This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
OK, I must be crazy (well, having Utena as my favorite series already decided that long ago), but am I the only one that sees the "chef" as brandishing not a tool of cuisine, but a tool of homicide?
<--- It's a bloody knife!
Someone please tell me it's really a frosting bag or something! I haven't been able to figure it out yet.
..Oh god, you're right. I now love this emoticon.
Edit: It looks like the last chef is stabbing that heart.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (10-18-2006 10:29:41 PM)
Yasha wrote:
It's a knife. Just think of him as a chef in the same way Hannibal Lecter is a chef. *somewhere, you can hear the sound of Gio soaking her panties*
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Y-y-you shut up!!
Anyway yes, it's a bloody chef knife. I'm very proud of our smilies, and apparently they're going over very well. Actually I stole them from the Something Awful forums, but I'm one among dozens of forum members that have done that, so I figure it's okay.
This is such an awesome forum
This isn't a glitch or bug or meltdown, but I'm beginning to notice that our PM mailboxes have twenty-message limits, counting both incoming and outgoing messages. Twenty isn't very many. Is there a way to increase the size of our mailboxes?
We'll look into it. In the meantime, we're glad you like it here!
When I registered, I didn't get my password emailed to me. First I thought it was just taking a while to process, then I thought I had somehow put my address in wrong twice. (This is not beyond my capabilities.)
I used the password reset option to get around this, which worked immediatly with no problems. So now I have no idea what happend the first time.
Well, so long as you're on, it worked out all right for you.
If anyone else has problems getting their password, email me or Gio and we can set it up for you.
Maarika wrote:
And "go to top" link. The lazy people will appreciate it.
Sorry for the delay, I'm trying to keep my godless coding to weekends. There's now a 'Back to Top' link in the rose pattern header of every post, next to the post number. Seemed the most reasonable place to put it. I hope that's satisfactory.
satyreyes wrote:
This isn't a glitch or bug or meltdown, but I'm beginning to notice that our PM mailboxes have twenty-message limits, counting both incoming and outgoing messages. Twenty isn't very many. Is there a way to increase the size of our mailboxes?
Yeah, 20 is a bit oppressive, isn't it? I've upped the allowed inbox to 50 messages, which should more than cover things unless I'm very wrong about how much PMing you kids do! Please, however, do me a big favor and delete messages you have no more use for, including the ones that by default will save in your sentbox. I don't see it being a problem, but it does consume resources.
Originally there was some talk of having polls and such on IRG. I'm positive it would be a lot of work to code something that would allow users to post threads with polls, but maybe we could have a Poll of the Week? I'm really curious about our demographics, especially age and sex and sexual orientation, but it's not the kind of thing you can just post about and expect to get a good sampling.
Once again, a suggestion rather than a glitch, bug, or forum meltdown Thanks for listening!
Last edited by satyreyes (10-27-2006 12:42:36 AM)
satyreyes wrote:
I'm really curious about our demographics, especially age and sex and sexual orientation, but it's not the kind of thing you can just post about and expect to get a good sampling.
Same here. It'd be cool to see exactly where we all fit in those contexts (and I might not feel so weird, hehe).
satyreyes wrote:
Originally there was some talk of having polls and such on IRG. I'm positive it would be a lot of work to code something that would allow users to post threads with polls, but maybe we could have a Poll of the Week? I'm really curious about our demographics, especially age and sex and sexual orientation, but it's not the kind of thing you can just post about and expect to get a good sampling.
Once again, a suggestion rather than a glitch, bug, or forum meltdownThanks for listening!
Well the poll functions are mod only in punBB, and the mod that's the least buggy is, right at this moment, not available for the latest version of the forum. It's definitely something I want to add, but I need to do more research before I go off installing new mods, especially now that the forum's live. If anyone wants to just do 'unofficial' polls where we just post stuff, that's fine. As for polls, I'm working on it. It was one of the sacrifices I had to make moving over to a less hackable piece of software.
Also, as requested many, many times, we now have . So
Rosemary Bats wrote:
Same here. It'd be cool to see exactly where we all fit in those contexts (and I might not feel so weird, hehe).
Whats wrong with being weird? Being a fan of SKU means that normal is not normal for you, so embrace your weirdness and be glad that you are not just a mundane sarariiman
Tamago wrote:
Whats wrong with being weird? Being a fan of SKU means that normal is not normal for you, so embrace your weirdness and be glad that you are not just a mundane sarariiman
Damn right! We're unique and special and shiny in the way that makes us ideal student council candidates.
Actually, I do mean that. Utena fandom is not a population of particularly normal people. This makes me happy because I really don't get along with most people and I suspect it's a matter of normalcy versus...not normalcy.
Tamago wrote:
Whats wrong with being weird? Being a fan of SKU means that normal is not normal for you, so embrace your weirdness and be glad that you are not just a mundane sarariiman
See Shadow Girls sketch, episode 12.
"Kashira, kashira! Gozonji kashira!"
"Study normal subjects, find a normal job. Fall in love normally, get married normally. Have a normal family, and have a normal life. But being normal has nothing to do with us!"
"We're tired of doing all the things we've done till now."
"Time for us to go back to being what's normal for us!"
"Kashira, kashira! Gozonji kashira!"
Okay, I feel kinda stupid cause I know this is probably my fault, but I seem to be missing that whole "location" listing under my avatar. And I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to proudly display my Denver-ness.
Profile -> Personal
Address is the middle box!
You know, I did that like three times before and it wasn't until this time that it worked. Weird.
If I use Search to find a username, the algorithm gives me a list of threads that that user has posted in. Some of these threads are 20+ pages long. Is there a way to go directly to the user's posts, rather than hunting through the entire thread for his or her contributions?
satyreyes wrote:
If I use Search to find a username, the algorithm gives me a list of threads that that user has posted in. Some of these threads are 20+ pages long. Is there a way to go directly to the user's posts, rather than hunting through the entire thread for his or her contributions?
If you select 'show results as posts' in the very last dropdown box, it goes like this.
Everytime I try to make the search more specific it tells me that there are no search results. I didn't notcie this thread tho, so I never really thought about it... -.-;;
You're going to have to explain how you're doing it before I can help much
Yasha wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
If I use Search to find a username, the algorithm gives me a list of threads that that user has posted in. Some of these threads are 20+ pages long. Is there a way to go directly to the user's posts, rather than hunting through the entire thread for his or her contributions?
If you select 'show results as posts' in the very last dropdown box, it goes like this.
Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted
And because I am going for the forum record in technical questions, here is another!
When you first create an account, there's an option to stay logged in on this computer. Unfortunately, this seems to be the ONLY time you can set this option; if you log out, there's no way (as far as I can find) to get auto-login going again. Is there a fix?
I will check into it. I just set my browser to remember my password here.
Whoa. So, it shows on the genart thread the Emi just updated it around 45 minutes ago, but the last post it's showing is Razara's from 4/19. It's doing that to several other threads as well, saying that it's updated (SKUpidity), but showing the last post as being one from a couple days ago.
I had trouble even getting the forums up, too. Maybe that had something to do with the computer? it's never had a problem tho.... It's making me reload almost everytime I click on a link, too. I keep getting an error message about... my socks?
I'll try and copy the error message and paste it here next time I get it.
Last edited by morosemocha (04-23-2007 10:29:53 PM)
That's...odd. I'm going to back up the forum, just in case.