This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Holy crap. That was the the most squee-worthy, hot, and mind-blowingly awesome T/S fanfics I have ever read. It doesn't even matter that I have a horrible stomach flu and really need some sleep, I simply could not stop myself from reading it start to finish in one sitting.
Thanks for the link!!!!
Two things about that fic are beyond me -- one, how I only ran across it ages after it was written, and two, how few people I've then run across who have read it. It's criminal. I adore that fic, dammit! (I only wish I'd written it! )
Clarice wrote:
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Holy crap. That was the the most squee-worthy, hot, and mind-blowingly awesome T/S fanfics I have ever read. It doesn't even matter that I have a horrible stomach flu and really need some sleep, I simply could not stop myself from reading it start to finish in one sitting.
Thanks for the link!!!!
Two things about that fic are beyond me -- one, how I only ran across it ages after it was written, and two, how few people I've then run across who have read it. It's criminal. I adore that fic, dammit! (I only wish I'd written it!
I can't believe it's taken me this long to read it either. It doesn't show up if you run a search for Touga/Saionji fanfiction.
Thanks for the wonderful review you gave me! But I might need to clear something up. Earth-22 was originally a miniseries called Kingdom Come, written by Mark Waid and Alex Ross. When DC Comics brought back the whole Multiverse thing, Kingdom Come was luckily enough to be a part of it.
Also, BlackRoseVixen, I;m going to start reading your fanfic since everyone says such nice things about it.
Oh, and I added something else to that isn't Utena. It's called Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love.
Last edited by XHelios6 (03-31-2008 04:42:42 PM)
XHelios6 wrote:
Also, BlackRoseVixen, I;m going to start reading your fanfic since everyone says such nice things about it.
Thanks. Be sure to drop me a few reviews to tell me what you think.
There's good fanfiction out there on Fanfiction.Net and there's really bad fanfiction. By bad, I mean MSTing it would be complimenting the author. Hopefully I can steer you to some good fanfiction...
Thirty Ways to Torture Miki, by Ravenbell.
Some of the chapters are very unforgiving, so tread lightly if you're a Miki fan like Reanna. Which reminds me...
Ecchi Adventures, by none other than Baka Kakumei Reanna.
Despite what she says on the forums, she's a talented writer, and it shows. If you think Ecchi Adventures is funny, you might like her lighthearted other self-insertion story...
Murasakibara no Saga, also by Baka Kakumei Reanna.
It's a good read. The English title is "The Purple Rose Saga." Makes sense, as Reanna takes one for the team in the form of the purple rose.
On the personal front, there's Carmine Touch, written by me and posted under the same name I use for the forums. It's been posted in IFD, too, but this version is more complete. For an interesting idea that is still in progress, check out my Utena/Terranigma crossover, Shadow of Revolution. It's definitely more Utena, as only similar themes from Terranigma have been added to the story.
In the immortal words of the late Douglas Adams...
Share and Enjoy!
My ficcies.
My Utena one is rather embarrassing since it was written back in the good ole days when I was fourteen ... with my love for the manga ... and UxT. Durrr. It's somewhat famous with the UxT fans on the net. Because my views on Utena have changed rather drastially since then ... I'm not sure how well anyone will take it. People still tell me that they really enjoy it ... but now, I'm not so sure ...
My Cardcaptor one ... is probably just as embarrassing. It's a non-canon pairing (Tomoyo and Eriol). I have no idea why I love the pairing. Probably because they would look cute together ... though it's literally impossible.
The Libation Bearers, which is my Final Fantasy IX fic is my pride and joy of the moment. It's currently on hiatus because of school, but will get going again during the summer. If the title looks familiar, yes, it is loosely based off of Aeschylus's play, but follows closer to Eurpides's version (which is title Electra). I'm a geek of Greek mythology. Please read this if any of my fics.
"Blue Alert"
First thing I've written in gentle!
Clarice wrote:
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Oh yes for Clarice
thanks a lot! Also, I read a lot of your essays when I first entered the SKU fandom. Yea, I'm a closet Clarice fangirl don't shoot me.
Ahahahahaha, like I'd shoot you for that.
I like closets.
now that's a relief
Reccing is as respectful and goddamn beautiful as plugging is so an extra one goes to the lovely Clarice: and also two for the brilliant Bio:
for doing both. You are both examples of people dedicated and willing to contribute to a good cause, eat your cyber treats like war hero's wear medals of honour.
Looking forward to Anthiena, Biokraze, Ashnod, AnjitheArtist and Rae's work, haven't read any FF9 works in a long time now so I might check out The Libation Bearers as well, and no worries about it being you first or early on, *looks at Anji and Rae*, though I'm not farmilar with the manga I might have to read UxT with the movieverse in mind.
Deadwood by Celeste Goodchild (i.e Clarice) was REALLY good by the way.
I think I'm gonna try out the Utena/Eva fic next. If I get time maybe I might even be able to fit a Rec in as well.
Currently reading: Shin Kakumei Evangelion by Ashnod / Ever recc'd by Clarice
Last edited by Coco Melancholy (04-14-2008 07:02:59 AM)
*screams* Clarice, I love you, those rec's were awesome, I didn't sleep until 5:30 in the morning yesterday because I was up reading Ever, I think I've actually been on but I would never have found that fic on my own. Thanks a LOT! I have also read the prequeal which was equally awesome. God, why doesn't this person have any more fic
I also read the prince and the pauper which was lovely and bittersweet, just for the record, if there's any other fic's you like, seriously, feel free to rec them to me, I totally trust your opioun.
I'm halfway through Shin Kakumei Evangelion by Ashnod, the fourth disc I think, and it's looking to be quite the story script, I wasn't sure how it would work but it's turned out to be a pleasant surprise, I can't wait to see what happens on the final disc!!
Again thanks to everyone for contributing, also, I know there are more authors in here, *sends out piercing looks* if any of you have anything to offer, please feel free to contribute, I'm sure I'm not the only one who is benefiting from this fanfiction aid.
Currently reading: Shin Kakumei Evangelion by Ashnod / Thirty Ways to Torture Miki by Ravenbell
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Clarice, I love you, those rec's were awesome, I didn't sleep until 5:30 in the morning yesterday because I was up reading Ever, I think I've actually been on but I would never have found that fic on my own. Thanks a LOT! I have also read the prequeal which was equally awesome. God, why doesn't this person have any more fic
I also read the prince and the pauper which was lovely and bittersweet, just for the record, if there's any other fic's you like, seriously, feel free to rec them to me, I totally trust your opioun.
I think that's me recc'ed out, unfortunately; the only other fics I really remember are Archimage (which I only got halfeay through) and Jaquemart, which had me throwing things against a wall after a while (it started well, petered out, went weird, is my memory of it). But yes. Ever After. Christ, what I wouldn't give for more from that author.
Clarice wrote:
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Clarice, I love you, those rec's were awesome, I didn't sleep until 5:30 in the morning yesterday because I was up reading Ever, I think I've actually been on but I would never have found that fic on my own. Thanks a LOT! I have also read the prequeal which was equally awesome. God, why doesn't this person have any more fic
I also read the prince and the pauper which was lovely and bittersweet, just for the record, if there's any other fic's you like, seriously, feel free to rec them to me, I totally trust your opioun.
I think that's me recc'ed out, unfortunately; the only other fics I really remember are Archimage (which I only got halfeay through) and Jaquemart, which had me throwing things against a wall after a while (it started well, petered out, went weird, is my memory of it). But yes. Ever After. Christ, what I wouldn't give for more from that author.
That's quite funny I've had the /exact/ same expierence with BOTH those fic's, since I'm guessing their like the epic's of this fandom. Its things like Ever After why I can never beat my self-inflicted sleep deprevation, I would of kept on going if it wasn't for that meddling end. *sings* why do good things come to an end.
Also I have bone to pick with you Clarice I've become a Nemuro/Mikage fangirl, and its all your fault, I hope your happy now, what have you got to say for yourself.
Finished Thirty-ways to torture Miki, thanks BioKraze, I've said it before but just for the record, it's shocking the lack of attention some of the great fic's in this fandom get. I was convulsing by the time I got half-way through this thing, it /was/ actually quite sad and downright frightening in places but man I couldn't stop laughing, Miki is just so damn easy to torture, I went to bed laughing at Mamiya's line, that will now and forever be a classic.
Currently reading: Ecchi Adventures O.o by Baka Kakumei Reanna / Shin Kakumei Evangelion by Ashnod
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Also I have bone to pick with you Clarice
I've become a Nemuro/Mikage fangirl, and its all your fault, I hope your happy now, what have you got to say for yourself.
You know, somehow I missed this comment...and what DO I have to say for myself?
...obviously, I am anything BUT ashamed.
To Rae: I should have said before but the linkie doesn't work
I have never heard of Terranigma but I admit I'm curious. I've read Carmine touch, (which has actually inspired me) found it very creepy and haunting, especially the end, I think Poison would suit it very nicely. I have no clue why I haven't commented till now, *shrugs* go figure, here's a poptart:
I've just read Blue Alert (only one chapter?), and liked it, that's good especially for a first fic (or fic in a long time), I found the strengths were in the visual descriptive narrative and Miki's non-too happy thoughts, yes, Kozue *should* have fangs in that pretty little mouth of hers. Here well deserved:
Clarice wrote:
Coco Melancholy wrote:
Also I have bone to pick with you Clarice
I've become a Nemuro/Mikage fangirl, and its all your fault, I hope your happy now, what have you got to say for yourself.
You know, somehow I missed this comment...and what DO I have to say for myself?
...obviously, I am anything BUT ashamed.
By anything I hope you're including REMORSEFUL, it's like an illness, seriously, you've infected me *cries* O.o
Any more pledges ^.^
Here, since you liked the first chapter...
Virtual Star Embryology: Martian Heaven … ian_Heaven