This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
When I was watching the tv series of Hellsing I recognized Koyasu's voice in Luke and wetted myself just one second later... god I love that voice. And also he is Kira in Angel Sanctuary!!!!!!!
Miki Seiyu is also... Kero chan ...
A couple of weeks ago, I was watching Ouran High. I finished it up not too long ago, it's a really cute series!
But anyway, I hadn't watched Utena in a while, and I was bored in my room so I popped in the first DVD of the Black Rose saga. It started up and Mikage started talking and I was like "OMG it's Tamaki!" I couldn't believe how much they sounded alike, so I hurried online to look up their voice actors and sure enough it was the same person. Strangely, he doesn't always sound like Tamaki. Just in the first episode and then later in the last duel with Utena.
HonorableShadow wrote:
A couple of weeks ago, I was watching Ouran High. I finished it up not too long ago, it's a really cute series!
But anyway, I hadn't watched Utena in a while, and I was bored in my room so I popped in the first DVD of the Black Rose saga. It started up and Mikage started talking and I was like "OMG it's Tamaki!" I couldn't believe how much they sounded alike, so I hurried online to look up their voice actors and sure enough it was the same person. Strangely, he doesn't always sound like Tamaki. Just in the first episode and then later in the last duel with Utena.
YOU ARE SERIOUSLY KIDDING. I didn't hear him at all in Tamaki and watched the whole damn series without thinking of Mikage. Yay acting!
Wait, wait, Tamaki's Japanese voice actor does Mikage? I know Mikage's voice actor does Zelgadis from Slayers. And that Tamaki's voice actor does Light from Death Note. So they're the same person? wonder they sounded similar. I just thought I would hear that Tamaki/Light was the same as Zelgadis/Mikage, since my sister is a Slayers and Zelgadis nut. *babbles off..*
Giovanna wrote:
YOU ARE SERIOUSLY KIDDING. I didn't hear him at all in Tamaki and watched the whole damn series without thinking of Mikage. Yay acting!
Nope, no joke! Like I said though, there are only certain points when they sound alike, even though normally they don't. (Tamaki usually isn't serious enough to sound like Mikage.) Also keep in mind that I had just finished watching Ouran about a half hour before I started watching Utena, so maybe that's why I could hear it.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Wait, wait, Tamaki's Japanese voice actor does Mikage? I know Mikage's voice actor does Zelgadis from Slayers. And that Tamaki's voice actor does Light from Death Note. So they're the same person? wonder they sounded similar. I just thought I would hear that Tamaki/Light was the same as Zelgadis/Mikage, since my sister is a Slayers and Zelgadis nut. *babbles off..*
Midorikawa Hikaru is in EVERYTHING. Kind of like Koyasu. Except Koyasu is in more than everything.
According to wikipedia, though, Tamaki's seiyuu is Miyano Mamoru. Midorikawa only voiced Tamaki in the drama CDs.
Midorikawa was also Tamahome in Fushigi Yuugi and Shuldich in Weiss.
Speaking of which...I got to the point where I can finally watch Gundam Wing without the ghosts of Touga and Mikage hovering over my shoulder when Zechs challenges Heero to a duel. Go me.
Last edited by Ger (11-09-2006 04:21:18 PM)
Razara wrote:
You know Shiori's boyfriend, the guy who gets one line and no name? His voice actor gets a lot of big roles. My sister was playing a dating sim called Hourglass of Summer, and his voice actor is the main character.
They're visual novels, not dating sims, darn it!
But yeah. ; That guy got two lines (if that) in Utena, and literally thousands of lines in Hourglass of Summer.
I have just discovered something either disturbing or amusing depending on how you look at it!
Akio Ohtori was once a Samurai Pizza Cat... Guido Anchovy to be exact! *hehehe*
Oddly enough, even as a Pizza cat, he was a ladies man.
The Japanese name for the series was Kyattou Ninden Teyandee
Click the name if you want to see if you can hear Akio's voice when you listen to the Blue Pizza Cat talking.
Kealdrea wrote:
They're visual novels, not dating sims, darn it!
But yeah.; That guy got two lines (if that) in Utena, and literally thousands of lines in Hourglass of Summer.
Right, sorry about that. They go by many names, so you should just be thankful I didn't call it "my sister's porn game." Well, the game itself doesn't have those scenes, but it did in the original version. Unfortunatly, most visual novels have scenes like that... With Shiori's boyfriend's voice actor, I'm sure that would be an interesting thing to see.
Of interest to Shiroi fans....
I was watching Gundam Wing last night (yep still plugging away) and thought Sylvia Noventa's seiyuu sounded awfully familiar.
I just looked her up and I was right - it's Nishihara Kumiko, aka Shiroi.
Hina the Prince wrote:
And Hikaru from Hikaru no Go, and Soi Fong from Bleach, and Rosette from Chrono Crusade, And Kris from Battle Athletes, and-- obsessive? Who, me?
She's also Katsuragi in the Araiso Executive Committee OVAs! Which uh, probably nobody else has seen or heard of. Hehe. She also does Lirin from Saiyuki. Actually, a bunch of the Utena seiyuu are in Saiyuki. When I first watched Utena (years ago) I only saw the dubs. It's been fun to re-watch lately and recognize people, like Saionji also being Kougaiji. I totally missed Akio being Dokugakuji, though. D'oh.
HonorableShadow wrote:
It started up and Mikage started talking and I was like "OMG it's Tamaki!" I couldn't believe how much they sounded alike, so I hurried online to look up their voice actors and sure enough it was the same person.
Where'd you find the info? Miyano Mamoru isn't listed as playing Mikage on ANN, or on the English/Japanese wiki pages.......
So I just started watching A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, (yeah, I'm a sucker for cutesy stuff too) and guess who shows up...
Tomoko Kawakami is Sugar! Commonality? Pink hair!
I also just finished watching Elf Princess Rane, which featured a pre-Utena Satomi Kourogi (aka B-ko & Chu-chu). I recognized the voice almost immediately as one of the Shadow Play Girls. Aya Hisakawa was also in the show as Leen.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (11-16-2006 08:04:54 AM)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
So I just started watching A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, (yeah, I'm a sucker for cutesy stuff too) and guess who shows up...
Tomoko Kawakami is Sugar! Commonality? Pink hair!'s like.........CHIBI UTENA
I've always loved how Miki's voice actress basically played the exact same person in Sailor Moon. There was a lot of voice actress recycling between those two shows anyway, haha.