This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I just hope that I end up having sex with people who understand that I'm quiet during sex. Actually it gets to a point that when I'm physically aroused, I can't talk. My voice just doesn't respond if I try to talk. And it takes a hell of a lot to get more than a grunt out of me too. If I don't yelp when being caned, then who knows what it'll take to get me to make noise...
Shatter, I guarantee I can get you to yelp. In a VERY good way. There will be pictures...maybe the forum should start a fund to get you and me in the same place.
_ J _ wrote:
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I just hope that I end up having sex with people who understand that I'm quiet during sex. Actually it gets to a point that when I'm physically aroused, I can't talk. My voice just doesn't respond if I try to talk. And it takes a hell of a lot to get more than a grunt out of me too. If I don't yelp when being caned, then who knows what it'll take to get me to make noise...
Shatter, I guarantee I can get you to yelp. In a VERY good way. There will be pictures...maybe the forum should start a fund to get you and me in the same place.
But I wanted to make him yelp! I've already imagined the restraints I'll use with the tie & his apron!
Ah well, sharing is always an option I've never tried.
Well I'm always glad to have someone make me yelp, but I don't want anyone to get into arguments on who gets the privilege. If you're happy to share me then I'm happy to be shared. Perhaps we should have a board meet-up. Selling pictures and videos of the events would certainly help to offset the costs.
Can i shoot the video of this action please i' ll work for mostly free
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-15-2006 12:46:32 AM)
That's up to them now isn't it? I'm just the one they're going to be abusing.
....It's been killing me not to admit this to you guys, but I did once commit one of the ultimate sins: I yelled out another guy's name in bed.
Right. Gonna....go.... be ashamed of myself, and stuff.
morosemocha wrote:
....It's been killing me not to admit this to you guys, but I did once commit one of the ultimate sins: I yelled out another guy's name in bed.
Right. Gonna....go.... be ashamed of myself, and stuff.
Oh honey, you shouldn't be ashamed... as long as the guy whose name you called out was better in bed than the one you were with
Also, worst thing I've ever had said to me in bed? (And considering I'm still a virgin, it's pretty tame)
"Oh shit, I think I've come."
Goddamn short-fused boys
Last edited by Almaser (12-15-2006 06:07:34 AM)
He was. Mmmm...and the names were close enough that I don't think he noticed. Didn't matter anyway, because it was some reeeeeeally bad sex, yo. Never made that mistake again.
Almaser wrote:
Also, worst thing I've ever had said to me in bed? (And considering I'm still a virgin, it's pretty tame)
"Oh shit, I think I've come."
Goddamn short-fused boys
Ugh, never had that problem, as I've always gone for the age difference. Date five to seven years ahead of your age. That's what I do.
Last edited by morosemocha (12-15-2006 06:12:01 AM)
Tamago wrote:
"I bet if I shouted into your pussy, I will hear an echo."
Frosty wrote:
I can't believe I forgot to add: Can I Cum On Your Face?
Anyone heard of the latest combination of the two biggest Japanese fads, Bukkake & karaoke?
It's called bukkakaraoke & I can't tell you much about it, except for that it has something to do with the song 'In Your Eyes.'
Actually, this topic is reminding me of the first time my girlfriend & I tried tribadism... we weren't really doing it correctly, so we didn't 'feel' anything & this conversation ensued... (take note that we are still doing the thrusting motions while talking & this is at nighttime)
Her: Hey... hey, are you sure we're doing this right?
Me: I dunno... I don't really... uh... feel anything...
Her: Yeah... me neither...
Me: Uh... is that your foot?
Her: I think so...
Her: *snort* GAH! *laughing*
Me: Your sock is making me go all tickly... stoooop ittttt!!!!
Her: NO! HAHAH!!! *tickling me now*
Me: NOOOO!!!! *rolls over, we both fall on floor*
Her: MEEP! *crash* ow...
Her: WOOHOO! *we both get up and start dancing in the nude*
It's safe to say that no successful 'action' was acheived that night... but we did have a hella time!!!!
morosemocha wrote:
Yes. Hence why I never eat it. Also, I hate asparagus. I've heard the same thing about garlic, but I've never gotten a complaint. And I eat a lot of garlic. Mmm...vampires fear me!
I only like asparagus roasted, but I eat it when it doesn't count. Judging from my experiences, garlic either doesn't change it, or it doesn't bother me in the least.
Then again, I put garlic in everything. I might just like the taste.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I just hope that I end up having sex with people who understand that I'm quiet during sex. Actually it gets to a point that when I'm physically aroused, I can't talk.
Wow, I'm like the complete opposite. I get yappy when I'm sexing.
" Your brother was much better."
morosemocha wrote:
He was. Mmmm...and the names were close enough that I don't think he noticed. Didn't matter anyway, because it was some reeeeeeally bad sex, yo. Never made that mistake again.
Almaser wrote:
Also, worst thing I've ever had said to me in bed? (And considering I'm still a virgin, it's pretty tame)
"Oh shit, I think I've come."
Goddamn short-fused boysUgh, never had that problem, as I've always gone for the age difference. Date five to seven years ahead of your age. That's what I do.
Giovanna wrote:
Wow, I'm like the complete opposite. I get yappy when I'm sexing.
Totally understand where you're coming from. Funny thing is, I was always quiet in bed. Then I started having amazing, mind-blowing sex. Now I think I'm rather loud. And sometimes protecting the poor virginal roommate's ears by smothering myself with a pillow because my room's right next door is just not worth it. I think next time he's just going to have to acknowledge the fact that yes I am having sex and I am having sex with a woman. And enjoyng it.
I have divulged two things from this forum.
1) Shattered is the closest we've got to the town hoe. Not that I'm complaining.
2) I have missed you guys in my abscence. And I also want mind-blowing sex.
I myself am really loud. But then I'm kind of loud straight across the board, so it makes sense.
the worst thing to say in bed....EVER
"It smells like a papadam."
Almaser wrote:
morosemocha wrote:
Almaser wrote:
Also, worst thing I've ever had said to me in bed? (And considering I'm still a virgin, it's pretty tame)
"Oh shit, I think I've come."
Goddamn short-fused boysUgh, never had that problem, as I've always gone for the age difference. Date five to seven years ahead of your age. That's what I do.
(DIES laughing)
...wait. Fucking hell. No comment.
Personal_IceQueen wrote:
"Your brother was much better."
I can think of something even worse than that.
"My brother was far better."
Last edited by Tamago (12-16-2006 02:19:55 PM)
Calliston wrote:
1) Shattered is the closest we've got to the town hoe. Not that I'm complaining.
Do ya wanna feel... special?
I can make ya' feel special...for an hour or two! When we're together, the Earth will shake, and the will stars fall into the seeeeea!
I love Avenue Q. It's so delightfully inappropriate.
AVE Q wins wins !!!!!! listens to the sound track
PS: how did you become a Yaoi Pet #1? are their pics? if so can i see please
I wanna Yaoi Pet besides Touga
( he wants a new friend)
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-17-2006 09:55:31 AM)
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I love Avenue Q. It's so delightfully inappropriate.
But Cirque was in town, and it won out.
I haven't seen it either, I just have the soundtrack.
And I'm afraid there are no pictures. Yasha did it. I'll leave up to your imagination what "it" is.
Tamago wrote:
Personal_IceQueen wrote:
"Your brother was much better."
I can think of something even worse than that.
"My brother was far better."
that is pretty bad!
I think this:
about sums it up, esp 3. If you don't read Something Positive, then you should. If you can get through the first strip
you should be okay. S*P is something that gets me through life. Actually, S*P is the only site I check before IRG, so I guess you can fill in the blanks.