This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
...this is even a question? I do, however, remember someone commenting on an AMV or somesuch with "Akio/Touga is so unbelievably KAWAII!!" which did not, for me, sum up their relationship. But, well, let's face it, Akio uses sex a great deal and just plain enjoys it, and Touga primarily manipulates/gains power from it. And they spend a lot of time waving their nipples at one another.
It's a done deal.
Also, if any more proof is needed? There's Which cracks me up and traumatises me at the same time, especially for its misuse of Mikage's pointing.
Fluffy wrote:
There's Which cracks me up and traumatises me at the same time, especially for its misuse of Mikage's pointing.
I have downloaded that particular Flash clip some time ago and all I can say is two things, Akio suits a deep french accent and Touga is most definantly the Uke in that relationship *hehe*
Akio and Touga? Sure.
Akio and Wakaba? Nah. Why? There's no reason for Akio to seduce her. It wouldn't further his plans to get ahold of Utena's soul-sword.
Akio and Kozue is implied, with Kozue's comment to Nanami about meeting a "long-legged older man".
Fluffy wrote:
That, that is my new favorite AMV.
Frau Eva wrote:
After many years of clamoring for a continuation of his famous Shoujo Kakumei Utena series, Kunihiko Ikuhara has finally released details of his new straight-to-video series, "Akio Does Tokyo."
Will the sequel be "Ohtori Academy Survivor: Who Can keep Their Clothes on the Longest"?
Fluffy wrote:
There's Which cracks me up and traumatises me at the same time, especially for its misuse of Mikage's pointing.
That AMV breaks my brain. Totally. I've only seen it twice and it breaks my brain. But that song get's stuck in your head...*BRAIN MELTDOWN*
Clarice wrote:
No! What about you, camera man?"
I really have to wonder what is done with all of those pictures, and whether Touga really likes the idea of them existing. Oh wait. He's not pictured with Akio at any point (that we know of). Now that I think of it he probably wouldn't mind any more than Akio would. They'd just get even more sex. So they're obviously not blackmail. Maybe Akio uses them for a quick , in which case it really gives him away that there are as many pictures of AKIO HIMSELF.
The photographing is one of those things that you almost don't even question in SKU, although removed from the series, it should at least cock an eyebrow. Kinda like the planets floating in the windows outside Utena and Anthy's room in the tower. It shouldn't make sense, but it's SKU so it does. Taking photographs is a perfectly normal and reasonable thing for Akio and Touga to do.
Clarice wrote:
Heh, I remember that -- it amused me, although I was somewhat bemused at the vehemence of your hatred,
Like I said, I never much cared for Touga one way or another until he really started screwing with Nanami's head -- which is because Nanami became my favourite female character in the end. I do admit to being interested by movie!Touga though; the movie is usually just Teh Pretty to me, but his characterisation in that was really interesting. Just...not as fun. Without the pr0n and all, I mean.
It was jealousy.
As for the movie...truth. If, as we're saying in the other thread, movie Shiori was Ends of the World, she didn't do nearly enough taking pictures of Touga sprawled all over things. (Then again Akio probably didn't have Touga painting his toenails, so...)
Fluffy wrote:
...this is even a question? I do, however, remember someone commenting on an AMV or somesuch with "Akio/Touga is so unbelievably KAWAII!!" which did not, for me, sum up their relationship. But, well, let's face it, Akio uses sex a great deal and just plain enjoys it, and Touga primarily manipulates/gains power from it. And they spend a lot of time waving their nipples at one another.
Does Touga ever have nipples? I recall this being an honor the animators bestowed only on Akio. Either way, 'kawaii' is the last word in any language that I would use to describe anything to do with those two interacting with each other.
Clarice wrote:
[snickers] I seriously doubt it, but then one wonders how many tricks and tips he picked up from Akio anyway. there's an idea for a fic...and actually ties in to what you were saying about what the hell Touga was thinking when he first got involved with Akio. Now THAT I would like to know. I mean, seriously? WTF? I would guess he wasn't exactly inexperienced or anything at the time and thought he knew what he was doing, but...crap, I'm tired as well and I am making little sense. But one of the few times I really liked series!Touga was when he was talking to Saionji and was all man-handling his nipples in front of the paparazzi/press conference cameras, and Saionji made one wry remark and one camera fell over and broke. I think Touga believed he was the student who was going to surpass the master, but er. This is Akio here...
I also find it interesting that Touga then started using his submission to Akio to kind of martyr himself for Utena's own honour, but that's a whole nother story and I am making about as much sense as one of Nanami's curry recipes. And I must also stop thinking of new and exotic vibrator settings. [coughs] God, who knew getting back into this series would be
I can post twice in a row because I'm the Admin.
I don't know whether Touga had any experience with men before Akio, it seems odd to think not, if only because Touga's such an oversexed monster, and I really don't think he sees any problem with sleeping with men, despite his ridiculous preaching in the egg episode. Though overall, his preference is obviously for women, it's just hard for me to absorb the idea of Akio being his first male lover. (Although no doubt that would have made Akio's day/week/month.) Either way I'm sure he left that relationship knowing a few more tricks. (Touga became a Congressional page after leaving Ohtori. He then realized he really missed Akio. )
As for the scene with the microphones, it's one of the moments that made me fall in love with Saionji. As wrapped up in his own problems as he is, he has among the cast an incredible wisdom concerning the position they all find themselves in, and he accepts long before Touga does that Utena will not be saved. His role as Touga's Rose Bride, I think, he did knowing very well they wouldn't win. But it's what he knew Touga had to do, and Saionji would have been all for any open rebellion against Akio, even if that itself was part of the plan. (Saionji seemed to me far more aware than the others that he was being led about like a dog on a leash. But like a dog on a leash, he couldn't do anything about it except tug and fight at it, and internally he does exactly that. By this point in the series, I think Saionji realizes Touga's been had, and that even his rebellion isn't his own.
If there can be a Hello Kitty vibrator, it makes complete and perfect sense for there to be an Akio Car vibrator. Someone contact Ikuhara, I think we have a masterpiece of anime merchandising on our hands. I'd buy five. Three would stay in the box for collecting.
Giovanna wrote:
I can post twice in a row because I'm the Admin.
I don't know whether Touga had any experience with men before Akio, it seems odd to think not, if only because Touga's such an oversexed monster, and I really don't think he sees any problem with sleeping with men, despite his ridiculous preaching in the egg episode. Though overall, his preference is obviously for women, it's just hard for me to absorb the idea of Akio being his first male lover. (Although no doubt that would have made Akio's day/week/month.) Either way I'm sure he left that relationship knowing a few more tricks. (Touga became a Congressional page after leaving Ohtori. He then realized he really missed Akio.) know, that really reminds me of the fact I STILL haven't stopped laughing over Foley's Wikipedia page. It's since been changed back to what it is now, but for a while there it read Mark Adam Foley (born September 8, 1954 in Newton, Massachusetts) is an American politician who served as a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 until 2006, representing the 16th District of Florida. He doesn't like to use bookmarks, instead preferring to bend the pages over.
Giovanna wrote:
If there can be a Hello Kitty vibrator, it makes complete and perfect sense for there to be an Akio Car vibrator. Someone contact Ikuhara, I think we have a masterpiece of anime merchandising on our hands. I'd buy five. Three would stay in the box for collecting.
Pristine merchandise? Oh baby, that's going to be worth some sweet money someday, Ikuhara, where are you when the smut is calling your name?
Clarice wrote:
Horrible Foley quote
You, sir, are FIRED. I groaned loud enough to make my roomie look up from his Harvey Birdman.
Clarice wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
If there can be a Hello Kitty vibrator, it makes complete and perfect sense for there to be an Akio Car vibrator. Someone contact Ikuhara, I think we have a masterpiece of anime merchandising on our hands. I'd buy five. Three would stay in the box for collecting.
Pristine merchandise? Oh baby, that's going to be worth some sweet money someday,
Ikuhara, where are you when the smut is calling your name?
She's lying about the three boxes. She's going to end up wearing them all out after a year.
Back on topic, I tend to think that Touga would have at least tried sex with guys in the name of exploration. He's awfully precocious for a sixteen year old if he's having foursomes, and he's pretty uninhibited about the manlove. If I didn't think Saionji would have freaked, I'd have pegged him for being one of Touga's sexual experiments as well as one of his manipulative experiments. Not possible, though. Saionji seems like an eternal virgin-- guess he's found something eternal after all.
Giovanna wrote:
Saionji seemed to me far more aware than the others that he was being led about like a dog on a leash. But like a dog on a leash, he couldn't do anything about it except tug and fight at it, and internally he does exactly that. By this point in the series, I think Saionji realizes Touga's been had, and that even his rebellion isn't his own.
Yeah, I don't think Touga realized that until it was too late... and even then, I think he carried on with it because it was right, and not necessarily because it would successful. He doesn't seem surprised at all to lose, and he's the one who says they're going to be around until the end. I don't really have any more hard evidence of that, though.
Saionji is the more intuitive and sensitive of the two, though. He's already starting to realize how massively they've been fucked over at the beginning of the Akio Arc. That's probably one of the reasons Touga would keep him around-- pure speculation, but Saionji would be a great Distant Early Warning system for Touga if only Touga would take him seriously.
Oh, and my two cents on whether Touga and Akio have fucked? Well, what the hell do you think they did together in bed, ate crackers and watched When Harry Met Sally?
Yasha wrote:
Clarice wrote:
Horrible Foley quote
You, sir, are FIRED. I groaned loud enough to make my roomie look up from his Harvey Birdman.
Truth. I groaned heartily. (LOLOLOL)
Yasha wrote:
She's lying about the three boxes. She's going to end up wearing them all out after a year.
Keep going like that and you're going to get banned.
Yasha wrote:
Back on topic, I tend to think that Touga would have at least tried sex with guys in the name of exploration. He's awfully precocious for a sixteen year old if he's having foursomes, and he's pretty uninhibited about the manlove. If I didn't think Saionji would have freaked, I'd have pegged him for being one of Touga's sexual experiments as well as one of his manipulative experiments. Not possible, though. Saionji seems like an eternal virgin-- guess he's found something eternal after all.
I don't see Touga 'trying' to sex people much. I suspect he does a lot more 'succeeding'. But yeah, Saionji would have been a test subject except he'd also have completely freaked the fuck out at even the suggestion. He strikes me as someone that got 'the talk' prematurely and that 'the talk' involved a lot of 'this is bad/naughty'. Touga, if he ever had that conversation with a guardian, probably was always hitting third base regularly and was quite sure it wasn't too bad. Also I don't think Touga much gives a crap what authority figures tell him. That would include Akio, if Akio were to preach at him about anything. I doubt it, though. Way too busy sexing.
Yasha wrote:
Saionji is the more intuitive and sensitive of the two, though. He's already starting to realize how massively they've been fucked over at the beginning of the Akio Arc. That's probably one of the reasons Touga would keep him around-- pure speculation, but Saionji would be a great Distant Early Warning system for Touga if only Touga would take him seriously.
Yes, Touga would know to keep his eyes out if there's a sudden spike in Saionji's snide remarks and comments made with his eyes closed. On the flipside, Saionji'd need Touga to point out any time anything happened with someone he was interacting with himself. As perceptive as he is, he is his own blind spot.
Yasha wrote:
Oh, and my two cents on whether Touga and Akio have fucked? Well, what the hell do you think they did together in bed, ate crackers and watched When Harry Met Sally?
They really strike me more as Sleepless In Seattle types.
Giovanna wrote:
Keep going like that and you're going to get banned.
You'd miss me. Yeah, you'd get all sobby and sad over it, and keep asking yourself late at night why you ever thought to ban me. I know you. You're a real wuss at heart.
Giovanna wrote:
I don't see Touga 'trying' to sex people much. I suspect he does a lot more 'succeeding'.
But yeah, Saionji would have been a test subject except he'd also have completely freaked the fuck out at even the suggestion. He strikes me as someone that got 'the talk' prematurely and that 'the talk' involved a lot of 'this is bad/naughty'. Touga, if he ever had that conversation with a guardian, probably was always hitting third base regularly and was quite sure it wasn't too bad. Also I don't think Touga much gives a crap what authority figures tell him. That would include Akio, if Akio were to preach at him about anything. I doubt it, though. Way too busy sexing.
Ohhh, I have a story idea now. Give me a few days.
I really don't think Touga's parents ever tried to give him the talk. I probably think about the characters' origins way too much, but it seems to me that only neglect creates a child as self-sufficient, self-protective, and motivated as Touga. If he learned about sex, it was probably from his own research (yes, I think he'd read up) and experimentation, and if anyone taught him anything, I'm betting it really was Akio.
Giovanna wrote:
Yes, Touga would know to keep his eyes out if there's a sudden spike in Saionji's snide remarks and comments made with his eyes closed. On the flipside, Saionji'd need Touga to point out any time anything happened with someone he was interacting with himself. As perceptive as he is, he is his own blind spot.
But the problem there is that Touga would overestimate his own capabilities in judging when things are going wrong and tend not to listen. You know, like he did before his last duel.
Giovanna wrote:
They really strike me more as Sleepless In Seattle types.
I've never seen that movie
I'd apologise for the Wikipedia quote, but hey, everyone knows the Wikipedia IS the most reliable source of information in the entire world, ooh yeah.
Giovanna wrote:
I don't see Touga 'trying' to sex people much. I suspect he does a lot more 'succeeding'.
But yeah, Saionji would have been a test subject except he'd also have completely freaked the fuck out at even the suggestion. He strikes me as someone that got 'the talk' prematurely and that 'the talk' involved a lot of 'this is bad/naughty'. Touga, if he ever had that conversation with a guardian, probably was always hitting third base regularly and was quite sure it wasn't too bad. Also I don't think Touga much gives a crap what authority figures tell him. That would include Akio, if Akio were to preach at him about anything. I doubt it, though. Way too busy sexing.
Yasha wrote:
I really don't think Touga's parents ever tried to give him the talk. I probably think about the characters' origins way too much, but it seems to me that only neglect creates a child as self-sufficient, self-protective, and motivated as Touga. If he learned about sex, it was probably from his own research (yes, I think he'd read up) and experimentation, and if anyone taught him anything, I'm betting it really was Akio.
...given the way Nanami went with the birds and the bees and the egg she took into the bathtub with her, one gets the impression that not much of The Talking went on in the Kiryuu house (if, in fact, their parents actually ever LIVED there anyway). I garner the impression from the implied "homosexuality is BAD and UNNATURAL" pep-talk Touga gave Nanami that he probably manages to convince his parents he's a goddamned vestal virgin whenever they actually happen to be around (and of course this is Ohtori, so I doubt putting on the Sweet and Innocent act would be much more than an annual event...).
And I think Touga enjoys authority most when it's on top of him, anyhow. [coughs]
I can never quite work out the sexual dynamics of the Saionji/Touga relationship, though. The impression one gets from the times Akio, Saionji and Touga are seen together making their own versions of dirty French rugby player calenders (DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THOSE), is that Saionji is kind of, experimenting. He doesn't seem exactly uncomfortable, but then I don't get the overriding impression of TOTAL MAN-HOT SEX I do when you put Akio and Touga in the top room of a phallic symbol together. And like was said above, Saionji strikes one as the reserved, stoic, disciplined type -- I just bet he got The Talk in the same fashion from his father. A young Saionji likely would have freaked if Touga put the moves on him, but I think the end-series Saionji knew exactly how shallow Touga's pleasures could be.
I did, however, read a fic a few years back called The Prince And The Pauper, which is...more series-based, but takes a nod from the movie in terms of Touga being a really warped cabbage-patch kid (and no, I don't think babies come from that particular kind of cabbage patch either). By the end of it the relationship between the young Touga and Saionji is achingly, believingly enmeshed with Touga's burgeoning and mildly pathological sexuality, and though it is disturbing as hell it works really well in the context of the series. I don't exactly OTP the two of them, but they're deliciously screwed up and...well, I think a lot of us around here seem to enjoy that. [coughs]
Giovanna wrote:
They really strike me more as Sleepless In Seattle types.
Aw, no Dirty Dancing?
I've thought about it, and I don't think Touga and Saonji ever did anything more than pose really purty (and man, do they do that well), but I suspect that Saonji did a round or two with Akio and realised that what he really wanted he wasn't going to get - Touga's respect. So, he stopped that and started lying around on things and getting photos taken of him.
And yeah - the photo thing always seemed to make perfect sense, as did the wierd "let's pose together while we fall onto the bed" thing that Utena and Anthy did.
(As a side note, I apparently have missed several episodes in my first run of Utena - I don't have all of the Black Rose series. This may be very very bad.)
Yasha wrote:
I really don't think Touga's parents ever tried to give him the talk. I probably think about the characters' origins way too much, but it seems to me that only neglect creates a child as self-sufficient, self-protective, and motivated as Touga. If he learned about sex, it was probably from his own research (yes, I think he'd read up) and experimentation, and if anyone taught him anything, I'm betting it really was Akio.
I suspect Touga caught someone screwing one day and was all downhill from there. I'd even be surprised it was his parents, they were almost certainly neglectful given how their kids turned out. (And Saionji? He has all the evidence of someone whose parents were too present in all the wrong ways. Oh, SKU. )
And say what you will about how evil Akio is, but I bet he was an excellent teacher. Also that situation strikes me as disturbingly hot.
Clarice wrote:
The impression one gets from the times Akio, Saionji and Touga are seen together making their own versions of dirty French rugby player calenders (DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THOSE), is that Saionji is kind of, experimenting.
HOLY CRAP I know about those. Naughty, naughty, NAUGHTY FRENCH PEOPLE. FREEDOM FRIES. (The guys are a little hunky for my tastes but I have to give them credit for some very, very lovely photos.)
As for Saionji, he definitely wasn't as comfortable with the mansex, but at the same time I think his curiosity fueled his comfort in the situation. I think there was a deep down reserve he was drawing from that calmed him in the face of something that should have freaked him right out. Touga was getting knocked down a few pegs. That must have been satisfying for him.
Clarice wrote:
Aw, no Dirty Dancing?
NO. They have better taste than this.
He falls ot of a window and that's good enough for me.
Suncat wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
That's okay, they fixed everything wrong with Akio in the movie.
No, they just "fixed" Akio in the movie. Like a pet dog.
Laurie, I think in his case it was a blessing.
Suncat wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
That's okay, they fixed everything wrong with Akio in the movie.
No, they just "fixed" Akio in the movie. Like a pet dog.
Bob Barker would be pleased.
the answer to end all answers lies within the confines of Akio's room...
there within a black chest under lock and key is where...
they have their frisky romps on VHS and DVD! - with interactive menus!!!
The creator of the (mostly) BDSM hentai Cool Devices is named Akio. And he has videos of him and Touga in his room?
I was convinced that they were sexing it up the first time I saw them interact. So much of the series relies on innuendo, and I see it as lots of sex. Lots and lots of sex.
Oh, yes, absolutely they are. Touga is sleeping with the boss and has been for awhile. He's in it to win it. And Anthy has somewhat defected and can't be trusted so Akio needs another sidekick to do his manipulating. What a relationship.
Also, I think, not totally sure, but I believe Akio doesn't start the camera thing until after Utena asks him to take a picture of her and Anthy when she notices that there are no pictures of Anthy ("Chu Chu, stop that." love the Anthy passive-aggressiveness in that scene, standing between Utena and Akio). Then Akio really seems to use the camera a lot. A way to capture people, a form of control.
Hey, it used to be thought that cameras stole the souls of the people photographed...
Dani wrote:
Also, I think, not totally sure, but I believe Akio doesn't start the camera thing until after Utena asks him to take a picture of her and Anthy when she notices that there are no pictures of Anthy ("Chu Chu, stop that." love the Anthy passive-aggressiveness in that scene, standing between Utena and Akio). Then Akio really seems to use the camera a lot. A way to capture people, a form of control.
Nope, he's taking naughty pictures of Touga long before that bit. Although wow is that scene creepily awesome.
Giovanna wrote:
Does Touga ever have nipples? I recall this being an honor the animators bestowed only on Akio. Either way, 'kawaii' is the last word in any language that I would use to describe anything to do with those two interacting with each other.
I don't think we ever do see nipples for Touga. I can see Touga and Saionji having open shirts, but it always surprises me with Saionji. He seems so surprised at some things: Anthy being a "doll," a young girl with pink hair being in a coffin and Touga marvelling over it, Akio being the one that saved her. I didn't think he'd be the type to whip open his shirt. I thought he'd dismiss it as Touga's foolishness (especially with Akio.) Sort of virginal, like a few people have said. Of course, he does adapt. If an upside-down spinning castle of eternity hasn't shooed him off, an open shirt shouldn't. I'm sure he's seen what his "best friend" is capable of. I don't think he cares much for fangirls at all, evidenced by Wakaba's letter. Only when she helps him (poor Wakaba) does he begin to show or at least think of appreciation.
My point was supposed to be that Saionji gets no nipple time either. I know in this ... I don't know what the hell it is except the characters of Utena singing music from the show ( ) Saionji was about to open his shirt to flash his chest like Akio and Touga have, but he's cut short. Well, cut short and blocked by the bodies of both Touga and Akio. It could be the not into sex thing or the lack of sex appeal because of who Saionji is or his character type on the show. Or me just reading too much into nipples.
But back to Touga's nipples, if he doesn't have them, he's sure rubbing and stroking them enough to hide that fact most of the time.