This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
All right. *scratches head* You have Stormcrow and Prince to blame for this. Stormcrow because he got me the headset, and Prince because he wanted to hear me sing.
It's not the best recording, and it skips some...
But now you all can know how I sing. I sing a bit differently for each song, and this one is closer to the low end of my range. I might try to get one at the higher end of my range... depends on if I want to do this to you all again. I have an awful singing voice. I also have a bit of a stuffy nose... and I seem to be singing in an accent.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, it's a six-minute song, and I sing the whole thing. So it's long and probably big. Be sure to let me know if you have issues other than skips.
Last edited by Lady Chani (08-31-2008 07:46:11 PM)
Seitokaichou wrote:
Sorry, hayama. I can't view YouTube. Can you upload them to a file sharing site? *smiles*
These are actually posted by a classmate, but I think I'm getting a DVD copy of a "gig" I did for a school coffeehouse tomorrow, so I'll try to convert it into an .mp3 and post it here!
Nerd alert! I recorded Still Alive, the ending song to the smash-hit genre-breaking PC game Portal. I was going to record the Kino no Tabi opening song, but it turns out I don't quite have the voice for it.
The cake is a lie... a delicious lie
satryeyes mentioned the other day in the chat that he thought the piece I'd chosen went a little too low for my range. I'll believe him... I'm certainly not trained in this stuff.
So. Here's a piece wherein I sing more in my normal range. .... I think.
A much shorter song, I think a little over three minutes is all.
Here's some of me speaking.
Hopefully it works right...
Chick Speech
If everything around you is dirty, don't you have no choice but to get dirty too?
I hear the people who get engaged to you get amazing power....
Last edited by Iris (09-03-2008 07:13:47 PM)
hayama: That'll be great, thanks! *smiles*
satyreyes: You singer you. *grins*
Lady Chani: Cute voice!
Iris: Give me some sugar, beibi. *smirks*
My attempts at singing... It's a bit shaky, but I try... darn static...
Last edited by Hiraku (09-06-2008 11:48:38 PM)
ROCKER! I request UVERworld's D-Tecnolife next time. *grins*
For the people who requested a song from me; I hope this doesn't disgust you that much.
An a capella of KD Lang's song "So It Shall Be" by Seitokaichou
Now curtain the moon
But faith swears
It will shine again soon
Shine with love
You've been hiding from me
Your kiss
Has hindered the day
A longing
That won't go away
You just keep knocking
And waking my heart
Like daylight chasing the dark
I can exist being caught by your kiss
or grant you control
Of my body and soul
Ask it and so it shall be
won't torture you with my "singing" skills uu;
anyway. I have a sample of the eggspeech in german. I was kinda sick this time and you'll recognize it on my voice. Hope you don'T mind.
german eggspeech u__u
Sorry, Sei, your song is still gonna take time to master. And, because I have exams and papers coming up, it will have to wait until another two weeks when I would have time for mastering UVERworld
But for now, I'll sing something easy to relieve my stress for the night.
Hiraku's cover of Shiina Ringo's Kuki
Everyone has such nice voices @_@ *woozy*
Though I do sing in church, I'm not much of a singer in my opinion My voice is too bland and monotone. I always sound bored
Hiraku: It's all right, dude. Take your time. Thanks for sharing another voice recording; I'm quite surprised with it though. You should sing more lively songs because they blend well with your deep voice. Try singing in a capella too; it'll help bring out your true vocal tone. *smiles*
BlackRoseVixen: You, my dear, should post too. *winks*
Seitokaichou wrote:
BlackRoseVixen: You, my dear, should post too. *winks*
I've been planning on it, actually. But I've been trying to wait for a day when my mom and my aunt are both at work... I didn't want people standing over my shoulder while I record meh crappy singing.
Seitokaichou wrote:
Hiraku: It's all right, dude. Take your time. Thanks for sharing another voice recording; I'm quite surprised with it though. You should sing more lively songs because they blend well with your deep voice. Try singing in a capella too; it'll help bring out your true vocal tone. *smiles*
Wow, that's actually surprising for me because people don't think I can do "lively" songs like rock and such.
You believed in me ;_;
Yeah, I really like Shiina Ringo, and I want to try out other genre. I'm also into kooky-quirky styles of songs, and am trying to accommodate my voice to that.
Like these ones:
BlackRoseVixen wrote:
I've been planning on it, actually. But I've been trying to wait for a day when my mom and my aunt are both at work...
I didn't want people standing over my shoulder while I record meh crappy singing.
*chuckles* Well, when you're done with it, I'll be the judge. *grins* You have a lovely voice, in my opinion. *uses your line against you* "Don't sell yourself short." *winks*
Hiraku wrote:
Wow, that's actually surprising for me because people don't think I can do "lively" songs like rock and such. You believed in me ;_;
Well, my ears are the judge. I'm no Mariah Carey or Celine Dion but don't let the talent go to waste. ;)
Well... I have a bit of a crappy mic, but I decided to try singing a little clippet. Warning: By no means am I a singer. I'm trying to learn though....
Iris singing Iris
Chani, I don't know how I missed your singing before, but I really like it. Nice choice of song, too. It's one of my favorites by them.
Last edited by Iris (10-02-2008 07:25:35 PM)
Be kind please. D:
Me singing Yubiwa.
Seitokaichou wrote:
BlackRoseVixen wrote:
I've been planning on it, actually. But I've been trying to wait for a day when my mom and my aunt are both at work...
I didn't want people standing over my shoulder while I record meh crappy singing.
*chuckles* Well, when you're done with it, I'll be the judge. *grins* You have a lovely voice, in my opinion.
*uses your line against you* "Don't sell yourself short." *winks*
Aww, thankies *huggles Seito*
Hopefully I'll get my record done sometime tomorrow
Iris: Baby, try singing that song in a capella. *smiles* The singer has a deep voice; you have a sweet tone. Sometimes singing while listening to the original will distract you from singing in your own voice.
Emiemipoemi: 'Be kind, please'? Are you kidding?! You have a wonderful voice! I'm very very impressed. Your Japanese diction and the harmony of your voice remind me of Mai Kuraki. I've been listening to your recording on loop actually. Have you, by any chance, thought of being a singer (or are you a vocalist in real life)? You seriously have the talent.
BlackRoseVixen: I look forward to that, sugar! *smiles*
Seitokaichou wrote:
Have you, by any chance, thought of being a singer (or are you a vocalist in real life)?
Honestly, no. I work as a music director and a keyboardist professionally so I'm in the business of singers trying to become professional. Therefore, I know first hand how hard it is. Though I like singing in my car, I would never try to make a career out of it. Music directing I actually enjoy more, think I'm better at, and have a better shot of making it. There aren't as many music directors as there are singers.
Thank you so much for the nice comments, though.
Emi, your singing is very amazing. It's so fluid and you have a lovely tone to it. Keep on singing and posting Sing Rinbu Revolution for us?
Seitokaichou wrote:
Iris: Baby, try singing that song in a capella. *smiles* The singer has a deep voice; you have a sweet tone. Sometimes singing while listening to the original will distract you from singing in your own voice.
Thanks for the advice! I'll give it a try I haven't perused singing in such a long time I'm unsure of what range most suits me.
I found a better place to record myself (Thank you, Microsoft Word 2008!!), and went on a singing orgy rather than studying (I feel so screwed)
Last edited by Hiraku (10-06-2008 06:37:00 PM)
Good people of the IRG, I have finally been able to record myself singing. Though keep in mind that I am only posting this here, just for the sake of posting...and of course, for my dear Seitokaichou. These are nothing amazing, for as I formerly said, my singing voice is very bland. I am truly sorry if I cause any manner of death, bleeding of the ears, or pain in general.
Listen at thy own risk. <------- BRV singing Criminal by Fiona Apple. <_< <------- BRV singing Smiling Faces by The Undisputed Truth <_< Tried to go a little old school here. Ahem.
BlackRoseVixen wrote:
Good people of the IRG, I have finally been able to record myself singing. Though keep in mind that I am only posting this here, just for the sake of posting...and of course, for my dear Seitokaichou.
These are nothing amazing, for as I formerly said, my singing voice is very bland. I am truly sorry if I cause any manner of death, bleeding of the ears, or pain in general.
Listen at thy own risk. <------- BRV singing Criminal by Fiona Apple. <_< <------- BRV singing Smiling Faces by The Undisputed Truth <_< Tried to go a little old school here. Ahem.
I like your take on smiling faces You have a soothing voice.