This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
If you could have one superpower, what power would you choose?
I'd choose the power to be better than everyone. Don't tell me that isn't a power, it is. To be the best at everything, that's what I want.
What qualities do you look for in your friends?
Loyalty is the most important thing for a friend to have. If you can't trust someone then they can't be your friend, can they? Anyone who would betray their friend is just... the lowest scum.
Do you think it's wrong to cheat on a test if there's no curve? Why or why not?
Curve? What are you talking about? Cheating is just another way of being prepared. It doesn't matter how you get to where you are, what matters is that you get there.
Okay, good enough! Our five entrants this time around are Jellineck, Stormcrow, BioKraze, Adrasteia, and Ragnarok. Please send me your guesses! Spectators, of course, are welcome to guess as well!
Last edited by satyreyes (11-25-2007 07:01:14 PM)
All the guesses are in already! That was fast. Here's how things shook out.
Jellineck's entry was tricky, but it contained one clear hook: "my two best friends." All the entrants picked up on that, which led to two wrong guesses of Keiko and one of Yuuko. But BioKraze and Ragnarok dug a little deeper, and came up with the correct answer: C-ko. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder how they knew!
Stormcrow reeked of inferiority complex in his responses. That narrowed it down to just a few characters. I heard Saionji and Tsuwabuki, both good guesses; but the right answer, as BioKraze, Ragnarok, and spectator NajiMinkin divined, was Shiori.
When BioKraze lodged his entry, I was sure I knew who he was: Miki, or possibly Tsuwabuki. You all agreed; three of you guessed Miki, one guessed Tsuwabuki, and one guessed Utena. All wrong. Bio was portraying Mari. Yes, Tsuwabuki's little friend, the one who slaps him when he tries to kiss her. You've gotta give Bio credit for guts here, even though he went unguessed.
Adrasteia gave a fascinating answer to the superpowers question -- "I'd like to be a princess" -- that led to a variety of guesses. I got three Wakabas and an Anthy. But to me the dead giveaway was the answer to the cheating question, the sort of mixture of hesitance and aggression, innocence and cruelty. Adrasteia was Shiori, as fellow Shiori-player Stormcrow correctly guessed.
Finally, we come to Ragnarok, whose spot-on impression of his chosen character went unguessed. The word "scum" was the tipoff here, and accounts for the four guesses of Saionji that Ragnarok received. (He was also accused by one guesser of being Touga.) But Ragnarok was portraying Nanami. Read his answer to the friends question again and you'll smack yourself for missing it.
That makes the score:
Stormcrow (Shiori): 4 - guessed Adrasteia; guessed by Bio, Ragnarok, and Naji
BioKraze (Mari): 2 - guessed Jellineck and Stormcrow
Jellineck (C-ko): 2 - guessed by Bio and Ragnarok
Ragnarok (Nanami): 2 - guessed Jellineck and Stormcrow
Adrasteia (Shiori): 1 - guessed by Stormcrow
NajiMinkin (spectator): 1 - guessed Stormcrow
Congratulations to our winner, Stormcrow! An honorable mention to Adrasteia, whose Shiori impression I thought was nuanced and believable. Kudos too to Bio. Mari? Geez.
Thanks for playing what turned out to be an all-girls edition of I Wonder, I Wonder! We'll play again -- soon!
Yeah, I definitely should have guessed Nanami for Ragnarok, but somehow...I forgot about her. Saionji did occur to me, but it was hard for me to imagine him being so Machiavellian. Nanami does indeed seem obvious now though. Also, I did consider C-Ko for Jellineck...I'm not quite sure what tipped me toward Keiko instead...Mari never entered into my head, somehow she made very little impression on me from the show, so I don't think of her often. Great entries everybody, the ones that I didn't get right (which is almost everybody), I feel like I should have.
I can't wait for the next round!
I had to play as an obscure character, just to see if I could do it. I mean, Mrs. Ohtori gets less time onscreen than Mari, right? And it's SKU, of course. All the characters have depth. Besides all of which, I still haven't seen past episode 7, and so only had scant notes to go on.
Truly, this was the ultimate test of my roleplaying abilities... I kinda feel honoured that even satyr didn't guess me!
Back by popular demand! Round Five of I Wonder, I Wonder!, commence!
In case you've forgotten, here are the rules. Below are three interview questions. Pick a character from Utena and PM me to tell me who you've chosen. Then post your character's answers to the three interview questions to the thread, without stating outright who you are or including dead giveaways like your hair color. When we have enough entries, I'll close the contest and you'll send me your guesses about which posters are RPing which characters. You get one point for each person you guess correctly, and one point for each person who guesses you correctly.
Without further ado, here are the interview questions!
What is your worst habit? (Not one that we see on-screen, please -- that would be a dead giveaway!)
Are you following the election in America? If not, why not? If so, which candidate are you rooting for and why?
What is your opinion of bottled water?
What is your worst habit?
You might say I'm a glutton, but not for punishment.
Are you following the election in America? If not, why not? If so, which candidate are you rooting for and why?
Such things don't fall under my realm of concerns and responsibilities. If you knew my idol Charles and his general theory on politics, you'd know exactly why this is one of the few things I keep my nose firmly away from.
What is your opinion of bottled water?
Good stuff when I can get it. Normally I go for tap water, as it's generally free to the public. I only drink bottled water when there's a goodly surplus of it lying around.
Still taking guesses from the audience?
What is your worst habit?
I tend to fall to extremes, although it may not first appear so. My emotions grow very quickly from detachment to rage, interest to apathy.
Are you following the election in America? If not, why not? If so, which candidate are you rooting for and why?
It's generally none of my business, but I encourage political thought as a means of succeeding in this world. Having an inherent grasp of intrigue is not always admirable, but is often wise and quite necessary. This is world in which people have to be efficient and often cruel in order to achieve the best product for all.
What is your opinion of bottled water?
It's functional.
To speed things along, here's my own entry. Naturally, I won't be eligible to win, but guessing me right is another way for y'all to get points.
What is your worst habit?
That's a bit of a personal question to lead off with, isn't it? Well, sometimes, when I'm absolutely positive no one can hear me, I lock the door and... yell what I really think of the people who frustrate me. I always feel so guilty about it afterwards, though. I need to stop.
Are you following the election in America? If not, why not? If so, which candidate are you rooting for and why?
Rudy Giuliani, absolutely. I think he's the most responsible candidate when it comes to terrorism, which is a dire threat to the order that civilization depends on. The Islamists don't seem to be interested in Japan, but when America is terrorized the whole world suffers, whether we like it or not.
What is your opinion of bottled water?
I think with bottled water, you're paying for the brand as much as the liquid. Certain brands have more cachet. I have a friend who's honestly a bit of a snob about only drinking Evian. I don't really want to get caught up in the brand warfare, so I mostly don't drink it.
What is your worst habit? (Not one that we see on-screen, please -- that would be a dead giveaway!)
I smoke. I know it's not right or healthy, but once in a while I light up. It's more a stress-relief thing than anything else, though others may guess different. It's not to rebel.
Are you following the election in America? If not, why not? If so, which candidate are you rooting for and why?
I watch it out of a vague curiousity. There are interesting things going on for both parties, but I could really care less about the politics. It's about the people who are getting involved for me.
What is your opinion of bottled water?
It's water. Water itself is most like a person, in its perfect state, it is the purest of substances and life giving. However, there is no such thing as perfect water, it is polluted and corrupted in varying degrees and corrupted, which can hurt you.
What is your worst habit?
Tch, I don't have any bad habits, just plenty you'd think were so.
Are you following the election in America? If not, why not? If so, which candidate are you rooting for and why?
They're all the same to me. I think my parents follow all that stuff pretty closely, but I've never cared any about it, I have my own life to lead and it doesn't really involve foreign press bait.
What is your opinion of bottled water?
An absolute necessity during a busy night or an intense workout session. Even more so if they're the same thing at the time.
All right, everyone, let's close up this very long round! We had five entries this time: BioKraze, Jellineck, me, Anthiena, and Giovanna. Please send me your guesses about each other's identities! (Anthiena, I already have yours.)
Whee! Let's see how many of us have our guesses right! I wonder, I wonder!
Sorry this is taking a while! Jelli hasn't been online in a few days; I'm just waiting on her guesses. If I don't have them in the next day or two, we'll close up!
We... er... we have a situation. All the answers are in. Let's take a look!
BioKraze's bizarre answers didn't sound quite like anything we've heard any Utena character say. The intellectual tone led three entrants to pick Miki, and the non sequitur answers led one contestant to a guess of C-ko. Nice tries! But as spectator Ragnarok picked up, the only character whose head those thoughts belong in was Chu Chu. Last time Bio picked Mari. Next, I imagine, will be the kangaroo.
Jellineck's entry was less about her answers than her tone. Two saw Touga and one Saionji in her entry, picking up perhaps on "people have to be efficient and often cruel to achieve the best product for all." The key, though, was the analytical detachment and focus on utility that her answers presented. Giovanna and spectator NajiMinkin both broke the code: Jelli was Mikage.
My own entry -- which isn't eligible to win, just there as a way for y'all to score extra points, which turned out to be ironic, as we'll see in a minute -- tried to hit a note of innocence not totally undarkened by worldliness. In spite of two guesses of Keiko, I must've done a pretty good job; Bio, Gio, Naji, and Ragnarok all divined that I was Miki.
Anthiena's answers painted an interesting picture. Which character would smoke, is more interested in people than in events, and can wax poetic (and vaguely depressing) about bottled water? One entrant said Mikage and one Anthy, both fascinating answers; you can totally see either of them with a cigarette between their lips. But Bio, Naji, and Ragnarok all scored the intended answer, Juri. Nice RP!
Lastly, Gio was enigmatic in her responses! She did let a couple facts slip, though: she has parents more worldly than she is, she's independent, and she is perhaps a little egotistical. Three guesses of Touga fit the facts, but weren't the intended answer; one guess of Wakaba tried to take things in a different direction. The right answer, coming from Jellineck, was also the best: Gio was Kozue.
That makes the score:
BioKraze (Chu Chu): 3 - guessed me and Anthiena; guessed by Ragnarok
Jellineck (Mikage): 3 - guessed Gio; guessed by Gio and Naji
Anthiena (Juri): 3 - guessed by Bio, Naji, and Ragnarok
Gio (Kozue): 3 - guessed Jelli and me; guessed by Jelli
satyreyes (Miki/mod): 4 - guessed by Bio, Gio, Naji, and Ragnarok
NajiMinkin (spectator): 3 - guessed Jelli, Anthiena, and me
Ragnarok (spectator): 3 - guessed Bio, Anthiena, and me
So in summary, every single person who entered, both player and spectator, got a score of exactly three, with the sole exception of the one person who isn't eligible to win. So here is our improvised tiebreaker. It's open to all six contestants.
I want to hear Anthy's best answer to the question "Are you a virgin? Why or why not?"
You have three days to post an answer to the thread. At the end of that time, we'll take a vote, and whoever gets the most votes will win the game. If there's a further tie, whoever posted first will win.
Good luck!
Are you a virgin? Why or why not?
"What an interesting question. But virginity isn't always what you think it is. Some people are virgins no matter what they do. Some are not by the same definition."
I'm just going to go for the simplest route possible.
Anthy gives a blank, sweet, and fully enigmatic smile.
Would you like me to be a virgin?