This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I have!
For fun: The Noun Test
To test your knowledge of the U.S. courts: The Judicial Test
Share your tests here! If you've never written one, just take ours and share your results!
I took the noun test and scored in the 99th percentile on all three variables. That's why it's good to go first. And it said I was ska...which is cool with me, I love the Pietasters!
EDIT:And a 36/40 on the judicial test gets me a 90% accuracy, but puts me in the 99th percentile there as well!
Last edited by Stormcrow (09-12-2007 08:52:28 PM)
Kudos for the SKU reference in your first test.
You scored 45 alignment, 41 paradoxicality, and 58 sentience
Those don't really sound like good numbers, I can't honestly tell. But I'm not honest on the test anyway, since I had to lie about my age. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that that somehow factored in there, but I know it was just used to rate me against other takers of the same age group and gender.
I'm not taking the second one yet, I need to go do something to feel smart.
Those tests are awesome. I also got a 36 on the judicial test, Stormcrow.
And I'm the Japanese Prime Minister in a fez.
So yeah, awesome tests satyreyes. I'm tempted to write one myself now.
Stormcrow wrote:
I took the noun test and scored in the 99th percentile on all three variables. That's why it's good to go first. And it said I was ska...which is cool with me, I love the Pietasters!
EDIT:And a 36/40 on the judicial test gets me a 90% accuracy, but puts me in the 99th percentile there as well!
I think the percentiles compare you to other people your own age and gender; it's possible that there wasn't a lot of data from other test takers like you. But a few hundred people have taken the Noun Test, so you're hardly the first On the other hand, people tend to frigging fail the Judicial Test, so you may well have gotten history's second highest score on that one -- after a friend of mine who was brought up by two lawyers and got 38/40. And you tied Shattered, evidently; congrats to you both
dollface wrote:
Kudos for the SKU reference in your first test.
You scored 45 alignment, 41 paradoxicality, and 58 sentience
Those don't really sound like good numbers, I can't honestly tell.
But I'm not honest on the test anyway, since I had to lie about my age. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that that somehow factored in there, but I know it was just used to rate me against other takers of the same age group and gender.
I'm not taking the second one yet, I need to go do something to feel smart.
What was your noun? With all your scores between 40 and 60, I'm thinking it was ska? I wrote that test forever ago. Anyway, there are no right answers to any of those questions, so your numbers aren't "good" or "bad," just "you."
In case anyone's interested, "alignment" is good vs. evil. You gain points by answering "honesty and purity!" to moral dilemmas, and lose points by killing everyone aboard passenger trains from London to Hamburg. "Sentience" is a cross between intelligence and common sense. You gain points by figuring out when trains from London to Hamburg meet, and lose points by saying that rock beats paper. "Paradoxicality" is how complicated you like to make things. You gain points by picking bizarre answers to questions, and lose points by pointing out that there are no passenger trains that run from London to Hamburg.
I chose those three categories basically at random, because I wanted the test to feel offbeat. I think it worked; I get a lot of positive feedback
P.S. For the record, I score as A Frightened Raccoon on my own test.
Last edited by satyreyes (09-12-2007 11:40:55 PM)
The Noun Test wrote:
You scored 45 alignment, 37 paradoxicality, and 70 sentience!
Congratulations, you are Kenya!
The Judicial Test wrote:
You're -5/40 innocent!
Judge: Mr. Foreman, how do you find the defendant?
Foreman: We find the defendant GUILTY!
State: Wah hah hah! Feel the iron fist of justice!
Judge: I couldn't agree more. But unfortunately, I'll have to grant Counsel's request to send the case to an appellate court, on the grounds that Counsel was so incompetent that the User was effectively denied his right to an attorney.
State: I hate my life.
The End
The Noun Test wrote:
You scored 66 alignment, 37 paradoxicality, and 41 sentience!
Congratulations, you are Merriam-Webster's New International Dictionary, 3rd Edition! Straightforward and authoritative, you are the one looked to when words fail us, and it is said that even the meaning of life may be found within your pages. Cheerio! May your binding never break.
I'd like to try the Judicial Test, but I know I will fail miserably
The Judicial Test wrote:
You're 0/40 innocent!
Judge: Mr. Foreman, how do you find the defendant?
Foreman: We find the defendant NOT GUILTY.
Judge: Counsel, wake up -- you won the case.
Counsel: Zzzzz.
State: Dang and blast! I'll get you next time, User! NEXT TIME!
Last edited by Asfalolh (09-13-2007 05:34:36 AM)
Tamago, we do not blame you for doing badly on the judicial test. You have an excuse. As would you Asfalolh.
But my fellow Americans (heh, look at me saying that) have no excuse. They don't have to get ice cream... but they should at least score "not guilty."
You scored 66 alignment, 20 paradoxicality, and 75 sentience!
I...I only got a 25 on the judicial test? Waaaah. Need to know more old cases.
The Noun Test wrote:
You scored 54 alignment, 33 paradoxicality, and 54 sentience!
Congratulations, you are Hurricane Humberto! A powerful force of devastating simplicity, you would forever change people's lives if only you would stop putzing around a thousand miles from humanity. Don't be content to be ignored by others! Rock their worlds and blow their minds!
Is that good?? *devastatingly simple*
alirias wrote:
You scored 66 alignment, 20 paradoxicality, and 75 sentience!
I...I only got a 25 on the judicial test? Waaaah. Need to know more old cases.
That should make you a fellow frightened raccoon! Yay!
And 25 on the Judicial Test is high enough for ice cream, isn't it?
Arki wrote:
The Noun Test wrote:
You scored 54 alignment, 33 paradoxicality, and 54 sentience!
Congratulations, you are Hurricane Humberto! A powerful force of devastating simplicity, you would forever change people's lives if only you would stop putzing around a thousand miles from humanity. Don't be content to be ignored by others! Rock their worlds and blow their minds!Is that good?? *devastatingly simple*
No good or bad, just you Though I'm going to have to find a new name for that category now that there's been an actual Hurricane Humberto that actually did make landfall. Blast!
Noun Test wrote:
You scored 58 alignment, 37 paradoxicality, and 66 sentience!
Congratulations, you are Kenya! Your personality has amazing depth and variety, all laid out for anyone who visits to see. You cavort with giraffes and gazelles, but fear the lions and tigers that lie deep within your borders. Realize that these inner demons are no less a part of you than the gazelles, and you may begin your journey towards taming them.
Tamago keeps stealing my test results from the future!
What an interesting test - the Noun. I was Inferior Pornography.
I know, it did make me sound rather awful, but at least the word PORN is in there, and that's what I like!
The Judicial Test wrote:
You're 20/40 innocent!
I don't follow court cases! I wanted icecream.
Question 14 wrote:
A jury in a civil case must find the defendant guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt."
Is this meant to be a trick question?
Ragnarok wrote:
The Judicial Test wrote:
You're 20/40 innocent!
I don't follow court cases! I wanted icecream.
Aw, you were so close! 21 would have been good enough.
Ragnarok wrote:
Question 14 wrote:
A jury in a civil case must find the defendant guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt."
Is this meant to be a trick question?
Damn straight! In a civil case, the standard is "the preponderance of evidence;" reasonable doubt is for criminal cases. It's only a trick question if you don't know it.
Frosty, I'm pretty confident that you would make superior pornography, no matter what the test says. Of course, the sad part is that Inferior Pornography is just a few sentience points away from the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Everyone wants to be the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He lives a five-minute drive from a beer volcano and stripper factory.
I'm... an Escher?
i've also written an Utena quiz. I just don't exactly remember where it is.
...and its kinda crappy anyway.
Last edited by allegoriest (09-14-2007 01:31:50 AM)
Insightful? Dude, I'm the Prime Minister of Japan. In a fez.
If that's not insightful I don't know what is.
satyreyes wrote:
allegoriest wrote:
I'm... an Escher?
That would be high paradoxicality, of course
That does make sense though
And kinda weird since we were talking about escher today.
I'm emoticon punctuation.
Noun Test wrote:
I scored 50 alignment, 58 paradoxicality, and 70 sentience, makes me a Prime Min. of Japan!!
Next time I'll try my best to increase my paradoxicality score
Judicial Test wrote:
I'm 0/40 innocent.
I put in the answers in random, because I'm taking it just for fun
Noun Test: Lice
Judicial Test: 20/40 innocent
When I took the Noun Test, I got Kenya as my result.
I scored 21/40 on the Judicial Test, and that without the aid of Lady Lortab. I get ice cream! Yayy!! ICE CREAM!!