This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top02-04-2011 02:27:09 PM

From: ...the space between your ears
Registered: 10-21-2006
Posts: 1108

World of Darkness

So. Werewolf. Mage. Changeling. Promethian. Mummy. Hunter. Wraith. And of course, Vampire. New, Old, this series has become an icon, impacting movies and the very way many thought about Vampires in particular. It inspired a TV show that wasn't half bad, two critically acclaimed but commercially panned games (one was "too normal", the other was extremely buggy on release) a great deal of books of varying quality and three nationwide LARP groups, still running today, two of which are unofficial. It has been rebooted. Oh yeah, there were also three extremely average Gauntlet clones for Hunter.

It is also about to enter a new era-but really, the new beginning started in '05, a year after the complete reboot.

White Wolf and CCP, the maker of EVE Online, joined into a single company, CCP promising a World of Darkness game. For a long while, no one thought anything of it, seeing the original promised year come and get halfway over without a peep. Some thought (and perhaps hoped) that it would never come.

In September, a special sneakpeak was given to those who attended the Grand Masquerade, a minimally animated that got people very excited. Officials at WW have promised something big at this year's Grand Masquerade...

So. Fond memories, questions, fannish glee, complaints, curlish despising-let's have at it!

...and mind the usuring mage vampires over yonder in Old World of Darkness.

I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Ikuni



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