This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Wooooo! Stuff from Razara!
Also, as something I forgot to include earlier, there's swords your Sims can hold at RoseSims2:
The Insiminator also can disable jealousy, along with MANY other awesome things that sped up getting the SKU Sims perfect:
I may not be able to edit anything worth a damn, but I know where to get WAY too much stuff for this game.
I am just wondering, for I am not playing the SIMS, can you get the Zettai Yumei Mokushiroku thing in the game?
And all of your Utenas are wonderful!I just bursted out laughing.
Tamago wrote:
Razara wrote:
SKU would take on a very odd direction if the swords were replaced with pillows, I mean could you imagine Utena pulling out the Pillow of Dios out of Anthy?
All I can hear now is Carrie's mom yelling at her about her "dirtypillows."
And I wonder how would you win a duel when you are having a pillow fight? I think it would be much harder to shatter the roses...
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
And I wonder how would you win a duel when you are having a pillow fight? I think it would be much harder to shatter the roses...
I think you can still knock the rose off with a pillow but somehow the idea of gainning World Revolution with pillows and cushions somehow demeaning... don't you think?
I can think of something else you can win with a pillow fight but I think that would be better to show up on IFD.
And I think I need to go out and buy Sims 2 now...
Tamago wrote:
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
And I wonder how would you win a duel when you are having a pillow fight? I think it would be much harder to shatter the roses...
I think you can still knock the rose off with a pillow but somehow the idea of gainning World Revolution with pillows and cushions somehow demeaning... don't you think?
Not to mention opening the Rose Gate with the Pillow of Dios, embroided with little crowns and stuff.
Razara wrote:
Awesomest thing ever
O________O -worships-
Dispite the fact that I have absolutely no free time what-so-ever for the next few weeks, the first thing I did after seeing this thread was ask my friend to loan me her Sims game. This just amuses me to no end. I don't know how much of a hastle it is to design a Sim into an anime character, but praises to your efforts. Wow, just wow.
Razara wrote:
Fanfiction that writes itself
This is some of the most fascinating stuff I have ever read. It's like an alternate Utena universe that you can watch!
I'm glad to see that everyone likes these sims so much. I wanted to make a thread about them, but I thought that nobody would care. e_e
I took a few more screen shots. I wasn't able to get any pictures of Saionji, Miki, or Ruka. (I'll more than gladly take any suggestions or requests for pictures. I'm running a bit low on ideas for screen shots at the moment.)
No, she's not going to kill the kitten.
The first thing that I thought of when I found out that sims were going to be able to have pets was that Nanami should have a kitten. The cat in this picture is named Nyanami. It's actually my sister's cat, because I'm too much of a control freak to take care of pets at the moment. Pets are a very recent addition in the latest expansion pack. Wolves have been giving my sims some trouble. Kozue gets along with them well, and she's friends with the leader of the pack, but they don't seem to like Juri. She's afraid of wolves, and they always chase her and bark at her.
I like my Nanami sim. I designing her clothes only a short time ago, but I still haven't made custom hair for her. (I hate designing hair. Making clothes is fun, but hair is annoying.) The first time I used her for a productive purpose was when I noticed that Nanami and Kozue don't get along very well in fanfictions. For example, I once read a fanfiction where Kozue tried to kill Nanami. So, for scientific purposes, I decided to lock them in a room together to see what would happen. It seems that the fanfictions were right on the money about this, because it wasn't long before Kozue and Nanami began to attack each other. e.e Though I would have assumed otherwise, Nanami came off better in just about every fight. Once I got tired of watching, I made them fall in love and go on a date so that they wouldn't steal each other's newspapers for the rest of the week. (Aww, I'm glad it had a happy ending.)
The chairman's residence...
Yes, I know, there are a lot of things wrong with this room. It doesn't even have a planetarium projector. (Actually, there used to be a telescope in there, but I took it away from Akio when he tried looking through it at night... I refuse to raise any Alien-Akio children!) This picture was inspired by another thread on this forum. Touga is hugging the Social Bunny, an imaginary bunny who comes when your social is low. I should probably mention that I used debug mode to get the Social Bunny there, so I didn't have to deprive Touga of any social activities.
In all the time that I've been playing The Sims 2, Akio was my first Romance Aspiration sim. I started working on his aspiration when I found out about the dating service, which makes it ridiculously easy to find a good date for sims. Apparently Akio's perfect match was one of the social workers, those evil, evil fire-resistant sims who take away your children when you aren't doing a good enough job. (Once, I changed Kozue's age so that she was a child, and her grade in school started as an F-, and so the Social Worker came. I had to kill 6 Social Workers with satellites that plummeted from the sky before I changed her back into an adult.) Using Juri's awesome phone book, I called up all the Social Workers and decided that Akio should have a Social Worker harem. :3
It's difficult to get a good picture of sims dancing.
I was right, I did forget someone. I also have a C-Ko sim, based off of the Shadow Girls in the movie. She walked by their house while I was taking this picture, so I decided to make her the DJ.
I love the Black Rose duelists, and I love their uniforms... Especially Kozue's. Keiko and Kanae are new to the neighborhood, so I can't say much about them, but Wakaba was one of the first sims in this neighborhood. I swear, she is everywhere. Every time I go downtown, I always see here there, and she's constantly calling my house. When the expansion pack Open For Business first came out, I hired Kozue and her to be my employees. But apparently working 24 hours a day was too much to ask, so they yelled at Juri and quit their jobs.
So much for the sparkles and crowds of cheering fans...
I love my Juri sim. In The Sims 2, your sims can get jobs. So, what is Juri's job, you ask? Why, Captain Hero, of course! She's a super hero who fights crime on a daily basis. Though we don't actually witness this, watching her fly to work is enough to make you fall out of your chair laughing. I need to take of screenshot of that when I get the chance. Utena is Captain Hero as well. As for Kozue, she's Mayor of the city. (I'd vote for her, wouldn't you?) She slept her way to the top... Well, technically you can't really do that, but half the town was in love with her, so that's how I see it. Now that I think of it, Akio should be mayor... Or Shiori, since she's the ruler of the city (in my eyes.)
My sims are very weird... Sorry for rambling on like that. e_e
Tamago wrote:
I don't suppose that there are any Sim cows or elephants in this game are there?
Yep. In the University expansion pack, there's an Evil Cow Mascot. Even better than that, there's an item known as "The Cow Plant." It's a cross between a cow and a venous fly trap. It has the head of a cow and a cake for a tung. When your neighbors try to grab the cake from it's mouth, it eats them whole. The things that these game creators come up with...
As for the Evil Cow Mascot, when my Juri, Shiori, and Kozue sims were in college, the cow came into their dorm and started to pick a fight with Kozue. As if that weren't enough, she tried to hit on Shiori as well... Naturally, the only solution was to burn her alive. Clocks were involved. (Yes, I'm evil when it comes to The Sims.) My sister insists that the cow is very nice once you get to know her. She had a sim that married the cow mascot. I'm surprised I never thought to make Nanami friends with the new mascot... I'll do that when I get the chance.
Razara wrote:
Tamago wrote:
I don't suppose that there are any Sim cows or elephants in this game are there?
Yep. In the University expansion pack, there's an Evil Cow Mascot. Even better than that, there's an item known as "The Cow Plant." It's a cross between a cow and a venous fly trap. It has the head of a cow and a cake for a tung. When your neighbors try to grab the cake from it's mouth, it eats them whole.
The things that these game creators come up with...
As for the Evil Cow Mascot, when my Juri, Shiori, and Kozue sims were in college, the cow came into their dorm and started to pick a fight with Kozue. As if that weren't enough, she tried to hit on Shiori as well... Naturally, the only solution was to burn her alive. Clocks were involved. (Yes, I'm evil when it comes to The Sims.) My sister insists that the cow is very nice once you get to know her. She had a sim that married the cow mascot. I'm surprised I never thought to make Nanami friends with the new mascot... I'll do that when I get the chance.
A cow-venus flytrap chimera creature? Sounds like something Anthy and a mad scientist would have worked on. *hehe* i was asking about the cow and elephant cos i wanted to see a pic of Anthy milk a blonde cow named Nanami and I also wanted to see the elephants rampaging in a Nanami type sitch.
That's Awesome.
Tamago wrote:
I think you can still knock the rose off with a pillow but somehow the idea of gainning World Revolution with pillows and cushions somehow demeaning... don't you think?
I think it's fantastically symbolic. What is the battle for revolution but a petty pillow fight?
You guys are amaaaazing. I love that you put in time and effort to share this with us. Utena Sims is a spark of genius.
My god it's like some twisted post-series otaku thing. Razara you seriously kick my ass up and down this forum. Touga hugging a social bunny in front of Akio is pretty HAHAHAHA, although I fully support using Touga's movie uniform in something that's otherwise the series.
Also Juri face down.
I think you're everyone's hero here Razara.
Of course, whenever I get around to getting Sims 2 I'm going to be pestering you all the time for advice on getting the Sims to act like the characters, but who knows when that will happen.
Calliston wrote:
That's Awesome.
Tamago wrote:
I think you can still knock the rose off with a pillow but somehow the idea of gainning World Revolution with pillows and cushions somehow demeaning... don't you think?
I think it's fantastically symbolic. What is the battle for revolution but a petty pillow fight?
Pictures in my mind a scene with the girls playing with Saionji's hair as they braid it and tie ribbons as well.
Tamago wrote:
Pictures in my mind a scene with the girls playing with Saionji's hair as they braid it and tie ribbons as well.
I strongly suspect Nanami's done that to him at some point, and that he looked utterly miserable but let her do it anyway.
Giovanna wrote:
Tamago wrote:
Pictures in my mind a scene with the girls playing with Saionji's hair as they braid it and tie ribbons as well.
I strongly suspect Nanami's done that to him at some point, and that he looked utterly miserable but let her do it anyway.
Why would he let her do it to him? He's not usually so mellow. Perhaps this was a kinder-and-gentler Saionji that we don't have the good fortune to see in the series?
Just... awesome effort on everyone's behalf. (Le sigh) Poor, poor Saionji. His expression/spirit was captured the best. Well, the one with all the issues, anyway.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Why would he let her do it to him? He's not usually so mellow. Perhaps this was a kinder-and-gentler Saionji that we don't have the good fortune to see in the series?
I'm sure Nanami could bitch-slap the guy into a newer kinder person if she were properly motivated. *hehe*
Photoshop is my savior. Getting these ready to be published won't take nearly as long as I originally thought it would. You have no idea how annoying it was to make all of these in MS paint. For some parts, I had to zoom in and color it in one pixel at a time, which is why they took so long to make. Most of the clothes averaged to about five hours, unless I was making them from scratch, then it took longer. Making Juri's hair gave me the most trouble. I put in a total of 30 hours over the span of a few months, most of which were failed attempts... And the weird thing is that I made all of these for fun, even though there's nothing fun about it. I was actually disappointed when I ran out of duelist outfits to make.
Hopefully, I'll have them finished by next week. I have to work on them in between schoolwork, family, and some writing I'm doing for an Utena LiveJournal roleplay called End of the World. (Why haven't you joined yet? )
I call her Nanami! :3
This is Nanami, Anthy's cow plant. Honestly, trust Anthy to take care of something this dangerous. When I first got it, I turned my back for one second, and Saionji was eaten by her.
"Feather of the noble castle... The cushiony softness that sleeps within me, heed your master and come forth!" "Grant me the Pillow of Revolution!" (Dios is resting in an eternal slumber, isn't he? It's only natural that he would need a pillow.)
Putting together a slumber party was difficult, because sleep is a foreign concept to my sims. Sure, they all have bedrooms, but they're really just there as a formality. It's probably for the best, since burglars come whenever I'm not cheating for a change. My cow plant Nanami ate the last person who tried to rob their house.
As you can see, Utena is the only one with custom pajamas, unfortunately. I considered quickly throwing together Miki and Kozue's pajamas for this picture, but I know all too well just how easily "quickly" can turn into "five or six hours." This is my attempt at Utena and Anthy's bedroom. I added something extra into the picture so that Nanami could do Saionji's hair. :3 And I sort of got Miki in this picture.