This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
It's the two movie rose gardens that get me, as well as the breezeways. Maybe if movie Ohtori were stationary, people would be okay with it? Personally, the way all the architecture looks like wire, or some kind of superthin wrought iron, makes me love it just a little bit more. Somehow, series Ohtori feels too ornate, too oppulant, a little too rococo for me.
Ivy-Chan wrote:
Movie Ohtori reminds me of the ever-shifting staircases in Harry Potter. You'd look for English 101 and realize it's shifted buildings, and by the time you reach it, you're in the science wing. That's why Mikage wasn't in the movie, because Nemuro would have died of exhaustion trying to get to Nemuro Hall in order to burn it down.
I think I lost a little piece of my ass, I laughed so hard.
Last edited by morosemocha (01-21-2007 10:50:35 PM)
morosemocha wrote:
Somehow, series Ohtori feels too ornate, too oppulant, a little too rococo for me.
Well if dramatic minimalism is more your style, there's always the Chairman's office.
Even the size of the series Ohtori Academy is frightening. My school is huge, but not nearly as large as Ohtori Academy. We have seven minutes to walk across campus, and it's still not enough, so I wonder how long it takes them at Ohtori?
Yes I would!!! Both versions actually I like big pretty schools.
My college is big and not that pretty and if we had something like the rose garden from the movie it would be used for binge drinking, sleeping or public lovemaking
I would probably go. I grew up going to private schools anyway...granted they were all Catholic, but still, private is private. Although, to be fair, I would be a female student who does what Utena does and dresses in a boys uniform. When I was in school I was all about doing whatever I could to get out of wearing that skirt.
In high school I loved when they introduced a sweat suit uniform for the winter. It was navy blue sweat pants, and a navy blue sweatshirt with the shcool's crest on it.
Anyway I would go to Ohtori. I'm not sure I'd have made it as a possible duelist, but I'm sure I would have been picked out for the Black Rose. Ah interesting stuff...
Razara wrote:
Even the size of the series Ohtori Academy is frightening. My school is huge, but not nearly as large as Ohtori Academy. We have seven minutes to walk across campus, and it's still not enough, so I wonder how long it takes them at Ohtori?
My first high school was GIANT. I had a ten minute passing and the teachers all gave a five minute grace period before class started. My first hour was in the auditorium on one side of the school, and my second hour was japanese, which was on (the far side of ) the secondary campus. I took a little pedometer thingie with me once, and just those two classes alone was a little short of a mile. It sucked. I hated that school so much. Plus it was ugly.
If I were looking at beautiful things, then a mile walk between classes might not be so bad.
Last edited by morosemocha (01-21-2007 11:13:18 PM)
Another cool thing about going to ohtori is that if I was like Utena after the duel, the idea that I would get to stay in a dorm without any adult supervision would KICK SO MUCH BOTTOM! (saying ass is so cliche)
I'd probably go. It doesn't seem that hard to fly under Akio's radar as long as you stay the hell away from anyone with a rose signet. I bet the other students enjoy a quiet education blissfully unaware of all the crazy crap going on in the background.
... But not being able to watch the interesting bits would take away from being a student there. Still, they have a REALLY COOL BUILDING.
I think I'd have fun with any School-based anime school. Still, if the magic portal to a fictional universe spirots are reading this I think I'd far more enjoy Mai Otome. Mmm, nanomachines.
Edit: Seriously, what the hell me. Spirots? I'm leaving that there to teach myself a lesson about posting at 3AM.
Last edited by Hinotori (01-22-2007 01:08:01 AM)
I would, I SO would. But I'd probably fail all my classes and get kicked out eventually. I get that impression because Ohtori reminds me too much of the school I'm attending right now. U shaped buildings and weird students tend to do that.
I would love to go to Ohtori. Not only because living by yourself (away from the family) is my most desired dream, but also because it would be a fantastic opportunity for mesure my personal limits, in body and mind (AND flirting )
Hinotori wrote:
It doesn't seem that hard to fly under Akio's radar as long as you stay the hell away from anyone with a rose signet.
This is amusing, you all want to fly under his radar and I'm trying to crash right into the antenna.
Actually that would happen without knowledge of the dueling games. I spent my entire 3rd-5th grade career in the principal's office yapping religion. I skipped class for this. No one cared. 1st-3rd? Teacher's lounge. 8th-10th? Counselor's office. Had you asked me who the popular kids were I wouldn't have been able to tell you. But I knew what the dean was eating for lunch. This bodes well for me at Ohtori.
Except for that naughty skirt-chasing VP. He's ugly.
Yeah, when I was young, there would have been no chance at all he'd have noticed me except for the wonderful mental quirks that would make it easy to manipulate me. It's almost the opposite now, and I suspect I would get noticed. Even before I did something nasty to Touga. Akio would think I was great fun.
Edit: I agree about that VP though. He can stay the hell away from me. Actually, out of what, three teachers that we see, only one isn't hitting on a kid? In that case, I think I'd bring a taser to school in case the administration got out of hand
Last edited by Yasha (01-22-2007 09:31:02 AM)
I wish that Akio would take over my high school.
The "Forest Behind the School" is actually the track field, but it's surrounded by a forest. As for the Headmaster's Residence, I'm not sure if she lives there or if it's just an office, but she stays in a white house across the street. I don't actually recall ever seeing her. The vice principle always does the announcements.
I don't know man, those sleeves really creep me out. I'm getting all kinds of weird signals from those things.
But, it's probably way better than my school now, so I guess I could deal with the sleeve issue.
I think I'm the only one here who you couldn't pay to go to Ohtori.
1.) I wouldn't go back to any junior high or high school again. They all suck ass no matter what.
2.) I've been to private schools before. They tend to be filled with the most stuck-up, unpleasant people ever. Also, ew uniforms.
3.) Any interaction with the cast will probably end up with me being royally mindfucked. I'm generally not slutty enough in real life to actually put up with the hot boys' shenanigans, and doing so will most likely leave me mentally unbalanced like everyone else. Not worth it to me.
4.) Once more, JAPANESE private school. Sure, slightly European influenced, but they still most likely make you rote-memorize random crap until your brain comes out your ears.
I would, however, do whatever it takes to go to college for eternity.
Frau Eva wrote:
I would, however, do whatever it takes to go to college for eternity.
To me, Ohtori seems alot more like college then highschool, so, I would defenitely go.
Interesting, insane, hot guys, lots of clubs, occasional big parties, sounds amazing.
Yes, I would go to Ohtori. I definitely wouldn't put my real reasons for going to the school on my application though Plus, I kinda wanna duel. I'd lose miserably, but I just want the experience. I might get to ride in the Akio car!!! EEK! (fangirl squeal)
Sure, why not? I could get used to learning and living at Ohtori Academy. I'm used to walking massive distances to get from one point to another. And being in an unsupervised dorm seems pretty neat. Also, Frau Eva and Iris have a point about it being more like college than school. Hinotori's right about "flying under Akio's radar" if you're not too important to anybody in the Duels.
I think, though, I'd choke on the food there. I'm not that big on Japanese cuisine...unless Pocky counts...
Razara wrote:
I wish that Akio would take over my high school.
Where do you go to school? That place is huge!! I can't read the writing very well. Is it a boarding school? My school is not so good. We don't even have a map on the internet...
Ivy-chan wrote:
Movie Ohtori reminds me of the ever-shifting staircases in Harry Potter. You'd look for English 101 and realize it's shifted buildings, and by the time you reach it, you're in the science wing. That's why Mikage wasn't in the movie, because Nemuro would have died of exhaustion trying to get to Nemuro Hall in order to burn it down.
That is gold!
It's also why I'd rather go to series Ohtori. I get lost very easily.
I love Harry Potter. Ohgod, I want to go to Hogwarts.
But this is not a HP thread.
I would go to Ohtori. The campus is beautiful, and it sounds like the perfect opportunity to grow up and really excel in life. I would hate to be in the movie Ohtori though. I would probably fall off the sky scrapers, and get lost unfailingly. The architecture is a marvel, yes, but it's not practical or livable. Plus, it feels very... unsoft.
I'd go to Ohtori. But then, like many people I'd like to go back and do highschool again, knowing what I know now.
Plus I think I'd look cute in the teal uniform.
Anime Highschool is by no stretch of the imagination Real Highschool. You couldn't pay me to go back to IRL highschool but if you told me I could be a 15 year old Ohtori student I'd jump at the chance.
There have been a few times I've watched Stopani or MariMite and saw catholic schoolgirls as compassionate, gentle, and deligthfully bicurious. Then I remember I've BEEN to an all-girl Catholic school and the reality was girls that were bitchy, backstabbing, and probably more boycrazy than coed girls.
Hinotori wrote:
Then I remember I've BEEN to an all-girl Catholic school and the reality was girls that were bitchy, backstabbing, and probably more boycrazy than coed girls.
Maybe because they don't see boys, and thus don't realize that they're stupid? And they have cooties?
(most of them do, anyway, unlike our wonderful forum boys here )
But then that begs the question, do Ohtori boys have cooties?