This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
You know when you've been away so long that you don't know where to begin, suddenly the forum looks like a maze of topic's, your heart is thudding in your chest, Utena at your fingertips, and you barely know how to breath let alone type a word?
Of course not, because no one is crazy enough to leave IRG for even the shortest period. I'm even convinced that most of us IRG users when thousands of miles away from a computer still manage to retain a pyschic link of some kind with the forum, I myself have mentally many a time opened my inbox to check for messages, to the amazing glee of my egocentric imagination which always recieves towering e-mail letters of adoration and praise.
In any case after seeing Mishi mention a short departure and having my second departure here already I feel that it'd be a nice idea to have a welcome back thread along with an introduction thread for all those who have been exiled from the promise land of sex and metaphor *cough* I mean Utena, and need guiding back in again.
For one thing, I have a small query to ask. Have the title to the forums changed in my absence or am I just going crazy, because that happens a lot you see, going crazy.
You're going crazy. *winks*
No, seriously, the forum titles were changed by Giovanna while she was testing spambot theories and upgrading the forum. You missed the Gender Disco.
Lady Chani wrote:
You're going crazy. *winks*
No, seriously, the forum titles were changed by Giovanna while she was testing spambot theories and upgrading the forum. You missed the Gender Disco.
*obnoxiously points to post count* yes...I saved you from the devil there
*gasps* Oh no!! Gender Disco! I can't believe I missed it!!
......what's a gender disco....
.... I'd been going to make a post about my evil post count and I missed it? *headdesk* Oh well. It's just a number that means I'm 2/3 of the way to a thousand posts.
None of us really know either. I think it was a crazy way to keep the GD with the same initials. Past that, well, I think a gender disco is where you have disco-fun with gender, of course!
(And welcome back, Coco. Should have said that in my first post.)
Lady Chani wrote:
You're going crazy. *winks*
No, seriously, the forum titles were changed by Giovanna while she was testing spambot theories and upgrading the forum. You missed the Gender Disco.
Oh, so THAT'S why the forum names changed. I wondered if someone was playing silly buggers with us.
I disappeared for a while but I have returned now!
I was re-watching Utena whilst I wasn't here, so it was not all that unbearable. But I have lots of catching up to do!
Yay, Maarika's back! XD
And long time no see Coco... welcome back!
If I made a post every time I disappear from forums for months on end those would be the only posts I'd make. I haven't been posting with any regularity since the middle of last year, I think. Might've been a spurt in early '08 maybe. Either way I doubt 3/4ths of of the board recognizes my name.
This is less of a "I'M BACK BITCHES" post and more of a "maybe I'll post more often" post.
I thought of you when Isaac Hayes died, Hino...and also just the other day when Reverend Glasseye came on my winamp. I hope you'll be around a bit.
I don't know whats wrong with me, I return then something happens and then I disappear...I swear I'm not this unstable in other areas of my life. I'm working on the consistency, but it's good to see other people coming back and basically saying how I felt so yay
Welcome back, lex! Also a long-overdue welcome back to azuresquirrel! You were one of the founding members of the forum, and us old-timers missed you Now all we have to do is get A Day Without Me back in the building...
awwwww...shucks thanks
I feel all loved now.
:glomps satyreyes:
Welcome Back Yasha !
Yay! It's a Yasha! *snuggles*
Hey, sweeties. Sorry about dropping off, I'm so wrapped up in my work it's not even funny. Short-staffed + incompetent boss = junior management gets to do everything. I figured I had to come back before I got losted forever, though.
Hi babe hugs and good to see ya.
So what is the hat mafia? and how much does it cost to have someone talked to?
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (10-23-2008 12:11:17 AM)
The Hat Mafia is just something that happened at RoseCon-- Gio, Frosty and I were in Little Italy and we got called the hat mafia by some passersby because we were all wearing fedoras. I decided to expand the membership to honorary members who weren't there and didn't consent to being in the hat mafia because I had seen them wearing hats.
Yasha wrote:
The Hat Mafia is just something that happened at RoseCon-- Gio, Frosty and I were in Little Italy and we got called the hat mafia by some passersby because we were all wearing fedoras. I decided to expand the membership to honorary members who weren't there and didn't consent to being in the hat mafia because I had seen them wearing hats.
You guys could've been the Triforce Fedora (My geekiness is talking ), or the Three Fedora Musketeers.
Oh, but that would exclude all the other hat-wearers! I would be sad.
Yasha wrote:
Oh, but that would exclude all the other hat-wearers! I would be sad.
Oh yeah... didn't think that through...
On the bright side, it would increase the demand for fedora hat on the market. Hopefully, there's enough supply to meet that kind of demand
Yasha wrote:
The Hat Mafia is just something that happened at RoseCon-- Gio, Frosty and I were in Little Italy and we got called the hat mafia by some passersby because we were all wearing fedoras. I decided to expand the membership to honorary members who weren't there and didn't consent to being in the hat mafia because I had seen them wearing hats.
AHHHHHHHHH cool I remember that and I recall asking someone to get me a hat ...darn I was this close to being in the hat mafia