This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I don't understand the fangirling over the men in this series..
maybe it's just because I'm a lesbian (no actually, it can't be that at all..there are plenty of male characters I admire in other works of art) but almost every male character in the Utena Universe is repulsive in some way.
I know that straight women tend to go crazy over bishounen, but still . isn't Akio, Ruka and Saionji's cruelty offputting? Touga and Miki are less so I think (I haven't quite finished watching the series yet, I've seen the film, and I haven't started on the manga yet) but still not terribly likeable characters.. etc..
It's brilliant, because in most fairy tales/mythology women are portrayed as evil (the evil stepmother/sister, the evil witch, Eve etc..) but in Utena conventional misogyny & abuse are not hidden and nearly all of the traditional roles are turned on their head. .
and yet, fangirls endlessly defend the bishies.. why?
artemis88 wrote:
I don't understand the fangirling over the men in this series..
.isn't Akio, Ruka and Saionji's cruelty offputting? Touga and Miki are less so I think (I haven't quite finished watching the series ...
artemis88 wrote:
Touga and Miki are less so I think (I haven't quite finished watching the series ...
artemis88 wrote:
Oh... Touga is less... WHAT? Finish the sereis inmediatly... Surprise ahead.
And yes, every men character in Utena is repulsive and sexist, well, even some women in the series are sexist too.
Last edited by Leeg (06-08-2011 12:46:55 PM)
Yeah i can where you are coming from, most of the guys you really wanna punch in the face ( cough Saionji cough, akio...) then again if really think of it most of the people in utena are pretty messed up even utena herself. You know who is the real winner ( except when he is violated by that frog...) Chu chu. Chu chu is winning.
Last edited by innermuse (06-08-2011 12:52:56 PM)
If we define 'fangirling' as 'the irrational childish adoration of a character best summarized with :3 and WIBBLE', then the only character who is a target of fangirling on the forum is Saionji. He, I think, appeals to a sense of nurturing where a sufficient number of hugs and cookies will melt away the backhands and reveal an adorable bristly guy with sharp objects and a bit of a domination thing.
The rest of the male cast has fans, but I don't think we exactly 'fangirl' over them. That's me, with my big honkin' Akio shrine, saying that really, I don't consider myself a fangirl. I certainly wouldn't be wanting to get into a long term relationship with him, and I don't think I CAN CHANGE HIM, which is often, judging by the fanfics and such, the point of attraction to cruel characters. Really, need to finish the show if you class Ruka and Saionji as more cruel than Touga.
And hey, if you ask me, Juri is more cruel than any of them. She'd treat you like garbage, know she's doing it, and feel like you need to weather her wrath to prove your loyalty or some crap. She's as destructive a relationship as any of them.
innermuse wrote:
Yeah i can where you are coming from, most of the guys you really wanna punch in the face ( cough Saionji cough, akio...) then again if really think of it most of the people in utena are pretty messed up even utena herself. You know who is the real winner ( except when he is violated by that frog...) Chu chu. Chu chu is winning. … inning.jpg
LOL true
also except for when he gets eaten in the movie ;_; poor Chuchu xD
Giovanna wrote:
If we define 'fangirling' as 'the irrational childish adoration of a character best summarized with :3 and WIBBLE', then the only character who is a target of fangirling on the forum is Saionji. He, I think, appeals to a sense of nurturing where a sufficient number of hugs and cookies will melt away the backhands and reveal an adorable bristly guy with sharp objects and a bit of a domination thing.
The rest of the male cast has fans, but I don't think we exactly 'fangirl' over them. That's me, with my big honkin' Akio shrine, saying that really, I don't consider myself a fangirl. I certainly wouldn't be wanting to get into a long term relationship with him, and I don't think I CAN CHANGE HIM, which is often, judging by the fanfics and such, the point of attraction to cruel characters. Really, need to finish the show if you class Ruka and Saionji as more cruel than Touga.
And hey, if you ask me, Juri is more cruel than any of them. She'd treat you like garbage, know she's doing it, and feel like you need to weather her wrath to prove your loyalty or some crap. She's as destructive a relationship as any of them.
hmm, that makes sense. the idea that really there's a good person somewhere there underneath all the awful. which I suppose in Saionji's case probably has a grain of truth to it, despite his woman-beating tendencies. I can't wait to finish the series, but I'm also kind of dreading the ending!
Akio is a fascinating character, too. like someone said in another thread he's like the perfect anthropomorphization of the devil, a charismatic sociopath driving a fast car
I respectfully disagree with you about Juri. To me she comes across as cold at times, but she's quite kind beneath the broken, ice queen exterior. Definitely cruel at times but never more so than Akio for instance
but there's no perfect character I guess
not even Utena ;_; not sure how I'm going to handle the episode where she sleeps with Akio. unfortunately I came across that spoiler somehow, actually it's probably good that I found out that way :s else I might have yelled at my tv I still might
Last edited by artemis88 (06-08-2011 06:47:37 PM)
When they're animated, bastards can be really endearing lol. They keep the show interesting and it's a good way to fantasize without dealing with real asses. IRL Shiori would be the girl you want to kick in the head, but since she's just a cartoon her evil is somehow sexy and enticing.
Yeah I agree. The only guys I like in the show are Mikage (my favorite character!), Mamiya, Miki and Mitsuru (I really hope I didn't butcher his name, I never get it right!) Maybe it's something about M names. And of course Chu Chu. XD I find the rest of the guys seriously off-putting, I can't stand them. Mikage has his bastard moments too of course, but I just end up feeling sorry for him more than anything.
Last edited by HonorableShadow (06-08-2011 05:40:12 PM)
I agree with Gio about Juri so much. To be honest, I think the reason the guys are such douchebags is because everyone is a douchebag in some way, shape, or form in Utena (yes, even Miki). That's one thing I love about the series. They're all horrendously fucked-up people which makes them quite fascinating and endearing
I do, however, think the fangirling Touga, Ruka, etc get that denies their flaws and heightens those of other characters (coughSHIORIcough) is repulsive. I think a bitch would get drop kicked and laughed at if they tried it here (which is why I love you guys), though I see it plenty on other places. Draco in Leather Pants, etc.
Android raptor wrote:
I agree with Gio about Juri so much. To be honest, I think the reason the guys are such douchebags is because everyone is a douchebag in some way, shape, or form in Utena (yes, even Miki). That's one thing I love about the series. They're all horrendously fucked-up people which makes them quite fascinating and endearing
true that! I still don't think that Juri is the cruelest by any means but the whole cast is flawed to varying degrees.. makes it all the more fascinating
I do, however, think the fangirling Touga, Ruka, etc get that denies their flaws and heightens those of other characters (coughSHIORIcough) is repulsive. I think a bitch would get drop kicked and laughed at if they tried it here (which is why I love you guys), though I see it plenty on other places. Draco in Leather Pants, etc.
Definitely .. I'm very happy to see it's not really the case here
...Yeah, I'm with Raptor. Pretty much everyone in Utena is deeply problematic, whether male or female. Utena herself is no exception. What makes her special is that she's trying to be the best person she can be, in spite of her own inner confusions. That makes her different from Ohtori's other women as well as its men.
One idea that might be relevant is the way SKU conflates sex with "adulthood," and "adulthood" with corruption. There are a few male characters who are not obviously jerkwads -- Mitsuru, Miki, perhaps Tatsuya -- but they're not sexy bishies! The bishies are all assholes. (Because to be sexual is to be corrupt.) The show's basic choices about symbolism make it difficult or impossible for Utena to have a bishounen character who's nice. If I were a straight fangirl, I might be frustrated too! Since I'm a straight fanboy, I have it easier; Utena and Wakaba are the nicest characters in the show.
I don't think there's anything wrong with "defending" the likes of Saionji and Touga, though. They're complex characters, and they need defenders as well as detractors. I like both of them. Yeah, Saionji hits women; yeah, Touga lies to women and seduces them. If SKU were real life, you wouldn't want to date either of them. But partly because this is fiction, we're free to explore why they're such assholes, and in the process we humanize them and find qualities about them that we relate to. Saionji is insecure and takes his anxiety out on the people around him. I get that; I've been there. Touga is an egotist who asserts his power over others by using and warping them. That's less relatable, but then Utena beats the crap out of him, and Akio outmaneuvers him, and you see his preconceptions about his superiority being challenged and cracked, and that part is relatable. They're interesting. They make you want to write fics about them. In short, they're assholes worth fangirling over. At least, I hope so!
Don't let Sat's somewhat introspective and thoughtful discourse fool you. HE FANGURLS.
Most of the fans I've met here that are fans of the male anime characters don't take it to such an extreme level that fans of other animes do.. but then again, this forum is probably home to all the coolest Utena/anime nerds. (:
I never really got into any of the male characters in Utena, though, and I'm straight. Even Miki I didn't like, because he's so repressed.
But then again, my favorite character is Anthy, and she's not exactly a sugar plum fairy. I think I'm just not attracted to overly misogynistic guys. They can kill people or whatever, but so help me if they hit a woman! Hah. Then again, so many male characters in anime are subtly misogynistic, or "noble," and "gentlemanly," in some way, so its refreshing that these characters' flaws are not sugar-coated.
Ruka would the the closest to my male favorite, but I know he can be a real jerk too, and forcing himself on Juri was totally not cool either. But I still like him. That doesn't mean I support guys forcing themselves on women or anything. He's just a fictional character who's very interesting to me.
But as characters themselves, I think they're all interesting for the amount of depth the series gives them, and like all the characters, they're all very very realistic, fucked up, and fun to analyze!
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (06-09-2011 12:20:38 AM)
I like all the characters in some way actually
Utena's really cute and she wants to do nice things and...I guess she's really confused sometimes, too. And Akio. I think I like him because he acts like he does. Not that I would want to associate with him or anything. And I sorta feel bad for Utena being led on or whatever, but..
I'm straight and didn't really crush on any of the dudes either. Mostly because I dig muscles and don't really dig long hair. Or mutant forelocks.
Akio has a sexy voice at least.
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
I'm straight and didn't really crush on any of the dudes either. Mostly because I dig muscles and don't really dig long hair. Or mutant forelocks.
Hehe, if the upperclassmen were all a foot shorter we'd probably think Ohtori was an all-girls school.
Giovanna wrote:
And hey, if you ask me, Juri is more cruel than any of them. She'd treat you like garbage, know she's doing it, and feel like you need to weather her wrath to prove your loyalty or some crap. She's as destructive a relationship as any of them.
You take that back!
Oh my gosh, I canNOT believe this thread. Srsly, I thought you were all cool. The guys in this series are totally hot and so manry! Especially Miki. Did you see the movie?! He had longer hair and he looked so cute and dishy - kinda girly, but that's just what I go for.
Miki is like the sexiest anime character in existence and you all suck for not realising that. Oh well, more chance for me!!! Saionji is pretty hot too, but not as hot as Miki. he's got that whole Japanese fierce goodlookingness and he looks so cool in a kimono. Remember Utena when she said "Nice skirt Saionji" ??? OMG, I wanted to leap into the show and beat some sense into her. (I totally wish I could jump into the show all the time!) Saionji has that whole 'broken' backstory to him. he has angst. It's what makes him so attractive to me. Oh, and the ponytail too. Ponytails turn me on. I always put my hair into a ponytail because they're the best look eva and everyone should do it too. Maybe not actually, then I wouldn't look distictive enough. Not that ponytails ARE distinctive. But they are hot. You agree right? Anyway, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the bishonen in this series. GOSH, all of them are. Mitsuuru is really cute and even thogh he's only 10 or whatever, he's still good looking. I wish I could be 10 and not 19, go into that school and hang out with him. But he has Nanami[COW!] and wouldn't pay attention to me.
There's always Mikage. His long pink hair is so manly and attractive. Bobs are really cute, guys don't really suit it all that well, (well they should put them into sexy japanese samurai ponytail things) but Mikage totally wears that hairstyle. It always looks perfect and pink. I like pink. In fact, if Miki had pink hair or him and Mikage had a child that looked like a combination of the two, I'd be in heaven. Mikage has a pretty angsty backstory too. And he's kinda gay too. Angst and yaoi is just like chocolate and milk, the perfect combination. Mamiya is boring though and Mikage shouldn't be with him. Im so confused. i love my yaoi but if one's ugly then I get so put off. Hmm, okay, i think ruka and Mikage would be the epiccest yaoi couple this show could do. Ruka has that whole Seme loe thing going on and mikage doesn't really suit uke, but if there can't be two semes. that totally doesn't work. FANFICTION FUEL!!! Totally gonna so this, put it up when i'm done. Anyway, this show guys are totally hot, and I DISAGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU ALL SAY. BLAH!
I'm sorry. I had to do it. I always have to be the opposite view. In all seriousness, I can't think of a single character I'd ever want a relationship with.
Android raptor wrote:
To be honest, I think the reason the guys are such douchebags is because everyone is a douchebag in some way, shape, or form in Utena (yes, even Miki).
Hm? I recall Miki having issues and being a little selfish, but I don't recall him being a douchebaag at all. It's been a while since I've seen the Miki episodes and my love for Aya Hisakawa may have blinded me to some of Miki's faults.
Except Miki is self-righteous, and has all the makings of a benevolent sexist (which is still sexism). Of course he was raised to be that way, but still. No one is without faults, not even him.
This topic has me curious . . . I don't read the forums a TON so someone else will have to fill me in: Which of the female characters gets fanboyed/girled over the most? Juri I'm guessing?
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
This topic has me curious . . . I don't read the forums a TON so someone else will have to fill me in: Which of the female characters gets fanboyed/girled over the most? Juri I'm guessing?
I can definitely see Juri being fangirled over..
but I'm probably just as bad a fangirl as any when it comes to Utena and Anthy
Last edited by artemis88 (06-10-2011 10:01:41 PM)
artemis88 wrote:
I'm probably just as bad a fangirl as any when it comes to Utena and Anthy
Yep, Utena and Anthy, the dynamic duo for me.
Randamonian wrote:
Oh my gosh, I canNOT believe this thread. Srsly, I thought you were all cool.
The guys in this series are totally hot and so manry! Especially Miki. Did you see the movie?! He had longer hair and he looked so cute and dishy - kinda girly, but that's just what I go for.
Miki is like the sexiest anime character in existence and you all suck for not realising that. Oh well, more chance for me!!! Saionji is pretty hot too, but not as hot as Miki. he's got that whole Japanese fierce goodlookingness and he looks so cool in a kimono. Remember Utena when she said "Nice skirt Saionji" ??? OMG, I wanted to leap into the show and beat some sense into her. (I totally wish I could jump into the show all the time!) Saionji has that whole 'broken' backstory to him. he has angst. It's what makes him so attractive to me. Oh, and the ponytail too. Ponytails turn me on. I always put my hair into a ponytail because they're the best look eva and everyone should do it too. Maybe not actually, then I wouldn't look distictive enough. Not that ponytails ARE distinctive. But they are hot. You agree right? Anyway, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, the bishonen in this series. GOSH, all of them are. Mitsuuru is really cute and even thogh he's only 10 or whatever, he's still good looking. I wish I could be 10 and not 19, go into that school and hang out with him. But he has Nanami[COW!] and wouldn't pay attention to me.
There's always Mikage. His long pink hair is so manly and attractive. Bobs are really cute, guys don't really suit it all that well, (well they should put them into sexy japanese samurai ponytail things) but Mikage totally wears that hairstyle. It always looks perfect and pink. I like pink. In fact, if Miki had pink hair or him and Mikage had a child that looked like a combination of the two, I'd be in heaven. Mikage has a pretty angsty backstory too. And he's kinda gay too. Angst and yaoi is just like chocolate and milk, the perfect combination. Mamiya is boring though and Mikage shouldn't be with him. Im so confused. i love my yaoi but if one's ugly then I get so put off. Hmm, okay, i think ruka and Mikage would be the epiccest yaoi couple this show could do. Ruka has that whole Seme loe thing going on and mikage doesn't really suit uke, but if there can't be two semes. that totally doesn't work. FANFICTION FUEL!!! Totally gonna so this, put it up when i'm done. Anyway, this show guys are totally hot, and I DISAGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU ALL SAY. BLAH!
I'm sorry. I had to do it.I always have to be the opposite view. In all seriousness, I can't think of a single character I'd ever want a relationship with.
Close, close, but you fell down on two major things. One,you didn't use the word 'like' enough, and two, you used too much punctuation. You remembered to capitalise your 'I's and opened and closed sentences. Otherwise, quite good.