This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Clarice wrote:
And Katz...I must agree.
Why must you people torture me like this??
My personal favorite right now is a younger Malcolm McDowell
Even if he did...scare the piss out of me.
and how about some Helena?
Katzenklavier wrote:
So if that Sendhil fellow is Akio, this is definitely Anthy, because she looks like Sendhil with tits.
Katzenklavier wrote:
Anchal Joseph, hottest woman ever on ANTM.
I loved Anchal. She has such deep, dark eyes... The rest of her was gorgeous, too, but those fucking eyes.
Setsuna, I fucking love Malcolm McDowell and the corset queen, Helena Bonham Carter! Or at least before she sold her soul to shitty Burton roles (Mrs. Lovett excepted). Have you seen Caligula? Trashy piece of decadence, but it's rich with McDowell sex and nudity. Gio, you might like it too. Cali's incestuous fun sometimes touches on Akio.
dollface, it's so true. I just wish the poor girl had more confidence. She was so stunningly gorgeous, and yet felt no power in her beauty. Then again, with the bitchy judges and the modeling companies telling her that her voluptuous Bollywood reminiscent form is pure blubber, I can't really blame her too much. Ego issues aside, in my opinion she remains the most stunning woman on that show, as well as one of the most beautiful models I've ever seen, IMHO. I just love those deep Indian eyes, as you've pointed out.
Although Nik Pace and Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi were close runner-ups.
Nik (holy shit rejoice she's authentically GAY).
Mollie Sue.
Quick people! Post more hot women before I monopolize the category!
Katzenklavier wrote:
Setsuna, I fucking love Malcolm McDowell and the corset queen, Helena Bonham Carter! Or at least before she sold her soul to shitty Burton roles (Mrs. Lovett excepted).
You are psychic! I'm currently trying to download the uncut Caligula to no luck. Considering the fact that no movies stores around here will have it, and that I watch almost all my Netflix with my family, downloading is the only option. And from what I've heard, it seems pretty enjoyable to me. A film that technically is a pornographic epic that everyone hates and walked out on that has a young Malcolm McDowell, Helen Mirren and Peter O'Toole all in the only explicit roles rolling around in tons of different sex and violence? Total trashy win.
From what I've heard, worst movie ever, or best porno ever.
by the way, if you haven't seen this yet, I found it.
Here's some more McDowell:
Even though I wasn't too fond of her character in Sunshine Cleaning, either, I've always felt Emily Blunt was cute:
and so is Ellen Page:
(by the way, I actually enjoyed The Tracey Fragments.)
EDIT: On the note of Anchal Joseph, I still can't believe they said that to her! I thought she has an incredibly beautiful body and it would be a shame on humanity for her to turn into a stick. Anyways, I have got to say I agree with both on you on the eyes.
Last edited by Setsuna (10-21-2009 05:38:00 PM)
I don't know about sexy, but I think Annie Lennox is, like, the coolest fucking person ever.
Also, Morrissey. ♥ I want his hair so badly.
and yes, it did just get very '80s in here.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Henry motherfucking Rollins! … /henry.jpg … ollins.jpg … ins_01.jpg … ins_04.jpg … llins9.jpg … ollins.jpg
You and I are now bff for life.
And Johnny too...yummy.
Aishwarya Rai. Total hotness.
One gorgeous lady that sets my panties afire -- Regina Spektor.
Regin-a, Regin-a, Regin-a-a-aaah~
Oh, and some random steampunk girl. Unf.
IDGAF, Brian Williams and Conan O'Brien get my gears turning.
Another random guy in Victorian-esque garb. [iCame]
And finally, Timothy motherfucking Omundson with a motherfucking gun.
Last edited by Lady Nilamarthiel (10-21-2009 11:36:27 PM)
Slightly almost NSFW. I'm not a fan of Adam Lambert, but this is a pretty eye-catching photo. I love the fact that he says "I'm gay but I like kissing women, they're so pretty."
For the rest of the NSFW photos, it's in the new issue of DETAILS
Ryouga Haruhi + Sena Jun = TEH HAWT
No kidding!
Is that a scene from Elisabeth by any chance?
Speaking of which...
I think I've probably mentioned this somewhere in the depths of IRG before, but I've always had a little crush on Alicia Keys. Her voice is absolutely incredible, and alongside the piano, it's just heavenly. Not to mention the fact that she is stunning. The kind of beauty that is just so hard to find in modern music.
Alicia Keys is the first person on this thread who's made me go "oooh." Thank you, dollface!
Every time I see the title of the thread in my inbox I mentally transpose SFW to SWF, which stands for SouthWest Florida, as you'd know if you lived here, and I have a brief moment of wondering who's eye candy in southwest Florida before going "oh, right, it's this thread!"
I have a mini crush on LIGHTS. She's so tiny and pixie-like!
I used to see her on Muchmusic all the time at work, and she really helped me get through the night.
...which, as an afterthought, could be taken in a very lewd and frightening way, but whatever. I'm fine with it - she's really cute.
I've recently gotten into Emilie Simon's The Flower Book album, and it turns out that she's beautiful too (AND plays electric guitar, which is always hot in my opinion). Her music is wonderful, if you like experimental French pop.
Oh, those lovely French.
And because her music videos are cool, here are two of my favorites:
Dame de Lotus:
Fleur de Saison:
Like_Autumn: she's gorgeous!
I'm indeed a fan of Hyori Lee, she makes pretty good R&B/pop and yeah....and I can't watch "U-go-girl" without it getting stuck in my head.
Presenting the yummy Ash Armand. I have a tremendous crush on him. He's a half Indian model, male companion, massage therapist, and reality t.v. star. (swoons)
Last edited by Riri-kins (04-07-2013 08:48:42 PM)
Ash Armand, so bloody hot and, did you say a male companion, massage therapist?
Any idea what him being a male companion, entails?