This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Description: In celebration of the third year anniversary of USR Fanbase's Rose Signet release and as a Christmas gift, we are offering free WORLDWIDE shipping on all products for a limited period!
Duration: November 23 - December 5, 2009
1. Individuals who will purchase any of USRF's products automatically get free worldwide shipping for their orders.
2. Specific shipping services will be assigned by purchase price brackets. Please refer to the list below:
Purchase price bracket ------------ Eligible free shipping service
$ 165.00 and below ------------------- International Registered Mail
$ 166.00 to $ 300.00 ------------------ International EMS
$ 301.00 and above ------------------- FedEx International Priority
3. Clients may still choose their preferred shipping options over the free shipping service during the promo. However, should the client choose thus, the promo offer will be voided, and the shipping fees will be charged to your bill.
4. All orders must be settled by the 6th of December to be entitled to free shipping.
5. All orders placed within the promo period will be shipped out by January 2010.
Please send any inquiries to the e-mail address below:
utenasignetringfanbase @ hotmail . com
Update by Juri-senpai / FencingCaptain
USRF Project Staffer
Last edited by FencingCaptain (11-14-2010 06:01:15 AM)