) - Activity
Yeah, we do fun stuff together, but shouldn't try to relate over more than leisure.
ISFJ (Miss Bluesky & Asfalolh) - Comparative
Errrrr it sounds like we would be dead now if we were members of the same family.
Luckily we're not, so we can settle for some polite superficial conversation, and "boring" interactions, and never understanding each other's pov.
God, this site I'm looking at is pessimistic! (And they're usually so glowingly drippy with fluff) But it's funny. So I'll keep going...
INTJ (ppc) - Look-a-like
Apparently we're very "equal" but we're fated to be acquaintances rather than friends. For no particular reason. We enjoy each other and talking and all. But sorry. That's it. (Whyyyyyyy)
INFP (JelliKatz & Anjitheartist & Clarice & maybe NajiMinkin) - Quasi-Identical
OMG I have to quote this:
These are relations of major misunderstanding.
You heard it here first, peoples. The beginning...of the END.
Argumentative. Seeing each other as less talented. Yet getting recognition that the other deserves. More quoting of doom:
Quasi-Identical partners always need to convert each other's information in such a way that it corresponds with their own understanding. This conversion requires much energy and does not bring the desired satisfaction. Books written by your Quasi-Identical are impossible to read. The creations of your Quasi-Identical look monstrous.
Well. Hmm. Yes. Monstrous.
I think that's everyone who's posted so far. Tell me if I missed you.
KaiChou wrote: Now I'm curious who I'm compatible with...
I'm curious as to who I can have non-sucky relations with in any way at all.
It can't be all of must be this crap personality! The INFJ of relationship-death! (luckily less than 1% of the population and its the rarest type out can kinda see why. They don't get the chance to breed. Where's my wine? I need a drink. )
EDIT to add:
Compatibilities were asked for? The internet has told me my lurve partner. And we all know the internet can be trusted.
INFJ's natural partner is the ENTP, or the ENFP. INFJ's dominant function of Introverted Intuition is best matched with a personality type that is dominated by Extraverted Intuition. How did we arrive at this? (who cares - evidently not sharnii who cut the quote off at this bit)
Congrats! The WINNERS of the cosseted privilege of getting to identify as my potential lurve partner as recommended by the internets are *drumroll please*:
Storm, Steph, or Iris.
I'm sure you're all thrilled.
Last edited by sharnii (12-23-2008 08:21:14 AM)
sharnii wrote:
Congrats! The WINNERS of the cosseted privilege of getting to identify as my potential lurve partner as recommended by the internets are *drumroll please*:
Storm, Steph, or Iris.
I'm sure you're all thrilled.
Yes, ma'am! I'd be glad to be "supervised" by you.
Sharnii , oooooo, Carl Jung has decreed we should be lovers.
Where did you find the best match thing? I only was able to find it out from doing it the long tedious way.
sharnii wrote:
The only chance Contrary partners have to get on together well with each other is if they are left alone.
I'm not surprised with the last line. Respect of space is very important to me. I'm territorial after all (besides being the observant). If a person can respect that, he gets the same respect from me. I don't give my trust and friendship automatically to a person at first sight. It takes perhaps a week or so to soften me, which makes people assume that I'm an elitist prick when it's all about respecting territories. I can't just laugh out loud or be a chatterbox in an unfamiliar group because that to me is disrespectful. I study people and their nature (i.e. what makes them smile, what irks them, so forth and so on) so I don't end up annoying them and/or hurt them unintentionally.
sharnii wrote:
Apparently if someone else is present we compete with each other, trying to outshine the other and flaunt our strong side. So that makes us competing rogues? Heh.
I don't see you as that at all. You're in fact a sweetheart. *hugs* Frankly, I despise senseless competitions. I believe that we can all be the best that we can be without using another as a stepping stone.
sharnii wrote:
I'm curious as to who I can have non-sucky relations with in any way at all.
It can't be all of must be this crap personality! The INFJ of relationship-death! (luckily less than 1% of the population and its the rarest type out can kinda see why. They don't get the chance to breed. Where's my wine? I need a drink.)
If it helps, I personally don't put my faith in tests and meme(s) stating a person's personality. Not one person can tell who we truly are because I strongly believe that only you can tell who you are. My lady crush (in real time) happens to be INTJ; but whether we're compatible or not (according to these psychological tests) doesn't mean I will spoil the chance of getting acquainted with her. These results are just words; true compatibility is learned through exchange of genuine affection and the many ways to express yourself.
Ooooh. Meyer-Briggs says we must be apart, sharnii, but with struggle...we shall prevail. We will dominate this infernal cruelty that determines we should never be together. I may the Healer Idealist, but that doesn't mean I can't be a kinky bondage Healer Idealist. So let's believe in the test. Let's say it means everything. And we'll take all the more pleasure in shattering it to pieces.
Respect of space is very important to me.
Completely understand that here. I don't see how some couples can suffocate each other so much. People can be in love without clinging to each other constantly. In fact, space can help understanding to grow. It allows people to be individuals with a connection, without being a codependent unit.
Hiraku: Being your cohort means that I can be your partner in crime.
Katzenklavier wrote:
Completely understand that here. I don't see how some couples can suffocate each other so much. People can be in love without clinging to each other constantly. In fact, space can help understanding to grow. It allows people to be individuals with a connection, without being a codependent unit.
Quoted for truth.
Edited to add missing word.
Last edited by Seitokaichou (12-25-2008 09:50:53 AM)
Like I mentioned the last time I'm either a ISTP or an INTP, and at that I'm usually on the cusp of P and J, so I imagine that means none of this applies to me at all. >.o
Like their fellow SPs, ISTPs are fundamentally Performers (note the capital 'P' :-)), but as Ts their areas of interest tend to be mechanical rather than artistic like those of ISFPs, and unlike most ESPs they do not present an impression of constant activity. On the contrary, they lie dormant, saving their energy until a project or an adventure worthy of their time comes along--and then they launch themselves at it. The apparently frenzied state that inevitably ensues is actually much more controlled than it appears
That sounds dirty.
I am necroing this thread so we can compare the results with what you got on spoon-san's SLOAN test.
Jung Typology Test
Here are the possible personality types.
ENFJ - The Givers
ENFP - The Inspirers
ENTJ - The Executives
ENTP - The Visionaries
ESFP - The Performers
ESFJ - The Caregivers
ESTP - The Doers
ESTJ - The Guardians
INFJ - The Protectors
INFP - The Idealists
INTJ - The Scientists
INTP - The Thinkers
ISFP - The Artists
ISFJ - The Nurturers
ISTP - The Mechanics
ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers
I found that depending on the day, I will either get the result of INTP - The Thinker or ISTP - The Mechanic.
I've taken that test at least 3 times, and I'm an INFJ each time! We're supposedly rather rare, but it suits me perfectly.
Mine: rcueI and INTP
blah, blah, blah on spoon's part:
I like the idea, but imo, I think the test on humanmetrics is sub-par (as in making generalizations), but I tend to see most tests as severely limiting all too often but are good at giving someone a clue. similar minds test is slightly better but may be too much like the sloan test ith the questions, though I go by a system which alternates from MBTI and grows very complex (but is superior, in my book, but that's all I will publicly say on it, not that it would be of most people's interest or benefit anyways), but that's off topic.
Anyways, my sloan is currently rcue'I' and has always been that though sometimes I am stronger on calmness...but anyways...not to get terribly irrelevant.
Anyways, humanmetrics: I(78) N(75) T(62) P(33) - INTP. This result is accurate. I used to exclusively test as INFP, however, some years back, not really taking an objective look at how I actually come across to others (I may have kind sentiments but find great difficulties in the adequate expression of such.).
On the other one:
Introverted (I) 69.7% Extroverted (E) 30.3%
Intuitive (N) 65.79% Sensing (S) 34.21%
Thinking (T) 69.7% Feeling (F) 30.3%
Perceiving (P) 74.29% Judging (J) 25.71%
INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood
I leave the statistics out because there is no reasonable way to establish even remotely accurate statistics on a fairly new typology system.
So rcueI with INTP. the sloan type rcuei is supposed to primarily correlate with INTP and of course it makes sense as high levels of inquisitiveness, for instance, is usually a good indication of being stronger in intuitive cognitive processes. It really depends on your most constant and most natural and comfortable mode of Jungian cognition since everyone is going to express different cognitive processes at different times, but usually there is a preference that wins out. Though I recommend to take this with a grain of salt. Some people take this to the nth degree to where they forget how to be themselves and to let others be themselves and it's very sad to see.
K, I'm done rambling. (I've researched Jungian psych--not to be confused with MBTI-- for a good five years, so I tend to ramble forever if I am not careful in restraining myself. I'm not trying to sound like a know it all by any means...more like me nerdgasming which is never pretty.).
(final edit: nvm, I realize some people linked to site I do not have much respect for at all. I have studied socionics for five years. It has little to do with MBTI and is a rather complex typology system and is virtually unknown and little understood in the West. I have found some of its findings to be astonishing but potentially destructive though incredibly useful if used ethically and with understanding...which most people who study it do not. Not recommended. I know and sometimes work with many experts on it, though, despite it maybe being 'the devil's work.' But MBTI and socionics are not mutually compatible, just to point that out.)
Last edited by spoon-san (09-08-2009 02:43:56 PM)