This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
9) you post on "the rose garden".....OFTEN!
Thats SOOOOOOO true! <3
Here are some more YKYWTMSKUW...
1/ You have Utena ringtones on your phone.
2/ You also have Utena screensavers as well!
3/ You think of Akio whenever you see a tall tower with a rounded tip.
4/ You steal marching band uniforms and alter them so they look like duelling uniforms.
5/ You decide to go up to the top floor of a very tall building with ADA playing on your MP3 player...
5a/ ...and when you stagger onto the top floor, you wonder how bloodly fit Utena must be to get to the duelling arena without ending breathing hard.
6/ You take up fencing and feel very disappointed when your teacher isn't a tall woman with groovy orange hair.
7/ You buy opera glasses just because you are a Touga fan.
8/ You buy a fancy cowbell for someone you don't like hoping that they will wear it and slowly turn into a cow.
9/ You watch other shows and you find yourself comparing that shows characters to characters from SKU.
Offline create a World of Warcraft mage character named Anthy, dress her in red and use her to store your extra swords. think Pantera would do an awesome cover of Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku, and seriously consider writing them to suggest it.
satyreyes wrote:
I lived on the fifth floor of my elevatorless dorm at the University of Chicago, and I swear to God I did the Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku thing at least once a day.
I very unfortunately can relate to that.
We lived in a scary creepy haunted old building on the east side of our campus that is covered in roses and even has a tower (seriously.) The bells even make lovely clanging noises at 6pm. It's awesome. Too bad we don't have roses blooming right now. TT__TT
I sing the song whenever I go to the building waaaay in back of the school by the forest. At least they have an elevator over there.
allegoriest wrote:
We lived in a scary creepy haunted old building on the east side of our campus that is covered in roses and even has a tower (seriously.) The bells even make lovely clanging noises at 6pm. It's awesome. Too bad we don't have roses blooming right now. TT__TT
Waaaai! What the hell school do you go to?
And I don't win. Gio and Yasha win, no contest.
tohubohu wrote:
... you're wrestling with vanity plate choices, and are having problems deciding between WAKABA, ANTHY, OHTORI, and TENJOU for your new car...
Earlier today I found out that I was going to be getting a car soon. I asked my twin sister if we could make the lisence plate out as "SHIORI," and she said we could. I'm sure I'll regret that in a few years, but in the meantime it has quite a few upsides. For example, I'll probably laugh if I get in a car crash.
Razara wrote:
tohubohu wrote:
... you're wrestling with vanity plate choices, and are having problems deciding between WAKABA, ANTHY, OHTORI, and TENJOU for your new car...
Earlier today I found out that I was going to be getting a car soon. I asked my twin sister if we could make the lisence plate out as "SHIORI," and she said we could.
I'm sure I'll regret that in a few years, but in the meantime it has quite a few upsides. For example, I'll probably laugh if I get in a car crash.
And you'll be getting the matching lace for the steering wheel and seats, I hope.
satyreyes wrote:
allegoriest wrote:
We lived in a scary creepy haunted old building on the east side of our campus that is covered in roses and even has a tower (seriously.) The bells even make lovely clanging noises at 6pm. It's awesome. Too bad we don't have roses blooming right now. TT__TT
What the hell school do you go to?
And I don't win. Gio and Yasha win, no contest.
The University of the Incarnate Word. Lovely lovely place.
1) You drag a bed onto the roof of your dorms, apartment building, etc. just so that you and your friends can lounge on it and look like Touga and Akio.
2) You have some random black guy photograph you and said friends on top of your car.
*Bonus points if it's a red convertible.
**Super mega points if the red convertible is one you just randomly happen to find on the street.
You refer to your work-life as "those dry days." (Sometimes when my vacations are coming to an end, I tell my mom "Back to my dry life.." She doesn't know what I'm talking about.)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
And you'll be getting the matching lace for the steering wheel and seats, I hope.
Of course. That way I can run people off the road in style. :3
"You Know You Watch Too Much Utena When..."
...well, I know a couple of girls as far out there as Gio and Yasha. Anybody here heard of Blood Soaked and Honor Bound? The overworked and underpaid Becka and Karen have dedicated an entire page to this simple thread idea. At last count, there were 230 different ways to recognise when you've watched too much Utena...
Here's the link for those who haven't been there before, but you probably already have:
...then again, who ever said there was such a thing as "too much Utena"...?
BioKraze wrote:
"You Know You Watch Too Much Utena When..."
...well, I know a couple of girls as far out there as Gio and Yasha.Anybody here heard of Blood Soaked and Honor Bound? The overworked and underpaid Becka and Karen have dedicated an entire page to this simple thread idea. At last count, there were 230 different ways to recognise when you've watched too much Utena...
Here's the link for those who haven't been there before, but you probably already have:
...then again, who ever said there was such a thing as "too much Utena"...?
Yes, I've heard of that already. However, I think there is something called 'too much Utena', yet we are the group that accepts this happily, and even think it is an honor, because we think this is an excellent anime/magna/movie.
tohubohu wrote:
... you and your wife exchanged rose signets and now wear them all the time as, essentially, your wedding rings.
... you're wrestling with vanity plate choices, and are having problems deciding between WAKABA, ANTHY, OHTORI, and TENJOU for your new car...
... which you somehow regret not being red.
...*coughs* because I tried to look.
And you know you watch too much Utena when you have a ring that you hunted for that was the closest you could get to the rose signet sitting on your desk with a place of honor.
And whenever you're bored on a train you entertain yourself with make-believe duels between the characters.
herchuckness wrote: create a World of Warcraft mage character named Anthy, dress her in red and use her to store your extra swords.
And that is absolutely priceless.
Last edited by Calliston (11-28-2006 09:22:44 PM)
herchuckness wrote: create a World of Warcraft mage character named Anthy, dress her in red and use her to store your extra swords.
Or, you create a RO account, make your character an Utena clone, name her "BaraNoOujiSama" and train her to be a knight. Like me. >>;
herchuckness wrote: create a World of Warcraft mage character named Anthy, dress her in red and use her to store your extra swords.
How did I miss this? I named my Everquest mule Anthy, but she held all the potions I made with my Shaman. I figure that's also fitting given the witch thing.
When you think that the best way that a black person like yourself can pick up chicks is to buy a car that looks exactly like the Akio Car.
(I almost did it but I got outbidded by some guy in the backcountry...dammit)
But it's all good, I'm gonna buy myself a motorcycle for the summer.
Another thing about me and the car thing...I find it interesting how if I play Belladonna No Wana, Tsumi no Kaijitsu (The Fruits of Sin), Picaresque with my jazz cds, whoever I'm driving home gets shall I put it.."worked up" haha. Ah...I am so naughty:devil:
And I have practiced the whole jumping across the hood of the car thing, in fact whenever I get my white suit I'll probably post one in that one thread.
But here is something not relating me and my life to Akio.Really...I will probably use some of the songs from Utena for my angst scenes from my show that I am developing with my friends...debating on the dueling though..
And yes...I sing Zum everytime I go up the stairs..
Whenever someone asks you if you want to ride in his car, you start to drool hoping that your friends crushes his clothes widly.
When your you wake up of your fantasies, your friends aren't there anymore.
They have turned off their cellphones, too.
If this does not happen, it's because they already are used to it.
That's even worse.
When you go down in an elevator, you start to say your most dark secrets and frustrations aloud.
When you reach the ground floor your neighbor prefers using the stairs and not using the elevator.
Never again.
Hina the Prince wrote:
Or, you create a RO account, make your character an Utena clone, name her "BaraNoOujiSama" and train her to be a knight. Like me. >>;
If they didn't want you to do that they wouldn't have made pink haired girls with swords!
YKYWTMUW you look at this picture:
Seriously, took one look at that still and heard "So come, journey with me to the world you desire!"
(screencap from Strawberry Panic)
Last edited by A Day Without Me (12-02-2006 11:52:32 AM)
1:: You practice shreading roses because you never seem to make the petals fall off like they do in the show.
2:: Your first thought when you get a rose for Valentines Day is: "Utena."
2.1:: Your thought after that: "After school, in the dueling arena."
2.2:: And then: "The rose doesn't match my hair. They picked the wrong color."
3:: You see a friend draw an orange rose and ask them to sign the picture as "Arisugawa Juri".
Edit: 4:: You giggle every time you see the "Stopwatch" option on your iPods menu screen.
To be honest, I did all of the above, except the first one. That one's on my "to do" list. (:
Last edited by Arki (12-02-2006 01:03:36 PM)
Man, everyone mentions singing Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku when in elevators and going up stairs, but...
- You hum Virtual Star Embryology when going up in an elevator...
- ...AND you stand like Utena does at the beginning to the ending animation for VSE
(haha, I was on crutches at the time, too )
Last edited by A Day Without Me (12-08-2006 06:11:20 PM)