This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Rosemary Bats wrote:
Tamago wrote:
You could almost believe that Akio Ohtori and Gendo Ikari were cut from the same cloth when you think about the sort of things they have both done...scary!
Gendo, however, recognized his wrongdoings and even asked for Shinji's forgiveness (even though Shinji wasn't present) before he died (or was assimilated into Lilith). Akio was just like "oh well, she's dead, let's start the game over again, sis!"
(Not saying Akio's 'evil', no one in the series is TRULY good OR evil, they're too human for that crap...just saying he'd never ask forgiveness from anyone.)
It might be a bit of a copout to say this but, I believe that the main reason Akio isn't able or willing to care is that when Anthy removed a part of Dios which turned him into Akio, one of the things that was removed was most of his conscience which would prevent fromfrom feeling any deep remorse on his actions.
Tamago wrote:
Rosemary Bats wrote:
Tamago wrote:
You could almost believe that Akio Ohtori and Gendo Ikari were cut from the same cloth when you think about the sort of things they have both done...scary!
Gendo, however, recognized his wrongdoings and even asked for Shinji's forgiveness (even though Shinji wasn't present) before he died (or was assimilated into Lilith). Akio was just like "oh well, she's dead, let's start the game over again, sis!"
(Not saying Akio's 'evil', no one in the series is TRULY good OR evil, they're too human for that crap...just saying he'd never ask forgiveness from anyone.)
It might be a bit of a copout to say this but, I believe that the main reason Akio isn't able or willing to care is that when Anthy removed a part of Dios which turned him into Akio, one of the things that was removed was most of his conscience which would prevent fromfrom feeling any deep remorse on his actions.
Time for another RANDOM THEORY! Seriously, I have a hundred of these, and I dunno if they're right or wrong. I want people to know that when I throw these out there, I'm not disagreeing or trying to disprove other theories, just interjecting my own thoughts. *sweatdrop* Providing a different perspective, if it suits ya.
Your theory works perfectly with manga!Akio (seriously, you hit it on the nose, I think), but I personally think the characters in the anime are too complex for that. Even Akio is a human being: of what SORT, we don't know, but he and Anthy have shown the capacity/ability to feel many times, and that is the same human trait the other characters share.
I think that's the excuse Akio tells himself, about no longer being Dios. I think he's just so jaded from the experience of being used by the people of the world, and them killing his sister to boot, that he really doesn't give a fuck about anyone around him. The part of him WILLING to feel and love and care shriveled from him forcing himself not to care, until he really COULDN'T anymore, except for in the case of Anthy, to whom he displays a twisted, incomplete devotion (a mockup of "love") as long as she devoted herself to his goals. He made himself his own monster because of the rage and hate and betrayal he felt. He has a conscience: it just foesn't speak to him anymore, because he forcibly suffocated it.
Okay, so let's see if I can get a few of the theories together in a logical, flowing form........ (and a bit of mine)
The Sword of Dios.
The intention of the sword is outwardly noble-to bring miracles and change/revolution.... but the inward/actual purpose now is to control and to mislead.... the outward form matches the conceptions of the beholder. Saioji saw it as a way to change his pro quo-to bring his level of power to become equal to what he assumes Touga has.... however, this assumption is false. Touga saw it as a tool to bring change and power over others. (Utena in particular at the time.) He wanted to change her mind into thinking/believing that he was her Prince, even if he wasn't what she was looking for in the first place. Utena had no preconceptions, however, she took the literal view of the sword at first as Saionji saw it, thus it kept the same form.
However, Anthy does bring the illusion, which is afterall, partly real, that the sword is 'pure' and 'noble' and the permission to the Victor to draw upon it's powers, which is why things seemed to go to hell when Saionji tries to force her to bring him to the Castle of Eternity and at the end, when the power is realized in Utena, taking the power of the Prince and Anthy's belief.
When the soulswords are drawn in the Black Rose Arc, there are a few reasons as to why the swords seem darker and twisted. First reason: When the swords are taken out of the Duellists, it is done without their permission. Second: Consider the nature of the Black Roses. They are the symbol of the deepest, darkest desires of both the keeper and the taker. Like for Nanami, her sword contains her disdain for almost everyone save her brother, her loneliness in a sheltered, illusionary world where it's just her, her brother and possibly Miki and his sister. (Her 'parents' probably showed her off as a beautiful trophy child.) Her little pet boy forced his own impatience and frustrated admiration into the sword and into Nanami-much as if it were an act of rape if you will. Thirdly, both parties are being manipulated into action, though how the flow of power goes (blindness>Juri<Shiori<jealousy for example) varies pretty wildly, though misinformation and frustration both seem to play large parts, like a huge game of Telephone or Gossip. All of this plays into twisting the swords and making them impure.
A possible fourth reason that ties it together might be that the swords haven't been fully forged yet-the Duellists are still children and adolescents. They are still bound by petty things-as the chick cannot fly before it's an adult, their wings are bound...
...but what about those final duels? Touga starts using a different normal sword, giving up his childlike powerplays. Each of the Duellists do something similar, with the exception of Nanami, as she cannot yet change-she is probably younger than Miki if I recall rightly. With this casting away of unattainable desires, they leave unreasoning childhood dreams behind or redefine them to better fit reality and become young adults-the next state for them-their own personal revolutions. As adults, they try once more to fight, but on different terms and with quite different motives and as adults, their swords are complete-fairly ordinary in comparison to the Prince's Sword, but they now keep their own power and find it for now-good enough. what about Utena's sword and the Sword of Dios?
EDIT: *Err.... part of the following was wrong but it is now fixed*
Until the end, Utena's Soul Sword is unseen-she uses a bokken/whatever, a nice sword from Juri .....but never her Soul Sword until Anthy pulls it out after the Sword of Dios. First, I wonder why. Is she not connected to anyone else to the degree where they would wish for her heart? Except for Anthy?....not really. Her aunt doesn't seem to really understand her-not really. (Manga ) Her best friend outside of Ohtori doesn't seem to understand her, even though he truely seems to love her regardless.... she is the one person who doesn't want to be understood, but just wants to be.... and to be an almost stereotypical prince.
In finding someone to crusade for, she redefines herself from the unrealistic quest for Dios and his legacy to someone who wants to be a prince in her own right, not just an extension of Dios and the whims of others... and being such, Akio and Anthy would both be unable to affect the sword or take a part of her away.... thus, her Soul Sword did not tarnish. Akio wasn't able to 'tarnish' her because Utena wouldn't let him.
....and because Akio and Anthy have redefined the Sword of Dios and know what it is, when Akio takes it, the pretensions fall away and it tarnishes. It is in the hands of a child that only appeared to grow up. He has not changed, he has no future except for an endless cycle of death and stagnation, where Utena will bring true change. It is in this realization, Akio loses the catalyst-Anthy, who chooses the newly reborn prince over the dead/dying one.
I would think that the Sword of Dios can be considered 'destroyed'-it then becomes purely Anthy's sword, as she is following Utena's example and her own person and no longer a sort of extension of Dios. This is another possible reason that the Sword seems to wither in his hands.... the sword is no longer his to use, but it isn't Utena's to use, either....
.....because it's Anthy's alone.
Last edited by Anthiena (10-30-2006 03:30:16 PM)
Anthiena wrote:
Until the end, Utena's Soul Sword is unseen-she uses a bokken, a nice sword from Juri-and I don't recall what she uses after the Sword of Dios disappears. (....actually, I haven't seen it.) .....but never her Soul Sword until Akio pulls it out.
Not so. The sword you "don't recall" IS her using her own soul sword. Anthy pulls it out of her for the remainder of the duels. So it is used before Akio draws it.
And I'm pretty sure the practice sword she used was a shinai, not a bokken. The two have distinct differences in appearance and craftsmanship.
Last edited by Rosemary Bats (10-30-2006 03:04:57 PM)
Put it to not seeing it..... ;
....but not many people know the difference between a bokken and a shinai. Why be obscure when you can generalize a bit so more can understand? Meh. Tired. ~___~zzzzz
EDIT: ....and now it is fixed.
Last edited by Anthiena (10-30-2006 03:30:46 PM)
Ivy-chan wrote:
I definitely see Akio as evil in a conventional sense, he indirectly murdered one hundred boys, He broke Nemruro's mind to achieve his goals and discarded him when he wasn't useful, he takes pleasure in the suffering of others, and from what I've seen, he doesn't feel remorse about his actions with the Duelists. Not to mention that whole statutory rape thing.
Touga would be a charge of statutory rape, so I can't take the law seriously. The suggestion that Touga is too young to properly consent to sex just boggles.
Which actually brings me to a thought. Akio does nothing people don't let him do. He's the prime instigator, but consent is always present. The line blurs a little considering the youth and ignorance of many of the characters (flaws Akio would not forgive them for), but he commits no act of 'evil' on his own by force. The one hundred boys didn't choose to die (although I suspect the fine print on their contracts might have worried them had they bothered), but Akio didn't kill them himself, he had Nemuro choose to do it. I suppose in this especially his drawing himself the devil is appropriate. He coerces, manipulates, maybe kinda tricks, but there's always a consenting party in the 'evil' he does, which is especially amusing given the vast majority of his behavior is firmly rooted in his own selfishness.
Tangent. Actually what I meant to say is...maybe the Sword of Dios is tarnished from the very beginning? How hard would it be for Anthy or Akio to simply make it appear all shiny and pretty, and simply not bother later on since it's kinda moot? I tend to assume Touga's magic flashy penis sword was pretty much a fancy projector light show, so it doesn't seem to me a stretch that along with all the other neato INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND MAGIC (tm) graphics that Akio/Anthy throw around for the duels, that it would be pretty much child's play to dress up the sword.
Oh, Akio's not the "Boy howdy, I'm so evil it makes Satan flush crimson with jealous rage, the evilty of my evilness is so wonderfully evil, evil evil evil." club baby seals, steal girlscout cookies, murderous rampage evil. Evil comes in flavors, like ice cream. I'm not debating the fact that he seems to enjoy making elaborate traps for people to fall in themselves, tempting people to commit his sins for him rather than dirtying his own hands. My point was just: 'Akio is evil, even if he's rather nice about it. He gives you perks with your damnation offer, like car rides and sex.'
Good point. Maybe it was originally tarnished anyway. Just one more illusion to add to the Ohtori grab bag.
Ivy-chan wrote:
Evil comes in flavors, like ice cream.
I can imagine anime Akio been the equivalent of the flavour 'Death by Chocolate'
Movie Akio on the other hand comes off more like 'Tutti Fruiti'
Giovanna wrote:
I suppose in this especially his drawing himself the devil is appropriate. He coerces, manipulates, maybe kinda tricks, but there's always a consenting party in the 'evil' he does, which is especially amusing given the vast majority of his behavior is firmly rooted in his own selfishness.
That's exactly what I thought while reading your post. Maybe his character makes such vibrant parallels to Lucifer in order to help the viewers understand what kind of evil he is. Lucifer isn't an evil that forces us either. He's a force that persuades, implies, and makes things seem appealing. He holds the contract and shows you the dotted line when you sign your soul away. But he never forces you into anything. Because humans, as he sees it, are weak little creatures. They are impressionable, and they are slaves to their desires. (*cough Gaiman refrence cough*) Akio sees humans the same way. They're stupid, and he's above them. He doesn't need to force them into anything. All he needs to do is taunt them a little, and point them down the "right" path. They'll follow on their own.
I guess the most common idea among middle-class psuedo-Christian Americans is that the heart is where emotions come from, and the soul is the essence of the person that lives on after they die. I think my upbringing was pretty average and that's the notion I always had. But there are a lot of different ways to think of the mind/body/spirit division, and the "heart/soul" falls under that too. So when you ask which the swords are drawn from, I figure it's the same with either answer. If it's the spiritual heart, that's part of your soul.
I always figured the swords were tarnished in the Black Rose for the same reason the rings were. The power of the deaths of the 100 boys was used to create the Black Rose duelists. Also, the swords were taken by force (a rape). And Utena does often harken to outdated sexual roles and mores, thereby encouraging us to question them. Rape and other sexual abuse tends to create feelings of shame and helplessness in victims (and think about how it was looked on in the past...and still in some cultures).
The fact that the sword was initially drawn out of Anthy never implied to me that she had "taken" a part of the Prince from him (in the sense of divesting him of something). I thought it was due to the connection between the Rose Bride/Prince, herself and her brother. It was drawn out of Anthy as part of her duty as the Rose Bride, the "sheath" for the Sword of the Prince. I always figured the same sword could be drawn from Akio.
Is it ever obvious where the Sword of Dios originally came from--before Dios died? The assumption seems to be that it came from Dios, but maybe he always drew it from his current Princess. That would put an interesting twist on things. Or it could be that drawing a sword from another person EVER is a perversion that started when Dios died.
Anyway, I thought the sword from Anthy disappearing when it did was an illusion, a plan. It wasn't gone, they just needed to start getting the sword from Utena to escalate the duels. I always thought that the entire purpose of the duel "game" was to forge Utena into something close enough to the Prince that her sword would be able to open the door (Akio's certainty that it must be a SWORD he needs is always amusing). The shape of the sword was suggested to her, its function was her ambition.
If it faded when Akio drew it, I figure that's because some of its "spirit" (remnants of its noble purpose) had been transferred to Utena's sword.
I really don't think it has anything to do with the weilder's purity, no human is ever truly "pure", not even Utena has pure motives. Some of her desire save Anthy, as she admits, has to do with gratifying herself.
I have a theory about this
When taking a soul sword the characters never actually touch the duelists or the sword.
In the BRS the characters either touch the sword or touch the duelists' chests(hearts?) as does Akio in the duel called Revolution.
Maybe when you touch someones soul sword you "taint" it with your intentions.
In the final duel when drawing Utena's sword Akio didn't touch Utena's chest or heart. I believe that is the reason Utena's sword wasn't tarnish.