This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I just finished another rewatch of Utena and had bought Gundam Wing DVDs a while back and never watched them, so I thought I'd try them out. It was fine up to the point where the OZ craft spots the Gundam capsule in space and the guy turns to Zechs and tells him what's going on.
Apparently I did not anticipate the Koyasu Takehito dilemma. I had to turn it off, screaming in terror.
I'm sure it'll get worse when Heero shows up...without pink hair and rose-colored glasses.
Anyone else experienced this? XD
Also recall that Keiichi Morisato's sister is.... Anthy Himemiya???
My favorite seiyuu encounter was when watching Magic Knight Rayearth for the first time, and lo and behold, the little faerie who was constantly pining over Lantis and didn't like Hikaru was... Nanami??? To this day I cannot hear Yuri Shiratori and not see Nanami. Shiratori is Nanami to me. Except for Hatoko from Angelic Layer... she changed her voice enough for that role, so at least Hatoko isn't Nanami.. that would be slightly awkward.
I remember when I first noticed that Touga was Zechs on a repeat viewing, after having seen each already. I think it was my first seiyuu match as my anime collection grew and I started to recognize voices.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (11-02-2006 10:37:58 PM)
Oh god
Oh god, it's seared into my consciousness
Oh god
Takehito, why? Why did you do it? Why, why, why????
So, there I was, watching this anime called Kaleido Star, because some people had told me it's really good. Well, I dunno about good, the few episodes I've seen haven't made much of an impression on me, one way or the other. Except for one thing: There was this one character there, a lecherous action-figure sized jester spirit who's always trying to get to see the main character naked, y'know, saying "You seem tired, you should take a shower, and don't bother to lock the door" and things like that. And, well, he has Touga's voice.
I kept giggling for hours.
Oh, and seriously, what the heck is up with Kotono Mitsushi? It just ain't natural, I tell you. She voiced Juri in SKU, yeah? A serious and solemn character. Nothing funny about it. Well, she also voiced such characters as Sailor Moon, Excel from Excel Saga, and... Ebichu, the house-keeping hamster. Seriously, what the heck?
Yasha wrote:
Actually Zechs was no surprise. I tend to assume any and all long-haired bishonen are played by Takehito. I'm still surprised he wasn't playing Allen Schezar. Although on the Escaflowne note, I was watching that series for years before I figured out who Dryden was.
Touga also is Lord Il Palazzo from Excel Saga.
Seriously, that man has so many roles I don't even bother to count them all. He even plays not one, but two roles in Evangelion.
You know Shiori's boyfriend, the guy who gets one line and no name? His voice actor gets a lot of big roles. My sister was playing a dating sim called Hourglass of Summer, and his voice actor is the main character.
Juri's voice must have either been very difficult for her voice actress, or a relief, because she usually gets the rolls of characters like Sailor Moon and Excel. Mikage is Zelgadis in Japanese, but Touga is Zelgadis in English. Miki's voice actress is Yuki from Fruits Basket, as well as Ami from Sailor Moon, and a million other characters. Utena is Misuzu from Air.
I'm not familiar with any of the other roles that Shiori's Japanese voice actress has, but in English she's Lisa Ortiz, one of my favorites. She does the voice of Lina Inverse, so if I have to watch the dub for whatever reason, I expect something like this to happen:
Shiori: "Wait, Tsuchiya-senpai, please! *Gets annoyed* Dragon Slave!" *Ohtori Academy is destroyed*
Razara wrote:
Utena is Misuzu from Air.
And Hikaru from Hikaru no Go, and Soi Fong from Bleach, and Rosette from Chrono Crusade, And Kris from Battle Athletes, and-- obsessive? Who, me?
Hina the Prince wrote:
Razara wrote:
Utena is Misuzu from Air.
And Hikaru from Hikaru no Go, and Soi Fong from Bleach, and Rosette from Chrono Crusade, And Kris from Battle Athletes, and-- obsessive? Who, me?
She's Rosette? :0 I'll have to watch that in Japanese when I get the chance. I always watch it in English for the 20's slang.
Here's a place where you can find all of the Utena seiyuus: … php?id=207
Most of the awesome ones have been mentioned -- Utena and Hikaru, Touga and tons of people, Juri and tons and tons of people -- but I thought I'd add that Miki was Sailor Mercury at the same time that Juri was Sailor Moon. Ikuhara likes hiring cronies, evidently
Also, as has been mentioned, Sailor Moon, Excel, and Ebichu were all voiced by Juri, and so was Misato from Evangelion. And Mink from Dragon Half. It's surreal.
satyreyes wrote:
Also, as has been mentioned, Sailor Moon, Excel, and Ebichu were all voiced by Juri, and so was Misato from Evangelion. And Mink from Dragon Half. It's surreal.
Don't forget Mireille from Noir.
Yasha wrote:
Takehito, why? Why did you do it? Why, why, why????
I'm still amazed that he could do it. His voice is nothing if not impressive!
Incidentally a character he voices for another Gundam series (Destiny) has a pretty great relationship with a character voiced by Kotono Mitsushi/Juri that always makes me happy when I hear them talking to each other.
For all of you who are screaming, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, TAKEHITO NOOOOOOOOOOO" the answer is because he is Koyasu-motherfucking-Takehito and he can do whatever the damn hell he wants. That's like freaking out because Ishida Akira (Athrun Zala, Gaara, Kaworu Nagisa, Cho Hakkai, etc.) was the voice for Fish Eye in the Sailor Moon anime. Wrap your heads around that one, kids.
I believe the voice actress for Utena also did Soi Fong in Bleach.
Christi_Morelei wrote:
For all of you who are screaming, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, TAKEHITO NOOOOOOOOOOO" the answer is because he is Koyasu-motherfucking-Takehito and he can do whatever the damn hell he wants. That's like freaking out because Ishida Akira (Athrun Zala, Gaara, Kaworu Nagisa, Cho Hakkai, etc.) was the voice for Fish Eye in the Sailor Moon anime. Wrap your heads around that one, kids.
I'm only screaming because I couldn't for days after hearing that and recognizing him.
To be honest, he did a great job of it. I couldn't tell until my brother pointed it out. But still... my poor libido
Christi_Morelei wrote:
That's like freaking out because Ishida Akira (Athrun Zala, Gaara, Kaworu Nagisa, Cho Hakkai, etc.) was the voice for Fish Eye in the Sailor Moon anime. Wrap your heads around that one, kids.
The man who voices Xellos the Mysterious Priest can do anything!
Razara wrote:
Hina the Prince wrote:
Razara wrote:
Utena is Misuzu from Air.
And Hikaru from Hikaru no Go, and Soi Fong from Bleach, and Rosette from Chrono Crusade, And Kris from Battle Athletes, and-- obsessive? Who, me?
She's Rosette? :0 I'll have to watch that in Japanese when I get the chance. I always watch it in English for the 20's slang.
Here's a place where you can find all of the Utena seiyuus: … php?id=207
And let us not forget she's the leading lady in Futari Ecchi. I learned something very important from that show--Kawakami Tomoko just doesn't know how to do sex sounds. Even as someone who's never watched another hentai, I could still figure that out pretty fast. Cracked me up when I looked up info for the series and saw that as a complaint several people had.
I've always been a fan of looking up the seiyuu for various characters. My husband and I have a bit of a game of it, to the point that I'll pause a DVD, run upstairs to get on the computer to verify the voice that we're hearing is who we think it is.
Razara wrote:
I'm not familiar with any of the other roles that Shiori's Japanese voice actress has,
Meow meow, I be grey kitten from Sailormoon, meow meow.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
To this day I cannot hear Yuri Shiratori and not see Nanami. Shiratori is Nanami to me.
I always associated her with Cherry, who I think resembles Nanami in a few ways.
Shance wrote:
Razara wrote:
I'm not familiar with any of the other roles that Shiori's Japanese voice actress has,
Meow meow, I be grey kitten from Sailormoon, meow meow.
*Rewatches Sailor Moon* You're right, it is her! I haven't watched Sailor Moon in a while, but I'm surprised I didn't notice... Shiori as a kitten... That's so adorable!
Thank you for pointing that out to me. I'm glad that I finally got to hear Shiori's voice actress playing a different role.
Razara wrote:
Shiori as a kitten... That's so adorable!
It's all fun and games until Nanami finds her.
Giovanna wrote:
It's all fun and games until Nanami finds her.
The poor Shiori kitten... Is Nanami mad about what happened during the movie?
Razara wrote:
The poor Shiori kitten...
Is Nanami mad about what happened during the movie?
Yes. You'd be angry too if you got peed on by Chu-Chu.
satyreyes wrote:
Also, as has been mentioned, Sailor Moon, Excel, and Ebichu were all voiced by Juri, and so was Misato from Evangelion.
It's great! There's even one scene where Misato is being all serious and snaps, "Next!" just. like. Juri.
I remember doing a huge double take when Diana first appeared in Sailor Moon SuperS. "Why is Shiori's voice coming out of that cat?"
Of course, my favorite is Kotono Mitsushi as both Juri and...Sailor Moon? (as already mentioned)
There's like two times in the entire Sailor Moon series where you can tell it's the same person. And one of the times is during a voice over that's introducing the title of an episode.
(Actually, a lot of the voice actors from Utena were also somehow involved with Sailor Moon...Kozue as Tellu [plant-lovin', back-stabbin' villian who is around for like one episode]...Anthy as Cyprine [another villian who is around for two seconds...this one is a twin, however. Also a repressed lil girl with mystical psychic powers who is around for only one episode. Also also a dramatic and idealist artist who thinks everyone will hate her artwork if they find out about how ugly she is. She's only around for one episode too.]...etc.)
Miki as Sailor Mercury is totally no surprise, by the way.