This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
The title explains... well.. at least half of it; What is/are your favorite SKU fic/s?
Mine, off the top of my head? Alan Harnum's Jaquemart(and it's a damn same it will stay unfinished, so close to the end)... and I find Eyrie's Symphony of the Sword to be a damn good read, too... even though it's technically not a SKU fic.(yeah, the characters are in it, but...)
Oh, and Katherine's I WANT TO BE A PRINCE... fics bring much lulz. Plus if I didn't mention them, she would prolly hunt me down and kill me or something.
So, what are YOUR faves?
I have a favorite, but it was written for me and I share it with no one.
It's a very sweet story.
Giovanna wrote:
I have a favorite, but it was written for me and I share it with no one.
It's a very sweet story.
Now you made me want to read it.
Fanfictions are very bad for me, and I know that I shouldn't read them, but do anyway. They often toy with my sanity by bastardizing Shiori to an extreme extent. e_e Someone even wrote a fanfiction for the soul purpose of making people hate her, because apparently if Shiori does something bad in a fanfiction, it's something she we actually do, and we should all hate her for it.
I do, however, have a favorite. It's called "Reaching," and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading fanfictions.
My personal favourites are:
The Prince and the Pauper by !Super Cat (
Ever After by Sylvia (
Bizarrely enough they're both Touga/Saionji ( some degree, at least), although I am never entirely convinced their canonical relationship went that way. I just like to dream.
I also particularly enjoyed Technomancy's Jamais Vu series, because Mikage and Ruka in the same fic? Total crack, dude! ...although I wish there was more Mikage and/or Nemuro fic in the world. It makes me a very sad boo that there isn't. [sulks in the corner of the elevator]
Last edited by Clarice (10-24-2006 01:57:08 PM)
Well, I haven't really browsed Utena fanfic since the UFR went down, but...
Jacquemart is definitely up there for me, and I also enjoy much of Alan Harnum's other stuff - "Fugue" is a really good exploration of a vastly intriguing briefly-mentioned plot thread, and Sovereignty-Associatonist Girl Nanami was much, much more fun than it seemed like it would be.
Jon Carp, mostly the author of bizarre awesome deconstructionist Sailor Moon fanfics, also wrote a couple of short Utena pieces. I'm quite fond of the sort-of-duology of "Exit, Persued By A Bear" (A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko talk backstage before the end of episode 39) and "Other People" (Mikage chats with Movie Shiori while they're in limbo before "graduating").
I don't enjoy Chris Rain's Revolutionary Science Theater series of MSTings as much as I used to, but they're still pretty great to varying degrees. Ah, MSTings... providing a buffer to the pain of reading the fanfic itself.
Clarice wrote:
I also particularly enjoyed Technomancy's Jamais Vu series, because Mikage and Ruka in the same fic? Total crack, dude! ...although I wish there was more Mikage and/or Nemuro fic in the world. It makes me a very sad boo that there isn't. [sulks in the corner of the elevator]
Jamais vu is my favorite Utena fic ever. I mourn because Technomancy disbanded.
I have a special place in my heart for Confessions and Regressions by fellow forum member Alithea.
Actually, anything SKU she writes (as well as her non-SKU stuff) are amazing. I highly suggest taking the time to read her stuff. I swear I'm not biased or anything.
I present my own, unfinished story that is shaping out to be as odd as the Utena series. (but not as odd as the movie. Nothing and nobody can reach that level of wierdness without resorting to parody)
Utena Forever by Anthiena
I will finish it one of these days.
I rather liked The Legend of Ohtori. Very nicely done indeed.
I'll second Jaquemart, and add Archimage. It's a must read, with Anthy appearing perfectly godlike.
I know what I would like to see more of in S K Utena fanfiction, more crossovers and fusions.
I wish someone would create a Utena/Ouran Host Club fic... I can just imagine Haruhi as the deadpan girl-prince not to mention how Renge and Kyouya would interact with Akio and Anthy. *hehe*
Desire and Despair, by kwobtchan. Juri/Shiori smut that really gets into their heads.
And, while I'm not a big fan of crossovers, Shanejayeall's Blood Soaked and Honor Bound is a lot of good vampire fun.
Thirding Jacquemart. It's entrancing.
I have a penchant for post-series that involves all the characters. It's hard to find, but when I do I love it.
Tamago wrote:
I know what I would like to see more of in S K Utena fanfiction, more crossovers and fusions.
I wish someone would create a Utena/Ouran Host Club fic... I can just imagine Haruhi as the deadpan girl-princenot to mention how Renge and Kyouya would interact with Akio and Anthy. *hehe*
There's only ONE Utena x=over fusion I'd kill to see, but it will never get written...
...unless someone takes on the potential horror(?) that could be Shoujo Kakumei Daria?
Last edited by onsenmark (11-19-2006 12:54:28 PM)
This was wonderful. WONDERFUL. [MikixKozue]
I printed this out and read it every so often. I just think it's beautiful.
And there used to be a hilarious utena parody page called BloodSoakedAndHonorBound
[it was run by Becka and Ka-chan, similar to the way Gio and Yasha run EmptyMovement]
it's still up, but it's hard to find, since google/yahoo/ect. gives the wrong link
anyway, they created...this....thing....
[involves car sex and penguins. quite funny if you read it all.]
SECONDED! Best fanfic I've ever read. Actually, it's better than most of the books I read, too. It gets updates once every five years or so but WHO CARES! GO READ IT!
Yeah, I'm gonna list some more stuff now. Lots more. Ignore the lameness of my descriptions, they're all great fanfics.
Falling by the Wayside is one of those few, few finished post-series fanfics that are actually good. One of the most original fanfics I've read - not only is the idea pure genius, the writing is fluid and hilarious and despite being kinda-AU-but-not-really, incredibly in-character. And hell, it has Touga and Saionji discussing who's stronger, the Inner Senshi or the Knight Sabers, so for the love of God, READ IT.
Rhapsody Theorem is another one of those, and once I got over the somewhat ridiculous and slightly irritating first chapter, I found out that it's a freakin' awesome fanfic. Sure, I didn't understand half of it and sometimes I thought my brain would explode, but that just adds to the SKU-ness of it.
A Special Case is another post-series fanfic, and a long one, too. Which is a really good thing, because the plot is great, the characters are themselves, the writing is awesome and the ending left me with warm fuzzies inside. The plot seemed kind of silly to me at first, but have no fear - this fic is one of the best the fandom has to offer, in my opinion.
A one-shot I adore is And Now the World Ends - Utena/Anthy, post-movie. So beautiful, made chills run down my spine while making me feel oddly... fulfilled at the same time. It's hard to explain, really, so you should just go read it.
One of my favorite authors is this guy - - he wrote some of the best poetry I've ever read as well as one multi-chapter fanfic, almost all of it Utena/Anthy. I went through everything he wrote for the fandom and it was sheer bliss.
Ugh... Men is hilarious and features an extra-squishable Anthy recalling her past.
Ever wanted a full explanation of just /what/ is going on in the movie? Well, there ya go.
The Warmth of Her Wings is one of weirdest things I've ever read. The writing is nothing short of beautiful and the imagery is haunting, so I suggest that you read it, and if you understand it, please explain it to me. … gel.1.html
I Sing for My Creatures is a unique take of Anthy, with great writing that really made me feel sorry for her, made her look almost innocent and yet she still felt in-character. Made me go all "awww, Anthy-tan, I wuv youuuu". … tures.html
The Very Secret Diaries of the Utena Characters - more fanfiction by Jude, this time lighthearted and oh-so hilarious.
Look! No Dress is yet another display of Jude's awesomeness. Go read it, and you know what? While you're on it, the rest of her stuff, too.
Burning Question - sad, beautiful, /augh/. Erica Friedman is awesome.
Another fanfic by Friedman. I love this one so, so much. I don't think I've read anything quite like it - when I read it for the first time, I just stared at the screen in awe.
True Love - one of the first Utena fanfics I've read, and I still love it. Anthy is gay, Akio is a bastard, and everything's all pretty and dismal. I love this kinda stuff. 8D … gel.2.html
An in-depth look at symbolism in SKU, but no, not really. Highly amusing. … olism.html
Breathtaking drabble about Anthy's pink dress of freedom. No matter how many times I read it, I always finish doing so with a smile on my face. … 31637.html
Psycho!Anthy owns the world. The excellent writing helps, of course. … 27379.html
Utena/Anthy, awesome writing style, Akio-ignorance, I am happy.
And last but not least - Elf, a highly amusing drabble. Oh, how I love Utena crack.
...Boy, that ended up being /long/.
Last edited by Hina the Prince (11-19-2006 03:02:25 PM)
I have to second the praise of Jaquemart and Archimage.
And I can't believe no one has mentioned the works of E. Liddell. You can find her works, as well as fics for other genres, at her site:
I think I just found the absolute best Utena AU Fic I've ever came across:
the slow dance of the infinite stars
by majesdane
It's Utena TV cross Movie cross Night on the Galactic Railroad, done JUST right.
Best of all, I think it's new.
Hope you guys like it as much as I do
I've always really loved 'What's up in Ohtori' by Sharnii. It's hilarious. … _in_Ohtori
Too bad it was never finished.
Honey Bear wrote:
Too bad it was never finished. emot-frown
The same goes for many of her fics, especially the much anticipated Thorns Wither.
Has anyone here read Fane of the Firebird?
It's awesome, and finished.
Imagine SKU if it used Kabbalah instead of fairy tales and starred the NGE cast, and that's what FotF is.
Imagine SKU if it used Kabbalah instead of fairy tales and starred the NGE cast, and that's what FotF is.
I've read another SKU/Eva in script format.
gorgeousshutin wrote:
I've read another SKU/Eva in script format.
I did enjoy Shin Kakumei Evangelion, which is what I assume you're referring to—but Fane of the Firebird is a completely different beast. The author himself admits it was conceived of as a vehicle for his own Kabbalistic knowledge, but it's enjoyable in spite of that. It also features rather...creative...interpretations of the NGE cast.
Last edited by Atropos (07-18-2012 07:06:17 PM)
This masterpiece by Alan Harnum is my favorite of all time. He characterizes Kozue to a t: … _Piano_Duo
Sharnii's oneshot portrays Utena and Anthy's post-series relationship much more realistically than most stories do: … led_Enmity
DameNeko's little Dios/Utena vignette satisfies the fanbrat-er, shipper in me. I like how apologetic he seems for not being there before. It seems like something he would think:
If you need a good laugh, Reanna R. King's cracktastic story will deliver: … nd_bAkio_b
I can't remember now, whether "like blood with glitter in it" was from an Utena fic or Utena MSTie ('cause there's a difference, natch), but I think it was referring to Touga's hair and the phrase has stuck in my head long enough, considering I must've read it a decade ago. Anyone know the story?
Actually, for whatever reason, I tend to prefer Utena fics with metacommentary, be it MSTing or just characters talking over the events or to the audience. I think it's the Shadow Girls Effect.
Decrescent Daytripper wrote:
Actually, for whatever reason, I tend to prefer Utena fics with metacommentary, be it MSTing or just characters talking over the events or to the audience. I think it's the Shadow Girls Effect.
Then I assume you'd be drawn towards reasonably well-written fics featuring the Shadow Girls prominently?