This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
2007, huh? If that's a release date, the "group of child rangers" could be Dumbledore's Army -- that was the year Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix hit. The rest of the clue doesn't seem to match very well, though. And though 1939 was one of the best years in film of all time, I can't find any '39 films with any of those words in their titles. So Dumbledore's Army may be yet another red herring.
Further research led me to 2007's Spider-Man 3, which I haven't seen, but whose promotional poster led me to believe it contained a "doppelganger of an antagonist." It doesn't, but I considered the possibility for long enough to cross-reference it with the 1939 list, leading me to the delightful non-answer "Of Mice And Spider-Men." If someone wanted to turn me into a Steinbeck fan, this is how to start.
Last edited by satyreyes (03-20-2013 03:16:43 PM)
satyreyes wrote:
Of Mice and Spider-Men
Does that make Gwen Stacy Curley's wife?
satyreyes wrote:
2007, huh? If that's a release date, the "group of child rangers" could be Dumbledore's Army -- that was the year Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix hit.
The rest of the clue doesn't seem to match very well, though. And though 1939 was one of the best years in film of all time, I can't find any '39 films with any of those words in their titles. So Dumbledore's Army may be yet another red herring.
Red herring it is, but you're in the right mindset. I'm just gonna sit back. You'll get it, I'm pretty sure.
One of the movies is Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I saw it and loved it eons ago, but it took the Wikipedia entry to remind me that its actual plot concerns Mr. Smith getting a federal loan for his "Boy Rangers." There are puzzles where you think of the answer and you're like "that sounds plausible," and then there are the ones where you know for sure. This one I know for sure.
So that's the 1939 film. That means the 2007 film is the one with the antagonist doppelganger and the obscenely violent previous pastime. The first thing I thought of was "Mr. and Mrs. Smith Go To Washington," but that's off by a year and doesn't fit the clue. Then I thought of "Mr. Smith Goes to White Castle," which is off by a year in the other direction and still doesn't fit the clue. Finally I gave up, pulled up Wikipedia's complete list of films released in 2007, and searched on each of the words in the title. It's a good thing I did -- without Wikipedia, I don't know a thing about the movie that turns out to be the right answer! It seems to lie halfway between Fight Club and Dexter. There is even a character named Mr. Smith in it who is parallel to the title character, which makes this a clever construction. Anyway, the answer is Mr. Brooks Goes to Washington. I hope.
satyreyes wrote:
Anyway, the answer is Mr. Brooks Goes to Washington. I hope.
Nice going! Excellent work!
Inevitably occurred to me in the course of that research:
#29 "I know what you're thinking. 'Did he destroy seven Horcruxes or only six?' Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this wand is holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?"
Edit: And as long as I'm doing quotes...
#30 "They're not that different from you, are they? Same decaying scalps. Shambling around shopping malls, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. . . . These boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them groan their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Carpe -- carpe cerebrum. Seize the brains, boys. Make your twisted parodies of lives extraordinary."
Last edited by satyreyes (03-20-2013 09:45:26 PM)
Dawn of the Dead Poets Society.
And Dirty Harry Potter.
I hope. Because otherwise 5*&%*#!
#31 Edward Norton picks up Lili Taylor to win a secret contest with a very particular set of rules, but has second thoughts after she hooks up with his friend and hero, who may be taking their fun and games a tad too far. A little maturing and one major bombing later...
Decrescent Daytripper wrote:
#31 Edward Norton picks up Lili Taylor to win a secret contest with a very particular set of rules, but has second thoughts after she hooks up with his friend and hero, who may be taking their fun and games a tad too far. A little maturing and one major bombing later...
Dogfight Club? Going out on a quick limb here...
#32 DJ by day, family stalker by night, one woman goes on a quest to reclaim her dog and herself. However, her encounter with one family sends her life into a spiral as she obsesses over their child, instead of her own current life. Will the outcome turn out positive, or will it be just another negative?
TheOnlyFlorence wrote:
#32 DJ by day, family stalker by night, one woman goes on a quest to reclaim her dog and herself. However, her encounter with one family sends her life into a spiral as she obsesses over their child, instead of her own current life. Will the outcome turn out positive, or will it be just another negative?
She's the One Hour Photo? Goddammit, I only ever watch art films...
Atropos wrote:
She's the One Hour Photo? Goddammit, I only ever watch art films...
Nope. Try again!
OnlyFlorence, you nailed it.
Is yours The Brave One Hour Photo?
Nice! And nope, but seems like one seems to be a sure guess.
It's not The Brave One Hour Photo? I'd have called that a sure thing! With the pun on "negative" and everything.
Nonetheless, the weakest link there is One Hour Photo: there just aren't very many movies about DJs trying to reclaim their dogs. The Brave One has to be part of it.
I'm stumped, but I have to admit some of the possibilities I'm trying, in my head, to shoehorn into working (The Brave One Fine Day) are entertaining me.
I am so sorry! I completely forgot what the other movie was.
YES, it is "The Brave One Hour Photo." My humblest apologies for the confusion. I'm going into the corner now and will not post new riddles until I get my head together.
Oh, thank god it was actually right. That was killing my brain and google fu.
No need to sit yourself in the corner.
#33 100 stranded British soldiers are locked in a maximum security prison and forced to kill one another with guns, knives, and baseball bats, the day before the prison goes into operation. An international rescue mission is mounted, but they are thwarted by radar-guided guns and the enemy forces. But there is hope: the surviving soldier will be awarded freedom and ten million dollars.
Clue: It's got Anthony Quinn.
Decrescent Daytripper wrote:
Clue: It's got Anthony Quinn.
Gee, that really narrows it down. He doesn't have a list that extends into the 40s, no, not at all.
After stretching my Google Fu to its limits, I only have on conclusion, which requires the omission of the word "the" from the title of the Anthony Quinn flick.
So, after about 43 minutes of guess-work, I've come up with: Mean Guns of Navarone. I now cross my fingers.
I was halfway there when Florence posted. The Mean Guns of Navarone, absolutely.
I was briefly hoping I misremembered the plot of a James Bond movie so that it could be The Man With The Golden Guns of Navarone.
#34 "All I wanna know is, what's the guy's name with the freelance journalism?" "No, What is the sheltered girl running away from her father." "I'm not asking you who's the sheltered girl!" "Who is the freelance journalist!" "I don't know!" "No, he's the gold-digging man-whore, we're not talking about him, now listen to me!"
satyreyes wrote:
#34 "All I wanna know is, what's the guy's name with the freelance journalism?" "No, What is the sheltered girl running away from her father." "I'm not asking you who's the sheltered girl!" "Who is the freelance journalist!" "I don't know!" "No, he's the gold-digging man-whore, we're not talking about him, now listen to me!"
You sneaky S.O.B. I've been arguing this case today against some people about the validity and history of this piece. The problem you now throw at me is now "What's the second." ZA-ZA-ZA-ZING.
Who's On First has a long history, stemming to beyond Abbott and Costello. It starts with a gag in Cracked Nuts, starring Robert Woolsey and Bert Wheeler. Sort of the same, but it's about some mythical kingdom map. After that, around the 1940s, there was a radio programme, It Pays to be Ignorant, with a bit of "Who's the Boss." That bit had been done earlier in the 1930s, but was first recorded there. Abbott claims the original performance (prior to the radio programme) is where he got the idea from.
Abbott and Costello first aired their version of this bit in 1937 and kept polishing it for years. It went on the air in 1938 for the Kate Smith radio show. The first visual performance of this routine was in the 1940 film One Night in the Tropics. It was shown again in 1945, and also made several appearances on their sketch comedy show.
The problem now is, what is that darn journalistic film that coincides here. Unfortunately, even as a journalism major, my knowledge is limited to the things they showed in class, mostly involving Watergate or the Pentagon Papers.
At first, it came to me that Tropic of Cancer, regarding a man-whore who gets a job at the Herald Tribune, but nothing in that matches. So, as I always have done with these, I started in the 1920s and read through it all. Didn't take me long to find what I think is the exact match. This film looks quite good, and I've always loved seeing Clark Gable and Walter Connolly before. Frank Capra directing only sweetens the whole premise to me. I'm planning on renting this movie, regardless of correctness in this game.
So, my guess is now: It Happened One Night in the Tropics.
Last edited by TheOnlyFlorence (03-24-2013 09:58:08 PM)
#35: An orphaned little girl goes on a murderous revenge quest to find the wizard who killed her family and sold her into slavery. Perversely, it is a musical.
Hint: both films are from 1982, which was the greatest year in film.