This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
If anyone cares, they released the name of Book 7. It's titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. They didn't give any release date, yet, though.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.
I'm going to vanish from the internet a month before the release date. The ending to the sixth book was spoiled for me, which really upset me, because it was going to be my first time reading the books without knowing what happens. It became a trend among the nice people at the last forum I posted on to spoil the ending for everyone else. I've heard that they have T-Shirts with the ending written on it. (Bastards.)
I am not sure what I think of the title. It doesn't really seem to fit but regardless of the name I am sure the book will be awesome.
Isn't Rowling still writing it?
I need to get with the game... I still haven't read HP & The Half Blood Prince yet! I've been meaning to re-read the whole series that's out so far, but I sort of need to own the books first! (The first time I read them, I borrowed them.)
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (12-22-2006 08:34:42 AM)
wow news fly fast I just knew yesterday
To everybody who had the book spoiled maybe you will like this
I don't like the name. And I'm sure all hell will break loose once again with "death" being mentioned in the title.
Meh. I used to be a fan but have gotten kinda cold about this all lately. Of course, I'll definitely pre-order it and read it since I want to know what happens.
I really liked the first 4, but then disliked #5 (although - Luna ), hated #6 (wtf pairings?), and now I'm just scared of #7. Maybe it's the fact I'm growing up as the books come out, I don't know. But HP has for some reason lost a big deal of its magic for me.
I've never been real big on the books, though I don't dislike them, either. I understand why they're as popular as they are, but they don't do anything particularly special for me. So I'm looking forward to it being over.
I'm worried about the last one. Number 6 read like fanfiction. It was in serious need of a read over and some editing. It was terrible and filled with even more plotholes than before.
This last one will either be really awesome (by making all the plot holes not plot holes and actually mean something) or it's going to be ghastly. Unfortunatly it's more likely to be the latter.
I remember reading somewhere before that JK Rowling said that book seven is more of a part two to book six so I assume that would mean to tie up all the little things in book six.
I heard she was planning to release the book on July Seventh of 2007 (7/7/7) but she might not due to those England bombings ;/
iruka wrote:
Meh. I used to be a fan but have gotten kinda cold about this all lately. Of course, I'll definitely pre-order it and read it since I want to know what happens.
I really liked the first 4, but then disliked #5 (although - Luna), hated #6 (wtf pairings?), and now I'm just scared of #7. Maybe it's the fact I'm growing up as the books come out, I don't know. But HP has for some reason lost a big deal of its magic for me.
I hated the sixth book as well. It seemed like Rowling was pairing everyone off just to quite the wayward fandom. If that teen-novel aspect has been omitted, if not at least toned down, I probably would have enjoyed HBP more.
I liked HBP, though not as much as I could have. (Tonks and Lupin still = WTF?) I'll probably read Deathly Hallows in two or three sittings, just like I did the other books, and I'll probably snarl at anyone who tries to get it away from me, just like all of the other books. Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite and will probably remain so.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
(Tonks and Lupin still = WTF?)
I console myself by reasoning that Tonks was related to Sirius, and that, as a shapeshifter, Remus is just having her change into Sirius and is having pathetic vicarious sex with her.
Last edited by Archambeau (12-23-2006 10:25:53 PM)
You know, that's surprisingly comforting. I always saw Tonks as the femmeslasher's dream character and I'm sure I'm not the only one. But her being Sirius is, well... it works. And that amuses me greatly.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
(Tonks and Lupin still = WTF?)
Of friend of mine threw the book at the wall and cried when she read that. I thought that it was cute at first, but, honestly, it doesn't seem like a pairing that J.K. Rowling had planned out from the beginning. It seems more like the type of fan logic you would see along the lines of, "Hey, both of these characters go under transformations... They're meant to be together!"
The only pairing that I was really happy with was HarryxGinny, since I've been shipping that pairing ever since I first started reading the books.
That's the reason that I don't like it - it just feels tacked on. Tonks isn't really developed enough and we hardly ever saw her with Lupin...
It has nothing whatsoever to do with my horny-fanboy desire to see her paired with random female characters. None at all.
Archambeau wrote:
I hated the sixth book as well. It seemed like Rowling was pairing everyone off just to quite the wayward fandom. If that teen-novel aspect has been omitted, if not at least toned down, I probably would have enjoyed HBP more.
Exactly. And it seems possible, too, seeing that she admitted to spending time on the internet and googling Harry Potter.
The only thing I want to find out in Book 7 is two things, Will Harry do something majorly horrible to the Dursleys and will it turn out that Lord Voltamort is actually Harry's son or something equally as weird.
To be fair about all the pairings in HBP...they are a bunch of hormonal teenagers cooped up in a rather large castle with minimal adult supervision. I myself kept wondering why these kids weren't always at it in broom closets and whatnot...
They probably were, but if she'd written it then what would all the poor lonely fanfic writers write about?
ShatteredMirror wrote:
They probably were, but if she'd written it then what would all the poor lonely fanfic writers write about?
Thats definately true. When you look at the number of fanfics written, you noticed that the Series/Story that has by far the most fanfics tend to be the popular ones that you see on either the Best Seller section or on Cartoon Network and the dissatufaction the fans might have with how certain relationship are going or are not going.
I tend to read Ranma/Love Hina/Evangelion fanfics and the main theme I tend to read is based on Ranma/Keitaro/Shinji somehow improving their sorry existances and more often than not, kicking ass when they do so.
Meh. I didn't have any problems with HBP. I enjoyed it for the way it continued the story. Then again, I never had any OTPs or anything in the Harry Potter fandom. I just like the story and how it keeps getting darker. I'm juust curious how Rowling is going to end it. I actually think harry's going to die. It just doesn't feel like it's going to have a happy ending.
angelicreation wrote:
I actually think harry's going to die. It just doesn't feel like it's going to have a happy ending.
If it is going to be a downer ending, I hope its not going to be anything like End of Evangelion...