This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
The short answer is sleep. It's harder to come by. And you're getting enough nutrition to survive. The more important thing is to stay hydrated. Your body will tell you when it's time to eat.
Sorry in bathtub about to crash.
I did the stupidest thing. I bought a mandoline slicer Sunday.
I managed to injure myself my first time using it that night, and I took a slice out of the side of my thumb, taking the left quarter of my thumb's nail bed with it.
It doesn't look infected so far, but I have the worst time changing the gauze because it's getting stuck on the exposed flesh. The first time I changed the wrapping, it started bleeding because I removed any progress it was making overnight. Today, it's still on and stuck. I've tried water. I've tried glycerin. I've even tried vegetable oil. Nothing.
Maybe I'm not soaking it in warm water long enough? I'm trying not to resort to peroxide because I'm told it inhibits growth of new cells, but if it's dried blood or squishy new cells making it stick, wouldn't that be the best solution? It helped when I did it yesterday, though, although it burned like hell when it went under the exposed edge of my nail bed.
Oh, and I threw that mandoline slicer right the fuck out. Those things crave human flesh, and I am not okay with that.
Shit. Really all there is for it is to soak it as long as you can and rip it the fuck out and start over. Otherwise if you trim it as much as you can, your tissue should eventually reject it. But it's a major infection risk until then, though. So better out than in. After that, the best thing is to be wrapping it in stick proof bandage, for burns. Off the top of my head I'm not sure what product you'd find in stores, but you're looking for something petrolatum coated to prevent this happening again.
Peroxide probably won't help much but is worth a try at this point if it loosens some of the dead tissue and lets you get the gauze off. At this stage clean dressings changed as needed with gauze that is stick proof, ie for burns, is the best thing. When you have some healing going on you can switch to neosporin but it's not going to help frank open wounds like that.
I had a feeling that's what you were going to tell me. I already trimmed it down as much as I could, given that I had to use my non-dominant hand to operate the scissors. Not to mention that I can only cut so close before it pulls on the stuck bit. I'm going to soak again in a minute to see if I can get it to budge. I'll try and find something to watch, since I can't internet well with my left hand.
Thanks for your help, I'll report back if anything changes.
So the ophthalmologist can't see me for three weeks, and it would be nice to get this solved sooner. :-/
I have a pimplelike bump on my lower right eyelid. At first I assumed it was a stye, because that was a thing I had heard of, and I understood it'd go away on its own. But then a couple weeks went by and it didn't go away, and now it's been more than three weeks. It's red and bumpy but not painful unless I touch it. WebMD suggests it might be a chalazion, which can take a very long time to go away on its own, can require surgery, and can cause complications in post-op laser eye surgery patients (like me). Is there anything I can do about this before going to the ophthalmologist?
ETA: I've tried hot compresses; no obvious effect except to make the site redder.
Further ETA: Never mind! It turns out the solution to hot compress not working is MOAR HOT COMPRESS. Like, ten minutes at a time, a few times a day. Worked like a charm. Pay no attention to the unsightly swollen eye picture.
Last edited by satyreyes (10-03-2015 10:13:36 PM)
If that was the problem it was possibly a clogged up hair follicle or something. Basically the heat forced vascular dilation and summoned white blood cells (heat is their bat signal, which is why they don't suggest tylenol for minor temps) so your body cleaned up the area and flushed the crap out easier. Glad you got it resolved.
I have been having, like, an excessive amount of vaginal discharge the past two weeks. It's clear, the viscosity of water, and doesn't smell any different than my usual fucking weird salty vagina smell, or any stronger than one would expect a whole bunch of discharge to smell, but it's seeping though my underwear and pants like I've wet myself and I've had to start wearing liners, which have to be changed out at least once during work. One day I soaked through the liner and my underpants, and I had to change.
I just got my period today, six days late. Have any idea why I suddenly have a hentai vagina???
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
I have been having, like, an excessive amount of vaginal discharge the past two weeks. It's clear, the viscosity of water, and doesn't smell any different than my usual fucking weird salty vagina smell, or any stronger than one would expect a whole bunch of discharge to smell, but it's seeping though my underwear and pants like I've wet myself and I've had to start wearing liners, which have to be changed out at least once during work. One day I soaked through the liner and my underpants, and I had to change.
I just got my period today, six days late. Have any idea why I suddenly have a hentai vagina???
Actually, I have a problem with discharge myself. It smells appalling and it's corrosive. I'm quite literally burning through my knickers. It's taken me three months to figure out why I kept getting holes in exactly the same place (I'm not quick on the uptake at times) and it's getting worse. I shower thoroughly once a day and use a pH neutral, fragrance free vaginal soap. I don't use deodourants or anything like that. I've not added any new medications to my regime, although I have taken up a generic multi vitamin. Actually, I'm beginning to develop a bad odour all over, and it's gradually intensifying. No one's said anything yet, but they will start soon. Any idea what's going on?
Today I had my first period in two years. I am still a virgin so they have always been irregular. When I asked my shrink if my Divalproex could delay it he put me on Metformin but I reacted VERY badly to it and had to quit. The blood is dark brown and I could stand to lose twenty-seven pounds if that helps. I know it was damn stupid to wait this long but I have no insurance and can barely afford my regular medication every month. Oh, and I am no longer a spring chicken so I was wondering if it's the beginning of menopause. I have no family history of gynological problems save endemetriosis. Any ideas?
Wednesday I noticed I had some kind of welt on my left arm. I don't remember being bitten by anything, but it looks like an insect bite. For about 2 days, it had a red swollen area about the size of two quarters.
Friday, I started feeling ill. Nothing serious, just stuffy nose, sore throat, slightly fatigued. It's now Tuesday morning, and that sense of illness hasn't receded yet.
I'm tempted to go to the doctor, but without even knowing that it was, in fact, a bite, much less what actually bit me, I'm at a loss for what I'd tell the physician.
EDIT: Additional complication - friend who was with me on Friday is now also having similar symptoms. So..I'm not sure if we caught the same thing, if I somehow gave her my illness, or if it is entirely coincidental.
Last edited by Ashnod (05-03-2016 12:19:34 AM)
Holy shit sorry I've been off the map here. You guys with the vaginal problems still having them? I can work on replies if you still have ongoing issues.
As for you Ash, did you go camping or were you otherwise outdoors? A lot of tick and flea nonesense can present this way, like a vague sense of ill. I would say if it hasn't resolved by the end of this weekend, see a doctor. There are plenty of things your body can fight off while you just feel vaguely like ass. A persistent sense of that, or any other changes, would suggest a need to see a doc. You should look around for another other bites or such if you haven't already.
Giovanna wrote:
Holy shit sorry I've been off the map here. You guys with the vaginal problems still having them?
I can work on replies if you still have ongoing issues.
As for you Ash, did you go camping or were you otherwise outdoors? A lot of tick and flea nonesense can present this way, like a vague sense of ill. I would say if it hasn't resolved by the end of this weekend, see a doctor. There are plenty of things your body can fight off while you just feel vaguely like ass. A persistent sense of that, or any other changes, would suggest a need to see a doc. You should look around for another other bites or such if you haven't already.
1: Said competitor was sick before I played with her, so there's a good chance I got it from her instead of vice-versa.
2: A spider crawled out of the window sleeves on my driver's side door a few days ago. I was driving when I noticed the bite - I'd say there is a fair chance the little crawly was there when the bite happened. I squished it, then felt bad about it. Sure, it's likely that was the bugger that bit me, considering where it was hiding and where my arm was when it noticed I had a bite (resting on the door). But I don't know that it was that spider. I could have squished an innocent arachnid.
Last edited by Ashnod (05-07-2016 06:32:23 AM)
Ahh, then yes, it's possible you picked up something from her. Something we see among each other as nurses is a kind of Occam's Razor over-throwing thing where two minor events will crash into one bigger one. It could be you caught a slight cold and got bitten, and each slightly reduced your capacity to deal with the other without noticing it.
Is the little bite gone entirely? Still have symptoms? This is around when I'd consider seeing a doctor, although it's unlikely any of them would do anything yet, to be honest. Your kinds of symptoms probably won't fascinate a doctor much unless the bite location looks wonky, or new symptoms develop. (Be especially attentive to numbness or tingling or strange sensations like that.)