This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I don't know about you cats, but the way my father and I bond is through watching rubber monster movies. You may laugh, you may ridicule, and you may think I'm a complete doofus, but I love them. I mean come on, how can you not love a rubber toy crashing into cardboard boxes while a bunch of people are running around screaming at nothing? I hold a certain type of respect for these films, and here are my top 3:
1. Reptilicus- This is the best movie EVER MADE. I mean come on, it's a like a floppy stick that squirts ooze. It's marvelous.
2. Teenagers from Outter Space- OK, it didn't even have teenagers in it. It was about a giant killer shadow lobster, and it's pretty hard to beat that.
and 3. The Crawling Eye- It's a blow-up beach ball with an eye painted on it, and sticks coming out of it. Pure genius.
Godzilla isn't on here, because believe it or not, Godzilla is actually BETTER and more WELL MADE than any of those movies. Scary, I know.
There's an edit button for that sort of thing
I've never seen a rubber monster movie. Can you explain the attraction to me? I want to know why I should watch them, and why you respect them.
OMG I LOVE TEENAGERS FROM OUTERSPACE. That poor lobster looked SO confused!! ((
It's the cheese factor. I think it's the same mental process that allows people to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show every other weekend for years on end, and I used to be one of those people so I'm not complaining.
Sorry, everytime somebody says something about Godzilla, i can't stop thinking about his gay son, Barney.
Does that count?
I must see these movies. Rubber movie monsters are TEH WIN.
Personally, my favourite cheesy movies are splatter comedies made on the lowest possible budget possible. Being a Kiwi, I have an incredible fondness for Peter Jackson's earliest effort, Bad Taste. The exploding sheep must be seen to be believed! ...although my personal favourite of his movies has to be Braindead, as watching that twat Richard Taylor get half-eaten by a crazy little monkey was hilarious. Not to mention the bit with the lawnmower. Cheesy backyard special effects are the best thing ever invented, dammit!
Weta was born in creating the Braindead. So, if there was no Braindead, the Lord of the Rings wouldn't look half as good. Yeah, that movie rocks...
And so does Rocky Horror. It's not cheesy! It's not! It's deep and profound and cool. And Denial is a river in Egypt...
Yasha wrote:
There's an edit button for that sort of thing
I've never seen a rubber monster movie. Can you explain the attraction to me? I want to know why I should watch them, and why you respect them.
Well, it's kinda a cult thingy. Someone might look at one and say, "Hey, this is the best thing ever!" And then, someone might look at it and say, "Wow, what type of a loser likes this crap?" It really depends on the person. I like them because... Well... They make me laugh. They're so crappy, that I just can't help but find joy in them.
Thank Shiva for edit buttons.
Emiemipoemi wrote:
OMG I LOVE TEENAGERS FROM OUTERSPACE. That poor lobster looked SO confused!!
You, my friend, are officially one of the coolest internet people ever. ^.^