This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
That is one of the most beautiful Utena pictures I've ever seen!
Gorgeous job, Gio, thanks heaps.
This picture just screams MikixKozue in every possible way. It captures their dynamic beautifully. *drool*
...I'm just creeped out by the fact that as I started loading the picture my iTunes started playing Nova. IT'S ON RANDOM. IT WAS PLAYING GODDAMN NAT KING COLE BEFOREHAND.
...dear universe, please stop screwing with my brain. Dear Gio, we you. Dear ikuni, I...have nothing to say to you. Except maybe THANKS A WHOLE DAMN BUNCH.
Yesterday at this time, I was cramming for Med-Surg I final. Tomorrow at this time, I will be in Canada hanging out with Yasha and enjoying hard earned freedom. for SKU.
I finally hunkered down and finished this set, and while I haven't updated the site proper, I figured no reason to upload these to one corner of the site when ultimately they will end up in the gallery. The Miki and Kozue one you've seen, but I did a little more work on it. Enjoy! (Clicky for fulls.)
Those are gorgeous images. I love the roses embedded in the coloring as well as the theme of each image. Everyone gets their own Rose Bride and they're all happy and angsty and beautiful.
Thank you, Gio. Nice work.
Those are so amazingly gorgeous.. thank you Gio!
I'm deeply considering getting a poster made of one of these since they seem to be big enough! If I could only decide which one..