This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hinotori wrote:
Last year a couple of my cats died and my friend drew this for me. I don't really have the heart to change it.
Hug me.
My baby girl, Pasha, the prettiest most wonderfully arrogant and bitchy kitty I ever had, the biggest suck for cuddling with me ever, died last year too. Even I find this kind of creepy, but I still dream about her and tear up when I think about her. But hey, that's what having only a cat for company for most of four years will do to you.
Mine's pretty basic - it was the Mikage and Utena duelling one from Empty Movement but then I saw the picture in the middle the other day and cracked up, so I threw it against an orange background and set it as my background. I do kind of miss Utena a bit, even if the kids in my Astronomy lab always gave me weird looks whenever I turned on my computer - pfft, what do they know?
Yasha wrote:
Hinotori wrote:
Last year a couple of my cats died and my friend drew this for me. I don't really have the heart to change it.
Hug me.
My baby girl, Pasha, the prettiest most wonderfully arrogant and bitchy kitty I ever had, the biggest suck for cuddling with me ever, died last year too. Even I find this kind of creepy, but I still dream about her and tear up when I think about her. But hey, that's what having only a cat for company for most of four years will do to you.
Aww!! -hug-
People spend so much time taking care of pets they start to see them almost like children or family. Hendrix and Hope were two of my closest companions for 7-8 years. D: It's natural to feel that way.
Yeah, I'm totally the type of person that gets their pets cremated.
Hinotori wrote:
People spend so much time taking care of pets they start to see them almost like children or family. Hendrix and Hope were two of my closest companions for 7-8 years. D: It's natural to feel that way.
Yeah, I'm totally the type of person that gets their pets cremated.
I'm done derailing after this, but I just had to say... my Pasha-cat was literally the only other living being I used to see for two weeks at a time sometimes. It was a really fucked up four years... and when she died, I did get her cremated. Her ashes are in an urn in my bedroom, sitting on a pedestal held by a statue of Bastet, who inspired her name. It still hurts, because when I had literally no one else, I had her.
Ah well. Enough depression. Here's hoping Bastet really exists, if only to take care of the kitties we loved.
Back to desktops, the one I really wish I could use is this one. It's too small for my resolution, though. I don't know if Isthmus is on here, but if you are, dammit, make me a 1024x768 one and I'll love you forever
Or make one with Touga Either way
Aha, if there's anything there to keep the souls of deceased humans, then I'm sure animals have the same. I have a tiny shrine to those who've passed in my room (over the past year or so there's been enough to warrent it) and I keep their urns there with a few old pictures and toys. My biggest comfort is that their mother, despite having FIV for as long as she's been with me is still around and made a good grieving partner at the time.
On a less depressing note. o: That reminds me vaguelly of some of some of my favourite Utena fanart. I don't know much about the artist, but if I were to ever go back to using Utena pictures for my desktop it'd be the Juri/Jesus is Dead? picture, mostly because it's so pleasently surreal. ;>
i just noticed the Visual Kei one! ahh so me posty this one
i loooooves me some Mizer!
and for utena sake
and i loooooves me some touga!
Yasha wrote:
Back to desktops, the one I really wish I could use is this one. It's too small for my resolution, though. I don't know if Isthmus is on here, but if you are, dammit, make me a 1024x768 one and I'll love you forever
Here you go! The quality isn't as good, but I think it looks alright. And you could also simply stretch the image if it's too small for a wallpaper, it works fine with most images.
And here's my Wolf's Rain wallpaper.
This pic was also 800x600.
Wow, I've been trying to stay away from here 'cause I'm coming up on finals, but I just changed my desktop and I couldn't help but share it here:
But does it have a key?
Maarika wrote:
Yasha wrote:
Back to desktops, the one I really wish I could use is this one. It's too small for my resolution, though. I don't know if Isthmus is on here, but if you are, dammit, make me a 1024x768 one and I'll love you forever
Here you go! The quality isn't as good, but I think it looks alright. And you could also simply stretch the image if it's too small for a wallpaper, it works fine with most images.
You are a wonderful person, and I will use that as my desktop the moment I get my damn computer fixed.
Now I'm having OSX go through my Christmas images directory and randomly changing my wallpaper every hour.
This one (which I only found about a week ago) is far and away my favorite of the lot:
I am almost positive that it's fanart. It's an absolutely adorable picture of Tsubasa and Hikaru from Figure 17, my second favorite anime of all time.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
But does it have a key?
Mm, I dunno... not quite the Akio car, though.
Oh, and Imaginary Bad Bug? I think I probably just died from cuteness overload.
4chan, I love you. Sometimes.
Someone needs to make some Utena motivationals.
onsenmark wrote:
4chan, I love you. Sometimes. … /cdrop.jpg
A Day Without Me wrote:
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
But does it have a key?
Mm, I dunno... not quite the Akio car, though.
You must retrieve the key! Or it will go all rusty and is not reversible like the Utena car!
This wallpaper is Eri from the series School Rumble. She's the 'billionare princess' type who develops a crush on Harima (even when she denies it) when he accidently proposed his undying love to her. (He thought she was his beloved Tenma)
My new one. This is based on my comic cover image.
*sigh* I guess I won't be able to finish it this year.... so very little time.
I mentioned before that I haven't used wallpaper since I set up dual monitors. Yesterday I recreated an old wallpaper of mine at a higher resolution (as a 1280x1024) and did this double-wallpaper, so now I've got something of interest on both monitors (something different instead of the same thing twice). Yay!
I have a friend who spoils me with gorgeous desktops.
Oo, me likes.