This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
After a horrendous four or five months of severe mental and physical health problems, including but not limited to the removal of 1/3 of my reproductive system (I TOLD the bastards to take all of it, but no, they wouldn't listen to me), which forced me to move home with my awful fundagelical father and stepmother with NO internets, I'm back! Finally! Sweet, sweet broadband, how I've missed you.
Granted I have NO idea if any of y'all even remember me, but I did remember you! I look forward to getting back into the swing of things here. You're a fun group of people to post with
More later, once I've read a bit and caught myself up,
- The Exposition Fairy
I'm glad to hear you're so much better -- that sounds horrendous, and it's great that it's over. Welcome back to the forums.
Welcome home, ExpositionFairy! I hope you're handling the surgery well.
Welcome back!
I'm also someone who remembers seeing your name around here.
welcome back it seem you had several months of hell but is good they are over and you are on the forum again
Wow, sounds like your surgery didn't go quite as well as mine. Hugs and
for you, welcome back! (Of course we remember you, silly.)
Welcome back! There's always something happening here so you have a lot of lurking to do to catch up.
...yeah, I probably shouldn't be the one saying that since I haven't been here much lately.
yeah...lots of catching up to do, but welcome back
Thanks, everybody! It's good to be back. ...god DAMN catching up is hard @_@
...on another note, how the heck did that "I" get into the title of my post?
Holy compliments, Batman! I rate an announcement in the vIRGin?! I am deeply, sincerely flattered, Yasha.
No problem, sweetie. I figured it was news.
Also, that I is fixed now.