This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hey... did we have a movie topic?
Uh, if so, I can delete this... if not... WOO! Movies!
I'm totally watching Hannibal right now.
While I scan pictures of movie Akio.
Who needs to be told to peel off his face.
So....Gio's basically having an orgasm party then?
...Or a virtual threesome, maybe?
I like anything with Bogie, Hepburn (either) and Grant. Big old movie buff. Royal Tenenbaums too. I'll post a list when I'm not so lazy.
Last edited by morosemocha (02-07-2007 07:13:50 PM)
I compiled sort of a list of my favorites, so I'll share it here. They all have different reasons for being among my favorite films, but what they all share is that I s them all!
All-Time Favorite Movie Ever
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
This has been my favorite movie since I was a kid and saw it on TV in the 80s, and I have yet to see a film that tops it for me, so, it's literally my alltime favorite film.
More favorites, alphabetically:
Back To The Future (the whole trilogy, really)
Big Fish
A Christmas Story
Edward Scissorhands
The Goonies
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Jurassic Park
The King and I
Labyrinth (oh yes!)
Léon (version intégrale, of course)
Lilo & Stitch
The Lord of the Rings (the whole trilogy, but especially Fellowship)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Moulin Rouge
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Star Wars (the whole saga, but especially Episodes III and VI -- so sue me, I enjoyed the prequels for the most part )
War of the Worlds (the 2005 Spielberg version)
Whale Rider
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Seconded, i like all the list of above, but i will add some more:
Ma vie en Rose.
The meaning of the Life (Monty Pythons)
The cube 8D!
Amores Perros
Please post a review when you go see it. The ads are convincing me it's a steaming pile of poopy but oh sweet jesus do I want to fuck the guy playing Hannibal.
And it's hard to tell from the ads, which kinda show as little as possible, but it almost seems at moments like he's doing a very impressive job with the character, though he might be slightly overdoing the mode of speech. Still...
I'm currently trying to speed-finish the book before this evening, so will do.
Did I see a glimpse of young Hannibal fucking Gong Li? Oh, HELL yes.
Oh god, I'm almost shallow enough to be sold on that.
Giovanna wrote:
Oh god, I'm almost shallow enough to be sold on that.
...I'm totally shallow enough to be sold on that!
My favourite movie is Fight Club, hands down. Other favourites:
BASEketball (Just...don't ask.)
Zoolander (...also...don't ask...)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Pulp Fiction
The Princess Bride
Bernard and the Genie
Blade Runner
Heavenly Creatures
The Silence of the Lambs
Shaun of the Dead
The World's Fastest Indian (Although much as I love Anthony Hopkins, he can' my accent right, )
The Prestige
As you can possibly guess, I have...odd tastes, at the best of times. I love movies, though. I'm currently watching my flatmate's copy of Dead Man's Chest because although as a movie it's absolutely fucking incoherent, IT HAS JACK DAVENPORT AND HE IS SEX OH YES.
Although someone mentioned John Barrowman in other thread I was just reading, so I guess it's Doctor Who for me tonight.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
The Goonies
Jurassic Park
The Lord of the Rings (the whole trilogy, but especially Fellowship)
Moulin Rouge
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Whale Rider
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Hee, I am totally with you on the Goonies. I was watching that the other night when I was feeling nostalgic. I also have a guilty liking for the dinosaurs and the courtesans...although not necesarily in the same flick. ( THERE'S an idea...) Also, who here couldn't possibly love Rocky Horror?
I also have a fondness for LotR and Whale Rider, although I have to admit it's more out of a kind of homesickness than anything else. I can't watch LotR while living in England, it makes me too homesick.
As for the last, while I ADORE Gene Wilder in that movie and make the effort to watch it at least once a year -- particularly around Easter -- my favourite thing about that movie has to be the hysterical spoof done of it on Family Guy, in the episode "Wasted Talent." Best thing EVER.
Last edited by Clarice (02-09-2007 12:57:50 PM)
Clarice wrote:
My favourite movie is Fight Club, hands down.
God damn awesome movie. I must admit, when Brad Pitt's riding the bike around the house and he trips and flings himself into the air, I skip backwards to watch it again, for some reason it's the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Clarice wrote:
(Although much as I love Anthony Hopkins, he can' my accent right,
He makes up for it with the almost never blinking when he's playing Hannibal. I can't hold the accent against him, he tries, and he maintains it the movie through so you don't really notice it's a bit odd sounding after a while. Some things just don't agree with peoples' voices. Like Jeremy Irons trying to sound American. Or Keanu Reeves trying to act.
(Yes, mention accents and I will bring up Keanu Reeves. What the fuck was that 'Southern accent' thing he was doing in Devil's Advocate oh god make it stop please)
Clarice wrote:
Also, who here couldn't possibly love Rocky Horror?
Hi. The irrational, raging hatred of a thousand suns is directed by me toward that movie.
However, I love Family Guy.
Giovanna wrote:
God damn awesome movie.
I must admit, when Brad Pitt's riding the bike around the house and he trips and flings himself into the air, I skip backwards to watch it again, for some reason it's the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Heh, I love the commentary when Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are discussing that...I think they said it was kind of accidental. I adore that moment myself, although my hands-down favourite bit is the "...which car company do you work for?" bit. Edward Norton's deadpan delivery of "A major one" never ceases to amuse me.
Which reminds me, actually -- I loved him in Red Dragon, too...
Giovanna wrote:
He makes up for it with the almost never blinking when he's playing Hannibal.
I can't hold the accent against him, he tries, and he maintains it the movie through so you don't really notice it's a bit odd sounding after a while. Some things just don't agree with peoples' voices. Like Jeremy Irons trying to sound American. Or Keanu Reeves trying to act.
(Yes, mention accents and I will bring up Keanu Reeves. What the fuck was that 'Southern accent' thing he was doing in Devil's Advocate oh god make it stop please)
I'm not a fan of Keanu, but I have to say I couldn't see anyone else playing Neo. He WAS that role. As for Jeremy Irons, I think it should be illegal for him to do anything but his own accent. Because I mean OH GEEZ THE SEX IN THAT MAN'S VOICE.
...sometimes I wonder if I was the only fifteen year old girl who went with her friends to The Man In The Iron Mask not for Leonardo DiCaprio, but for Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne, and John Malkovich...
Giovanna wrote:
The irrational, raging hatred of a thousand suns is directed by me toward that movie.
However, I love Family Guy.
Aw, poor Time Warp. But...dammit, I love Stewie far too much for comfort some days.
I love:
Batman Begins
Superman I
Superman Returns
Moulin Rouge
Sense and Sensibility
Much Ado About Nothing
Truly Madly Deeply
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Take The Lead
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Pulp Fiction
Child's Play series
Nothing But Trouble
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: Nemesis (however, the ending never happened graaaah)
The Fox and the Hound (Hee!)
Clarice wrote:
...sometimes I wonder if I was the only fifteen year old girl who went with her friends to The Man In The Iron Mask not for Leonardo DiCaprio, but for Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne, and John Malkovich...
Oh. My. God.
I've said that almost word for word before. I love you.
Also Jeremy Irons could read the back of a cereal box and it would still soak panties. Actually, when he was on SNL, there was a skit where he was in a bar, and women kept asking him to say things just because they liked his voice, and at first it was innocent enough but eventually he was getting talked into saying things like 'Of course I'll do the dishes, dear.' and 'No, that dress doesn't make you look fat.' He narrated a special on Discovery called Eye of the Leopard that I'd been waiting to watch for weeks, and I didn't know he was involved until I started watching it. Try convincing my family of that, they all swear I had the whole thing planned out for sex appeal.
Oh, and Lady Nilamarthiel,
Sense and Sensibility
. I felt so bad for Rickman's character.
Giovanna wrote:
Clarice wrote:
...sometimes I wonder if I was the only fifteen year old girl who went with her friends to The Man In The Iron Mask not for Leonardo DiCaprio, but for Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne, and John Malkovich...
Oh. My. God.
I've said that almost word for word before. I love you.
Heh heh heh. Actually, what amuses me about John Malkovich is that one time I was watching this interview with Michael Rosenbaum (who's pretty damn hot anyway) who then claimed he could totally do a Malkovich/Eastwood conversation from In The Line Of Fire. I was all "pfft, you can't handle the Malkovich!"
Ten seconds later I was...well, not eating my hat, exactly, but my panties didn't survive. Damn hot people who can replicate hot accents! It should be illegal!
Giovanna wrote:
Also Jeremy Irons could read the back of a cereal box and it would still soak panties. Actually, when he was on SNL, there was a skit where he was in a bar, and women kept asking him to say things just because they liked his voice, and at first it was innocent enough but eventually he was getting talked into saying things like 'Of course I'll do the dishes, dear.' and 'No, that dress doesn't make you look fat.' He narrated a special on Discovery called Eye of the Leopard that I'd been waiting to watch for weeks, and I didn't know he was involved until I started watching it. Try convincing my family of that, they all swear I had the whole thing planned out for sex appeal.
I watched Jeremy Irons in Lolita once. My mother thought I was odd. I'm not sure if it was the subject material or the way I sighed every time he came on screen that disturbed her more about the whole thing...
Giovanna wrote:
]Oh, and Lady Nilamarthiel,
Sense and Sensibility
. I felt so bad for Rickman's character.
Alan Rickman
I saw mention of Hannibal Rising!I can't wait to go see it. Young Hannibal is so fuckable. (Well, to me, older Hannibal was fuckable. With the lights off.*ignores odd stares*) Silence Of The Lambs has always been my favorite horror movie. I mean, sure, you can have your little ghosts, and creepy Asian girls, and chainsaw weilding maniacs. But Hannibal was just so...! There isn't even a word to describe him. He can take my liver and my intestines, he already has my heart.
Last edited by dollface (10-30-2008 02:06:20 PM)
This forum has the best taste in movies ever.
I don't know if this one has been mentioned yet, but Pi is an absolutely awesome movie, as is Ichi the Killer. And don't forget The Happiness of the Katakuris.
What else? Hmm... for those of you who might be interested in art-house gore (as well as a rather violating autopsy and a sensitive rendition of near-mythical loss), Aftermath and Genesis is just amazing.
Clarice wrote:
I watched Jeremy Irons in Lolita once. My mother thought I was odd. I'm not sure if it was the subject material or the way I sighed every time he came on screen that disturbed her more about the whole thing...
Hehe. Lolita. Wow flashback. This was the layout for my domain almost five and a half years ago. I'm going to bank on no one on this forum knowing about the other time I used Jeremy Irons in a layout.
Clarice wrote:
Alan Rickman
A million times, YES. Have you ever seen Rasputin? Rickman was just incredible in it, as was Ian McKellen, but because it was an HBO movie made long long ago, no one knows about it. It's a shame really because it's one of the best performances I've ever seen from him.
dollface wrote:
[well, too me, older Hannibal was fuckable. With the lights off.*ignores odd stares*]
In my case the odd stare is from wondering why the lights have to be off. He's fuckable young or old. Actually I'd prefer him older, after he's earned his pretention. It's just this young guy is so irrationally hot, jesus.
Clarice wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
]Oh, and Lady Nilamarthiel,
Sense and Sensibility
. I felt so bad for Rickman's character.
Alan Rickman
And yes, I felt bad for him, too. And he did amazing. I could see the pain there and it made my heart shatter.
Another thing is that I loved the book, and the script was amazing and beautiful and I love EMMA THOMPSON and HUGH GRANT and KATE WINSLET and ALAN RICKMAN and I totally forgot to put them on the Who I Would Fuck In A Minute thread...
Epi_lepsia wrote:
Ma vie en Rose.
You know, I'm listening to the song from that movie - La Vie en Rose - at the moment! What a coincidence! Good movie, btw.
I thought there were a lot of good movies that came out last year that I saw. Little Miss Sunshine and The Departed were my favorites (haha, I pre-ordered the special two-disc edition of The Departed the day it was announced). A Scanner Darkly was okay, as was Strangers with Candy (although my love for Strangers with Candy may stem from the prospect of Stephen Colbert playing a gay man; Amy Sedaris FTW, though).
I also enjoyed The Guardian despite it being fairly formulaic. And a bit overly long - really should've cut off about half an hour earlier than it did. And the love-interest portion was so flat and tacked-on feeling. I was also bothered by the fact that there were little details that were completely incorrect, militarily speaking. Like them beating up those naval officers? Never would've gotten away with that sort of shit in real life. And when the main young guy (no frickin' clue what his name was) had his hat off after graduating... ugh. So against protocol.
Anyway, A Prarie Home Companion on the other hand was a rotting pile of shit. I will never get that hour and a half of my life back.
Oh, yeah, and Snakes on a Plane really was great. It was so hysterical. As long as you accepted the inherent schlockiness of the premise, you could really enjoy that film. Which I did.
As for favorite movies ever:
Shaun of the Dead
The Departed
Howl's Moving Castle
Hmm, that's all I can think of at the moment.
I'd like to take this moment to admit that Hayao Miyazaki's name being on a film ensures that I will see it no matter what. This is the only case of thise, as I don't really pay attention to directors or actors otherwise. Oh well, Miyazaki-sensei just kicks ass, what can I say?
Favorite movie:
Umm.... Tie between Shawshank Redemption and What Dreams May Come, I think.
Favorite panty remover movies? Secretary and Quills. Oh yes.
Yasha wrote:
Favorite panty remover movies? Secretary and Quills. Oh yes.
Secretary seems to be a popular one for women to soak their panties over, but I'm quite sure given the character you're paying more attention to that Quills makes you a god damn nutcase.
( He's adorable.)
My favorite movies, ah...The Godfather I and II. Yes, yes, I know, har har Italian har har. You shut up. I can't narrow my panty-removers down to two, although those two movies are definitely on the list. I would add for me The Thomas Crown Affair and The Devil's Advocate, though in both cases I tend to watch them not to soak my panties but to look at New York and feel homesick.