This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I had a dream last night about In the Rose Garden.
The basic premise was it was a gathering of the USA forum-goers. Unfortunately, no one other than Yasha and J could make it from out of the US (Canada doesn't count as being another country anyways). I have no idea where in the US it was held, other than NOT in Homestead, but the venue was a big room with stone tiered benches, kind of like bleachers but much, much prettier and more spaced out. At the front of the huge room was a big fountain that took up most of the front of the room.
To the one side was the “control booth” where Gio and Yasha were set up with some really awesome computer systems where they got live updates on the forum almost like it was a chat program to them. Gio was wearing the red shirt and black skirt combo (*drools*) and Yasha interestingly enough, was wearing something a lot like Touga's uniform with a decidedly feminine touch to it. Granted I've never seen what Yasha looks like, but in my dream she was a darker blonde, hair just past the shoulders, with this terribly mischievous grin that made you wonder exactly what kind of evilness she had planned for you.
After peeking in and chatting with our very yummy hostesses and giggling at J who was doing this kind of cool James Dean impression leaning against a wall just waiting for the ladies to fawn over him (which they did), I returned to my seat with my grrl. Several of our fellow female forum-goers were up at the edge of the fountain at the front and then Gio appears with a microphone to play the part of our Emcee.
She welcomes us, tells us how awesome we are and announces the presentation of In the Rose Garden's first annual Wet T-shirt Contest. At this point, all the women that had been up front (all wearing white) fall back into the fountain to our glorious cheering. The wet t-shirt contest quickly devolved (evolved?) into a bare-it-all contest. And let me tell you, we have some very, very delicious women on this forum.
Somewhere, someone was running a live webcam of the event, link placed in IFD by Yasha. After the hooting and hollering over our bare, beautiful women died down somewhat, Yasha put up on a big projection screen where all across the US everyone who dove in the fountain was from. I remember there being one in Texas, one in Kentucky, one in Ohio, and one in Florida (can't remember the others). Upon seeing the Florida one, we all tried our very best to coax Gio to join them in the fountain, but unfortunately our gorgeous Emcee was unwilling to get wet.
The rest of it, I don't remember completely. I know we were all looking for ShatteredMirror (and were calling him Andrew), but no one could find him. I had my suspicions, but Yasha's grin at that moment could have meant anything.
So there you have it, my dears. Normally I never remember my dreams. Consider this a special treat.
...but who won the contest?
...Gio and Yasha sound movie Shadow Girl tastic... and... That scares me. Alot.
People were calling me Andrew? Weird. Especially given that my name is in my profile. But that is seriously one funny dream.
angelicreation wrote:
Gio was wearing the red shirt and black skirt combo (*drools*) and Yasha interestingly enough, was wearing something a lot like Touga's uniform with a decidedly feminine touch to it.
allegoriest wrote:
...Gio and Yasha sound movie Shadow Girl tastic... and... That scares me. Alot.
You know, I don't think it's the Shadow Girls she was thinking of.
I kid. Mostly.
I'm so proud to have a forum that causes naughty dreams.
I'll be looking forward to the second annual Wet T-Shirt Contest.
I generally have a knack for remembering my dreams, but there are only two dreams I can remember that have anything to do with In the Rose Garden, and neither of them are nearly as interesting as your dream. The other night I dreamt that several members of the forum and I were discussing pop-tarts. Frau Eva and Tamago kept referring to me as the "Pop-Tart Diva." The strangest part was that I was actually Mikage near the end of the dream... I think that it's safe to assume that I had that dream because of the discussion in the SKU Sims thread earlier that day, as well as the reason why I couldn't remember whether or not it actually happened when I woke up.
There was another time that I dreampt about Yasha. I was walking around my school when suddenly I saw her walk by with a Touga cosplayer. For some reason, I thought that I was cosplaying Shiori, despite the fact that I've never actually cosplayed her. I jumped out in front of them, expecting them to recognize me, but instead they just looked at me as though I was crazy. When I looked down at what I was wearing, I realized that I wasn't really dressed as her. They were laughing at me when they walked away.
Those dreams weren't very interesting, but my other SKU dreams are usually pretty entertaining.
wow, quite a dream! ive never had dreams about the forum before but wow!
ShatteredMirror wrote:
People were calling me Andrew? Weird. Especially given that my name is in my profile.
But that is seriously one funny dream.
I know. I couldn't figure out why anyone was calling you Andrew. Much less where you had diappeared to.
I'm sure the grin on Yasha's face had nothing whatsoever to do with me. Because I'm pure and innocent and never cause women to grin like that.
Shattered, I don't need you to cause me to grin like that. I can make myself grin that way.
Anyway, I hate to say it, but I'm not a blonde. I looked good as a blonde, though! Right now my hair is far closer to its natural color (dark brown) but only in the sense that dark brown and black with red streaks are both dark colors. Sort of.
And Razara, you make me sound mean I feel sad, I never wanted to make people dream bad things about me
Actually I'm lying, I don't feel bad because it's not my fault the dreamworld me is a bitch. I'm not usually a bitch unless someone deserves it.
On a completely different note, J and I were talking the other day about whether we'd ever be able to have a forum meet... I'd love to meet all you guys someday. It's too early to seriously talk about it, though. I figure the forum needs to be around for a while before we start thinking about meets.
Yasha wrote:
And Razara, you make me sound mean
I feel sad, I never wanted to make people dream bad things about me
Actually I'm lying, I don't feel bad because it's not my fault the dreamworld me is a bitch. I'm not usually a bitch unless someone deserves it.
If dreamworld Yasha acted in character, she would be the first. My dreams never make sense. Even Shiori has been prone to shoplifting and molesting Kozue in my dreams.
I want your dreams.
Yasha wrote:
Actually I'm lying, I don't feel bad because it's not my fault the dreamworld me is a bitch.
Dreamworld you was pretty damn hot. I can handle bitch if the hotness is there. It's the grin. I swear it's the grin. Like you're trying to decide exactly which buttons to push, how hard to push and who else should be around for the reaction.
I think I dreamed something related to the forum just because I was thinking the day before how unfair it is that I rarely remember my dreams. :3
Anyways, it just proved that Tamago has some crazyass editing skills, since I watched a whole episode with Glasses!Akio. Everything was perfect until one part where Akio looks up and the the glasses don't follow him. A second after that, I woke up. The only thing I'm sorry about is not asking dream!Tamago how long it took him to edit a whole ep.
You might not need me to make you grin like that but I'm sure I'd enjoy making the effort.
Not exactly about the forum, but most certainly inspired by it.
Last night I dreamt Akio came and was trying to seduce me or something. He took out a photo album and showed me some photos of him as a student. And I remember thinking how sexy he looked in his tight black pants. Which is WTF because never before have I liked him.
Diagnosis: Too much forum-reading.
iruka wrote:
Not exactly about the forum, but most certainly inspired by it.
Last night I dreamt Akio came and was trying to seduce me or something.He took out a photo album and showed me some photos of him as a student. And I remember thinking how sexy he looked in his tight black pants. Which is WTF because never before have I liked him.
Diagnosis: Too much forum-reading.
Gio's evil plan is obviously working. Where can I sign up for Akio-in-tight-black-pants dreams?
Clarice wrote:
Gio's evil plan is obviously working.
Where can I sign up for Akio-in-tight-black-pants dreams?
Well, if we trace back to the events before the dream, I'd say the recipe is having a couple of Utena episodes (Student council saga), some sex, a pizza and a Harry Potter movie before bedtime... but that makes no sense at all.
iruka wrote:
Clarice wrote:
Gio's evil plan is obviously working.
Where can I sign up for Akio-in-tight-black-pants dreams?
Well, if we trace back to the events before the dream,I'd say the recipe is having a couple of Utena episodes (Student council saga), some sex, a pizza and a Harry Potter movie before bedtime... but that makes no sense at all.
Man, all I got was a couple of episodes of The Simpsons, roast chicken, chocolate pudding and a Pirates of the Carribean movie before bed. No wonder all I dreamed about was drying my underwear on my friend's radiator before my workmate outed my two former flatmates as lesbians. I JUST WANTED HOT SEX WITH AKIO GODDAMMIT.
Clarice wrote:
There's this very lovely thing called lucid dreaming....
Giovanna wrote:
Clarice wrote:
There's this very lovely thing called lucid dreaming....
...if I just close my eyes, it's still a dream...right?
Clarice wrote:
Man, all I got was a couple of episodes of The Simpsons, roast chicken, chocolate pudding and a Pirates of the Carribean movie before bed. No wonder all I dreamed about was drying my underwear on my friend's radiator before my workmate outed my two former flatmates as lesbians. I JUST WANTED HOT SEX WITH AKIO GODDAMMIT.
Next time, you'll know better
Giovanna wrote:
There's this very lovely thing called lucid dreaming....
Apparently my boyfriend can do that. Sexy. :wants:
Uh.. i had a dream last night about this forums.
I remember KissingT.Kiryuu, ShatteredMirror, dollface, satyreyes, Hinotori and obviously Gio. At the begining i didn't recognise this people, it was just.. people, but this morning i remembered to see satyreyes's face in this forum. I opened the "non suited pics" thread and then i was like this people were in my dream.
We were all naked at the begining, it was like we were abducted to the digiworld o_o and then magicly we were dressed normal (but me, i was still naked) and we ate duck, like a christmas dinner.
I specially remember satyreyes in my dream, i don't know why 8D !
I never remember my dreams in all detail...
And I rarely have any that are worth remembering. I suppose it's just a matter of time when I dream about this forum.
Eek! You saw me naked! Oh well. I got to eat duck. I like duck. Hehe.