This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
gorgeousshutin wrote:
Gaston wrote:
What you said make me thinking and I realized my two favorites Juri/Shiori stories are tell entirely from Shiori's point of view and that probably not a coincidence.
Dear Gaston, could this be a reason why you 'Favorite-ed' a certain lengthy, obscure UtenaXPenguindrum fic over at FFML? Because the story opens with a Shiori POV scene? Either way, its author thirst for feedback in all forms, and is thankful for your kind encouragement
Oh my god you remember I added your fanfic in my favorites. Yeah I liked it but also how everyone interact with Male!Utena and when you treat Mikage. That so cute and sad when he honks Tokiko.
Gaston wrote:
Oh my god you remember I added your fanfic in my favorites.
Yeah I liked it but also how everyone interact with Male!Utena and when you treat Mikage. That so cute and sad when he honks Tokiko.
Heheh, I appreciate everyone willing to read and give feedbacks to my Utena fanfic, so I make sure to give proper thanks to all supporters. And a 'Favorite' is such a boost for any writer, so of course I'd remember you, Gaston!
On Pet Peeves, I'm happy that you like my treatment of Male!Utena, because I know of a few people who find exactly that to be their Peeve. Some fans dislike the idea that post-show Utena be a semi-broken hero who had to go through a ‘sacrifice’ (something Ikuhara himself say is crucial to saving others in an interview) for saving Anthy. Having made that sacrifice (getting forced-feminized by Akio’s/Anthy’s/Sword’s misogynist words/stabbing), my Utena then has to struggle hard every step of the angsty 10 Yr After . . . something that also puts off people preferring to see Utena effortlessly awesome/triumphant immediately after Final Duel (in spite of her last scene being the Swords rushing her). The way how it takes some time for the cast to gradually re-acquaint/accept this changed Utena in Seinen (as it would realistically happen in Japanese culture) is also something that some people dislike reading about. Thus why I’ve put a slew of warnings in the notes, so sensitive people don’t go into the fic getting shocked/triggered.
Then again, a number of people who reviewed Seinen actually like Male! Utena’s concept and execution. And, being that Seinen don’t get nearly as many reviews as other Utena fics of its length, the pro Male! Utena reviewers actually do make up the majority. I think I can now safely say that I’ve made the right artistic decision with Male!Utena, even if it’s not one that caters to the main demographic of active SKU readers in this day and age.
P.S. Seinen is currently at its Brake Failure Arc (which is Part 18 separated into a standalone story):
It’s an ongoing effort, one that I hope is still continuing to please!