This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
My first Utena AMV in a while, and my first one using only the movie.
The song is Florence + The Machine - "What The Water Gave Me"
I hope you all like it! Comments welcome.
Wow, that was fantastic! Such incredible flow. -edit- I just realized what a terrible pun that is. But the video was still really good.
Last edited by Atomic Lightbulb (06-29-2012 06:06:05 AM)
I just got word that this won "Judge's Best Overall" at Animethon 19 last weekend. … p;t=109004
purplepolecat wrote:
I just got word that this won "Judge's Best Overall" at Animethon 19 last weekend. … p;t=109004
The AMV has stunning resolution! It most definitely deserves an award!
purplepolecat wrote:
I just got word that this won "Judge's Best Overall" at Animethon 19 last weekend. … p;t=109004
Congratulations! It definitely deserved it!
I really like it.
It also helps that Florence and the Machine is one of my favourite bands.
Wow, the synching was phenomenal! Congrats on the well-earned reward!
Congrats!!! I guess it shouldn't surprise me SKU vids still get awards. Really good ones, sure, but some part of me wonders if modern anime fans would even know about SKU.
I know, I know. SKU has stuck around the convention circuit. Fun to cosplay.
That was a fan-freaking tastic AMV It has made me ponder how many Florence and the Machine songs fit SKU, makes me wish I was more talented at AMV making
BlackBeforeRed wrote:
That was a fan-freaking tastic AMV
It has made me ponder how many Florence and the Machine songs fit SKU, makes me wish I was more talented at AMV making
I've always thought they seem to go together quite well for some reason. Makes me think of her song Blinding, which is about breaking away from fairy tale illusions.
...Kind of makes me wish I knew how to make amvs too. Sometimes I think it might be fun to give it a try.
I really liked this too. I've never heard Florence and the Machine except by accident. When I saw the song's title I knew you were going to use Touga, but I liked how you underplayed that scene; you didn't make the whole big sobbing mess out of it that the film did, you showed just enough that the rest was conveyed through innuendo. And you built up so nicely to the big "overflow" in the rose garden that I actually said "wow" out loud when it happened. Cheers!